Alec Baldwin „Rust“ Shooting Analysis and Comparison to Brandon Lee Incident on „The Crow“

„Alec Baldwin „Rust“ Shooting Analysis and Comparison to Brandon Lee Incident on „The Crow““ „Rusting Away“

„123.979 Aufrufe – 23.10.2021“
„Dr. Todd Grande
885.000 Abonnenten
This video answers the question: Can I analyze the movie set shooting of Halyna Hutchins, which involved the actor Alec Baldwin, and compare the incident to the shooting of Brandon Lee?“

Conspiracy Revelation: 25.10.2021: Just make peaceful movies…and stop your gun-fanatism in U.S.A. … Gun-Movies will be completely go out of fashion in the future…
In the 90s it was still something, but not nowadays. Hollywood is not a good place for advancement in higher spiritual gnosis. You see how ignorance rules there when someone, I nearly forgot his name, like Clooney promotes genocidal Vaccines…Utter ignorant NWO conformists en masse there.

436060cookie-checkAlec Baldwin „Rust“ Shooting Analysis and Comparison to Brandon Lee Incident on „The Crow“
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