The "gyrotron resonance maser"…

„The „gyrotron resonance maser“, a machine that talks to the brain. The PREMA scanner“ („Personal Radio and Electromagnetic Frequency Allocation”) identifies the unique frequency of a brain. „Troposcatter“ microwave transmitters sold to Iraq for communications are of the same technical genus as the „gyrotron resonance maser“, a machine that talks to the brain.
Operation mode of the gyrotron resonance maser:
1. Surrounds body in an EM flux
2. Beams into body a microwave communication field
3. Laser reads changes in electrons after passing through body
4. A computerized scan (cf. CAT scan) sorts the frequencies of the brain. This is accomplshed with a „PREMA scanner“ where PREMA stands for „Personal Radio and Electromagnetic Frequency Allocation” (PREMA)“.
A PREMA scanner identifies the frequency that is unique to a person’s brain (this frequency is termed “Freak”). Once the “Freak” is determined the mind of the person becomes a controllable link in a cybernetic network.“
„Notes and excerpts from Alex Constantine’s book
Section “Telemetric Mind Control”
Kindle edition locations 1370 and 1402″

397800cookie-checkThe "gyrotron resonance maser"…
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