Russia has issued a ‘protective patch’ against a CIA backdoor found embedded within all Microsoft software programs

„Russia has issued a ‘protective patch’ against a CIA backdoor found embedded within all Microsoft software programs
Kaspersky Lab, one of the world’s largest privately owned cybersecurity companies, discovered the “backdoor” after running advanced scans on Microsoft software.
Kaspersky has a long history of thwarting US intelligence agencies’ attempts to spy on citizens. As The Economist notes:
“Kaspersky Lab has repeatedly impressed skeptics by exposing genuine and serious cyber-security problems. In 2010, for instance, it helped uncover Stuxnet, a computer worm designed to sabotage the Iranian nuclear programme.
2017: On February 16th Kaspersky appeared to repeat this feat, not once, but twice.
First it released a report detailing how a gang it calls Carbanak had hacked the computer systems of banks around the world. It said the gang had stolen several hundred million dollars by moving money to fake accounts and making cash machines dispense their contents.
The same day the firm said it had discovered the “Equation Group”, apparently part of the NSA, which it said was able to embed spyware in computers that gives it total control over them, even after the hard disk has been erased and the operating system reinstalled.” reports: On 12 May of this year, this report details, the international whistle blowing organization WikiLeaks released the latest instalment in their Vault7 Series that detailed two CIA hacking tools dubbed ‘AfterMidnight’ and ‘Assassin’ that target the Microsoft Windows platform providing these US spies with total access to anyone’s computer or cell phone they so choose.
Upon Kaspersky Lab experts examining these CIA hacking tools, this report explains, they discovered a “backdoor” embedded in all Microsoft software named “PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutin” that sadistically prevents antivirus software from finding computer virus malware—and that Microsoft refused to issue a security “patch” for with their stunningly stating: “Our engineers reviewed the information and determined this does not pose a security threat and we do not plan to address it with a security update.”
With Microsoft failing to protect their software from this CIA “backdoor”, this report continues, Kaspersky Lab created their own “fix” for it, this past June, which they then placed in their global anti-virus software product called Kaspersky Total Security.
Immediately after Kaspersky Lab released this “fix” to protect people and their Microsoft software using computer devices from this CIA “backdoor”, this report further details, the FBI began nighttime raids against this company’s employees living in the United States, and then went on a vicious campaign telling private companies in America to no longer use the Kaspersky Total Security anti-virus programme because it was an “unacceptable threat to national security”—but with no one in the US offering any proof to substantiate this outrageous claim.
In response to this attack against his company, this report details, Eugene Kaspersky publically offered to provide to the US the source code to his Kaspersky Total Security anti-virus programmed in order to prove that it wasn’t a Trojan horse for Russian spies—with his further stating that he was ready to testify in front of Congress, too—“anything” to show that his company is above board.
Instead of accepting Kaspersky’s offer, however, and again without offering any evidence, this report says, US Democratic Party Senator Jeanne Shaheen began pushing for a total US federal government-wide ban of anti-virus security software developed by Kaspersky Lab—and America’s largest electronics retailer, Best Buy, further declaring that it was taking all Kaspersky Lab anti-virus products immediately off of their store shelves—and their even offering to have their Geek Squad remove it from their customers computers too—but with their failing to notify anyone that their Geek Squad tech workers are, also, employed by the FBI to secretly search computers for child pornography.
The “red herring” (something that distracts attention from the real issue) being used by the US against Kaspersky Lab, this report explains, is its supposed “connection” to the Russian government and intelligence agencies—which is an astonishing and outrageous accusation coming from a nation where the CIA has turned every Microsoft Windows PC in the world into spyware and can activate “backdoors” on demand, including via Windows update—and whose Patriot Act laws give US spy agencies the unlimited power to spy on anyone’s computers, emails, phone calls, you name it, they want to.
This report concludes by noting that its “findings and determinations” formed the basis for President Putin just ordering Russia to move away from foreign software for the sake of security—and who stated to all the Russian people: “You shouldn’t offer IBM products, or foreign software. We won’t be able to take it because of too many risks.”“

194440cookie-checkRussia has issued a ‘protective patch’ against a CIA backdoor found embedded within all Microsoft software programs
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