Evil Synbio vs Organic Life

„Dr. Hildegard discusses her findings of a lab made life form referred to then as Morgellons. Morgellons was and is synthetic biology, the same that is conceptually referred to in the IoBNT, IoB, WBAN and so forth.
Onionhead Andrew has been targeted for illegal neuroweapon experimentation and torture for the last ten years. In the last four years he has survived many attempts on his life. A few years ago he traveled the Americas looking for freedom from the NSA/FBI kill-torture program and found that every government was complicit. The governments of the world are conspiring in a global plan to kill 13/14 people. Agenda 2030. They are poisoning the food, air and water with heavy metals and Synthetic Biology while using Directed Energy Weapons to facilitate a bidirectional stream of networking to and from organic biosensors built by Synthetic Biology. We are in a world changing event referred to as the fourth industrial revolution or biodigital convergence. Onionhead Andrew was weapons tested on for the last decade.“


„It would be called a manmade Parasite.“ /Checked /Truth
„A 2-part polyester, so it has to be manmade.“ /Checked /Truth
„I don´t consider it contagious.“ /Checked /Truth
„Liquid Crystals with DNA-Plasma.“

„The Chemtrail spraying is just out of Control.“
Morgellon-Cases: Early on (20 years ago circa… Remark Conspiracy Revelation) „60000 in USA, a 100000 worldwide, with an Expansion Rate of 1000s a Day.“

„Keep your Body healthy.“
„Do some Yoga.“

Early Revelations of IoT/IoBnT/WBAN/MBAN 2006 – Chemtrail Synthetic Biology Criminals and NWO IEEE DOD DARPA CIA NSA DIA BND FBI BKA GeStaPo Staazi Stasi CoIntelPro Silicon Valley Big Tech Corporate Media Censor Mafia Conglomerate NIH Wireless Telecommunications Big Oil Big Bank Big Pharma MIC Zion Telehealth Alphabet Inc plus Tech Universities Parasitic Global Crime Syndicate – Biggest Conspiracy of All Time…

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