CIA Partners With Amazon For Cloud Surveillance & RFID Locators

„CIA Partners With Amazon For Cloud Surveillance & RFID Locators
„..Amazon signed a contract to provide digital data on cloud computing and information on customers to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  For $600 million over 10 years, Amazon will spy on their customers for the federal government.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has agreed to assist the CIA in building a “private cloud infrastructure” with data mining technologies to expand the CIA’s surveillance capabilities.
AWS provides software that will allow the user to “run virtually everything in the cloud: from enterprise applications and big data projects to social games and mobile apps.”
Amazon hopes to expand AWS apps into smartphones and androids.
Cloud computing is also under surveillance as every conversation is recording and filed. While Microsoft denies this is true, the adherence to their rules and regulations explains that all your personal information is stored within Skype. In section 2 of their user contract explains: “Our primary purpose in collecting information is to provide you with a safe, smooth, efficient, and customized experience. Skype collects and uses, or has third party service providers acting on Skype’s behalf collecting and using, personal data relating to you, as permitted or necessary to . . .”
Last year, Broadcom introduced an RFID chip to be installed in “many models of [Google’s] Android phones” that could locate the user within a few centimeters, vertically and horizontally, indoors and out. . . In theory, the new chip can even determine what floor of a building you’re on, thanks to its ability to integrate information from the atmospheric pressure sensor.”
Apple, Google and Microsoft has been in the news recently for using software to track their user’s movements. They are knowingly storing data on their users that is used by law enforcement and given directly to the Department of Homeland Security for profiling purposes. ISPs have joined the bandwagon of corporations spying on their users for the sake of “protecting” intellectual properties. They collect, database and give information on web browser searches, emails, text messages, and phone call conversations.
Microsoft has been tracking users of the Windows phones since their inception. The device carries a unique ID which interacts with WiFi locations and GPS to know any person’s longitude and latitude. Customer privacy is not a concern of Microsoft. The locator utilizes locator information from nearby phones to ping back-and-forth to gain the most accurate coordinates of the person being tracked.
Last March, Android was outfitted with patented technology that utilizes ambient background noise of an individual’s environment to spy on them. The patent also describes using ‘temperature, humidity, light and air composition’ to produced targeted adverts.
The patent reads: “Information about an environmental condition of a remote device is received, the environmental condition being determined based on a signal output from a sensor of the remote device or a sensor coupled to the remote device. An advertisement is identified based on the environmental condition, and the advertisement is provided to the remote device.”
The Android phone could be engaged to use any combination of sensors, data points and advert to the user in media beyond the phone, such as internet searches and local billboards.
The use of the targeted advertising has been shown to combine surveillance and data mining of users by handing over private digital data to other entities that violate user privacy laws.“

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