Remote Neural Monitoring : The big fraud towards Digital Slavery

„Remote Neural Monitoring : The big fraud towards Digital Slavery“

Remote Neural Monitoring is a non-invasive Functional Neuroimaging technique allowing anyone’s brain to be turned into a camera and microphone device by decoding wirelessly acquired brain imaging data and extracting subvocalizations, visual and auditory perceptions using Artificial Intelligence.

The development of this technology started in the 60’s with the MKUltra’s subproject 119 intended to allow recording and analysis of brain activity using bioelectric sensors and manipulation of the human being through electromagnetic means.

The first demonstration of Brain Computer Interface in humans took place in 1964 when Grey Walter demonstrated use of non-invasively recorded encephalogram (EEG) signals from a human subject to control a slide projector. In 1971 the term brain-computer interface (BCI) was coined by Jacques J. Vidal, who laid out a comprehensive experimental research plan to interface the human brain with computers.

On February 9, 1972, the Advanced Research Projects Agency awarded a contract to the Stanford Research Institute (CSRI) to determine the feasibility of bio-cybernetic communication. The research concluded that the EEG reveals similar responses during silent reading to that during overt speech and that these responses may be classified correctly by a computer with a high degree of accuracy. This opened the gate for mind reading.

Many of the victims of MKULTRA had been unwitting subjects who had been lied to and coerced into unethical experimentation. Victims’ complaints had prompted congressional hearings and the unethical experimentation conducted by the CIA on unwitting subjects began to be exposed. The public was outraged at the abuse. The congress was dismayed. The CIA began looking for other ways to continue their mind control research with greater plausible deniability and less chance of getting caught. The era of Remote Neural Monitoring had begun.

The research that followed focused on remotely sensing the small electrical potentials generated by the brain electrical activity. Remotely detecting brain waves would negate the need for scalp electrodes and alleviate the requirement for informed consent on the subjects. One researcher, Robert G. Malech, researched remotely monitoring and altering brain waves which culminated in the filing U.S. Patent number 3951134 in 1974.

The technology has evolved and the intelligence community has now the ability to seamlessly perform Remote Functional Brain Imaging using Measurement and Signal Intelligence on a large scale and they are able to extract sensory perceptions using Artificial Intelligence.

Voice to skull is a communication technology which allows delivering sound to a specific individual by the mean of electromagnetic waves without any receiving device. There is 2 common ways to achieve this. The first one is by leveraging the Microwave Auditory Effect : by beaming pulsed microwave to a person’s ear, a thermoelastic expansion of portions of the auditory apparatus occurs which leads to sound being heard. The second approach is by leveraging the photoacoustic effect : by sweeping a laser beam at the speed of sound at a wavelength absorbed by water, it is possible to transmit audible message to a specific a person.“

Combining remote neural monitoring for data acquisition (from human brain to computer) and voice to skull for data transmission (from computer to human brain) allows for a wireless, non-invasive, non-removable Brain Computer Interface providing Synthetic Telepathy feature. This technology is currently being used by NATO intelligence agencies for different purposes :

– surveillance : by remotely acquiring and decoding brain waves, it allows reading into people’s mind, seeing through their eyes, hearing through their ears, seeing and hearing their dreams without their consent. Hundreds of millions of people’s brain imaging data is being collected in realtime and stored on servers where they can be reused to see into anyone’s past when necessary.
– blackmailing : the omniscience offered by this technology allows this mafia to trap and blackmail all influential people.
– recruitment : intelligence agencies use synthetic telepathy to perform intensive illegal interrogatories on people they want to recruit.

Synthetic telepathy allows intelligence agencies to use a wide variety of Mind Control Techniques to data mine people’s brain and brainwash them. Using voice to skull, it is possible to replace people’s inner voice and pipe in voice commands directly into the subconscious mind. Through synthetic telepathy interrogatories it is possible to trigger visual memory recalls that are being picked up and decoded via Remote Neural Monitoring and trick a targeted individual into remembering connected events thus widening the mind map collection.

To pry into people’s mind using Remote Neural Monitoring is the worst violation of privacy ever committed. Ability to pipe in instructions into people’s subconscious minds and filling individuals mental space with brainwashing instructions using Voice To Skull is a terrible threat to personal integrity.

It is important to keep in mind that in the same way that software vulnerabilities are being kept secret by cybercriminals that exploit them in the wild, the brain vulnerability to Electromagnetic Waves performing Functional Neuroimaging seamlessly is classified as Top Secret and all Scientific Research and publications on this topic are under control.

Non Invasive Functional Brain Imaging Techniques“


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