„Welcome to Spookland: Tricks of the Trade of the CIA“
„The CIA has many controversial friends. Over the years, it has maintained many ties with the Mafia and organized crime, and it is very likely that Mob hit men have done contract work for the CIA in the past.“
“ It is not suprising that the only ‚friends‘ the CIA has are people who are equally as untrusting of others, and untrustworthy, as it is in its affairs – mercenaries, soldiers of fortune, cutthroats, adventurers, and other spy agencies such as the Israeli Mossad.“
„Certainly, the CIA was carrying out clandestine activity at many U.S. universities in strategic locations.“
„The CIA and the KGB often get involved with complex games with each other – games so elaborate and pointless..“
„The CIA and College Campuses
The nation was shocked by a series of revelations in 1967 that the CIA was connected to the National Student Association. It was revealed in a series of articles that the CIA often maintained professors as recruiting agents on college campuses who were to keep their eyes out for students..
Many universities discovered, to their discomfort, that CIA-connected professors were often taking a cue on their curriculum from the Agency, and saw it as threat to academic freedom. Student leftists often tried to ‚out‘ those professors and get them fired.“
„Many academic behaviorists received those funds for their research into human-behavior control. But academic research into covert warfare technology … in addition to the general DoD funding of projects such as SDI.“
„The CIA must be „broken in a thousand pieces,“ as Kennedy wanted, and built anew, into something that will not be a disgrace to American principles and ideals.“
„The Secret Government: Banks, Guns, and Shadow Proprietaries
The „Enterprise,“ as it was called, was a joint effort during the 1980s between the NSA, CIA, and DIA to go over Congress‘ policy in Central America.“
Source: https://educate-yourself.org/mc/spooklandtricks19oct06.shtml