„Time Travel, UFO Crash Retrievals & Ancient Magic – Week in Review Exopolitics Today – July 8, 2023“
„18.772 Aufrufe 08.07.2023
Dr. Michael Salla covers the top exopolitics news stories from July 1 to 6, 2023, concerning university professors studying ancient texts on magic; exoracism; sensitive JFK assassination files continue to be withheld; starmaking projects; studying Foreign Material Exploitation and UFO crash retrieval programs; orbs being flight tested at Area 51; time travel, and more.
This is the fifth in a new series of „Exopolitics Today – Week in Review“ episodes that will be published on Saturday mornings.“
„So very intriguing that extraterrestrials would want to trade in Consciousness or Soul extracts and use a soul extract for a certain period of time, so this is kind of like really fascinating. Now I remember uh back in the early, I began
researching the work of Alex Collier and Alex said that what the Andromedans
often would do was that they would intercept the the ships of the Dows, the
Dow Grays and he would say that they would find hundreds of these containers
and they would hold the soul extract of beings of of children
and that those Soul extracts were being traded, sold. This was highly
exploitable and and that’s what the Greys were doing and so the Andromedans would come in, rescue those Soul extracts and.. the bodies presumably were eliminated, so they would treat them in a humane way, now I’m not sure if that meant uh just helping them find a new body, entering the reincarnational cycle, that’s something Alex could maybe address, but I thought it was very interesting that
there was this exposure of this kind of slave trade in Soul extracts or Consciousness.“
„There’s a lot of Christians, Muslims, Jews around the world, in particular the abrahamic faiths that have been conditioned to believe that there is this Supreme Being that created humanity and that that being transcends all of these other kind of gods or extraterrestrial civilizations, that humans were created by this supreme being, so then to find out that in fact humans were created by a multiplicity of extraterrestrials and that there is no one Supreme Being, it’s just that being that we call Yahweh, is in fact a sky God, the sky God Enlil from the Anunnaki that is something that would be deeply shocking to a lot of people, but nevertheless I think this has to happen but I thought it’s a very intriguing uh issue to investigate.“
„JP being in the U.S military but in that day of course he went on on this Mission, spent 10 years at a different time period and came back just an hour
or two after he left, he gives a debrief or maybe he’s just
sent home to be reunited with his family and as far as JP’s concerned 10 years
has elapsed for him, he’s 10 years older unless something is done to do the
reverse aging he didn’t say anything about that other than saying that he would be 10 years older and that that could create problems, I mean you can
imagine if his wife and children see him coming back that afternoon uh he’s just come back from work but he looks 10 years older, I was like what happened, you must have had a terrible day, so yeah, very interesting, but he didn’t volunteer for that mission…“
Super Soldiers age differently…