„China hiding MASSIVE Death Toll from Coronavirus“
„1.429.990 Aufrufe•01.04.2020
China Uncensored
1,57 Mio. Abonnenten“
Conspiracy Revelation: 23.3.2021: The Stats in China are impossible…really… I will ride on this topic until people get it.
„China hiding MASSIVE Death Toll from Coronavirus“
„1.429.990 Aufrufe•01.04.2020
China Uncensored
1,57 Mio. Abonnenten“
Conspiracy Revelation: 23.3.2021: The Stats in China are impossible…really… I will ride on this topic until people get it.
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Seit es die USA gibt, ging es darum, andere Staaten zu dominieren. Wir haben sie wirtschaftlich abhängig gemacht. Wir geben militärisch den Ton an. Und wir setzen, dank CIA und FBI, auf ihrem Gebiet unsere Politik durch. (Gore Vidal)
Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent. (H.L. Mencken)
"The Chief of CNN told to leave the reports with him. He said: "America is earning from two things: Weapons and
Medicines. Biological weapons are no longer there and if medicines are also no longer needed then the economy of that country will shatter. It is a very serious matter. (Gurudev Siyag)
Dear reader, traditional human power structures and their reign of darkness are about to be rendered obsolete. (Richard Buckminster Fuller)