Gang Stalking and Remote Neural Monitoring of Local Officials aka Traitors of Humanity

„Your local police department has the electronics to lock on to your body to track you using these signals. The cops, firemen and paramedics are all involved in gangstalking and electronic harassment. The roll out of this technology on a wide scale is going on right now. The police state is here. You have no rights which the local police do not give you. They perform gangstalking themselves and organize local thugs for gangstalking.
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How does someone read your thoughts, hear what you hear, see what you see? How does someone put thoughts, images and sound in your head, bypassing your eyes and ears, directly to the auditory nerve and visual cortex? With frequencies. Frequencies are carried by every cell in your body and all body parts have their own frequency.
The first Remote Neural Monitoring Patent #3951134 A, was granted to Inventor R.G. Malech, on April 20, 1976. It is called “Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves.” The assignee was Dorne & Margolin, Inc. of Bohemia, NY. The patent was acquired by an American company named Edo Corporation1 which designed and manufactured products for defense, intelligence, and commercial markets, and provided related engineering and professional services. EDO’s assets were bought by ITT Defense Electronics and Services in 2007. As of October 2011, these assets are now part of ITT Exelis.2 Its customers currently include the US Army, US Navy US Air Force, US Marine Corp, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Aviation Administration and NASA. These are the entities attacking their own defenseless citizens.
The patent describes a technique using the transmission of 100 and 210 MHz signals to the brain yielding a 110 MHz signal (heterodyning3) which is modulated by the brain waves and can be detected by a receiver for further processing and can be sent back to the brain to make changes in its electrical activity which could be to modify behavior, induce sleep, stimulate emotions or sexual arousal, erase memory or change/split personality, etc.
Heterodyning is a radio signal processing technique invented in 1901 by Canadian inventor-engineer Reginald Fessenden, in which new frequencies are created by combining or mixing two frequencies.
Abstract of the Patent
Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.
Medical science has found brain waves to be a useful barometer of organic functions. Measurements of electrical activity in the brain have been instrumental in detecting physical and psychic disorder, measuring stress, determining sleep patterns, and monitoring body metabolism.
The present invention relates to apparatus and a method for monitoring brain waves wherein all components of the apparatus employed are remote from the test subject. More specifically, high frequency transmitters are operated to radiate electromagnetic energy of different frequencies through antennas which are capable of scanning the entire brain of the test subject or any desired region thereof. The signals of different frequencies penetrate the skull of the subject and impinge upon the brain where they mix to yield an interference wave modulated by radiations from the brain’s natural electrical activity. The modulated interference wave is re-transmitted by the brain and received by an antenna at a remote station where it is demodulated, and processed to provide a profile of the subject’s brain waves. In addition to passively monitoring his brain waves, the subject’s neurological processes may be affected by transmitting to his brain, through a transmitter, compensating signals. The latter signals can be derived from the received and processed brain waves.“
Source: remote-neural-monitoring/

31340cookie-checkGang Stalking and Remote Neural Monitoring of Local Officials aka Traitors of Humanity
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Eine Antwort zu Gang Stalking and Remote Neural Monitoring of Local Officials aka Traitors of Humanity

  1. Rita Geiger sagt:

    A Remote Neural Monitor causes Cancer, Breathing Difficulty, Loss of Balance and many other serious health problems. The people who are Gang Stalking me are aware of these facts, which would make them Attempted Murderers. A Remote Neural Monitor has the Gang Stalkers see everything I see at the same time and hear everything I hear at the same time. I cannot look in the mirror without them seeing me. They can also hear my thoughts. These Gang Stalkers know everyone I contact which means I am not safe anywhere. None of these facts have deterred any of them from Gang Stalking me.
    As of today April 21, 2024, I have been Gang Stalked Interstate by the people listed below. This has been happening to me for more than 8 years, 8 months. These people will not stop until they are actually arrested. The information these people have on me is my name, address, phone number, social security number, date of birth, weight, bank account number, medical insurance numbers, passwords, usernames, email address, lease information, doctor names and names of the medicine I take. Below is my story, I would like to have the remote neural monitor removed and be put in Witness Protection.
    Stolen Lawsuit Money Human Trafficking Gang Stalking Interstate
    Motive: $5,000,000. Lawsuit
    I, Rita Geiger, won a lawsuit in the amount of $5 million, years ago. I have been trying to receive my stolen lawsuit money for more than 8 years, 8 months. I have moved from PA to NV due to the fact that I had stalkers follow me everywhere I went in PA. I also had listening devices and cameras in my apartment. I have been threatened by PA Judge Ida Chen and PA Senator Christine Tartaglione with My Life and My Lawsuit Money which was stolen by Judge Ida Chens assistant. Judge Ida Chen had me in her courtroom for a divorce and tried to involve me in Human Trafficking with what she calls 4 of her guys. I did not cooperate. Since then, she has tried to destroy my life for her 4 guys. When I was in that judge’s courtroom for my divorce, she told me that I was going to marry a man named Tom Kenny who worked for the court system. After that she involved a man named Vincent S Talotta and then a man named Salvatore Accardo and then her assistant Jack Kelly aka Mr. Daymond. They all work for the Philadelphia Family Court. When she involved her assistant, she kept threatening me that I was going to marry him. She called my house, and came on my job with her 4 guys threatening me that I was going to marry Jack Kelly aka Mr. Daymond. Since then, her and her 4 guys have been stalking me, harassing me and stealing from me by using a Remote Neural Monitor. This is Gang Stalking and Interstate Stalking and has been going on for more than 24 years. As of today, I still have not received my stolen lawsuit money. Due to this fact I spent more than 4 months in the hospital. I also have had to sleep in my car. I have been surrounded by Drug Addicts, Alcoholics, Prisoners and Mental People. If I had my stolen lawsuit money none of this would have ever happened. I lived in the same apartment for approximately 15 years. I worked at the same place of employment for at least 15 years. There is no reason why the attorney could not bring my stolen lawsuit money to me or no reason why they could not contact me as I had the same phone number for 15 years as well.
    On February 5, 2018, I was evicted from my apartment and was out on the street for 11 months. My life is in danger. They have ruined my perfect credit and as of today no one has given me my stolen lawsuit money or has had anyone arrested.
    I have been Gang Stalked by Judge Ida Chen from Pennsylvania for the past 24 years. Her Gang Members who have been stalking me for the past 24 years are as follows, Senator Christine Tartaglione, Vincent S Talotta, who repeatedly names my doctors and should not know any of their names. Tom Kenny, Jack Kelly also known as Mr. Daymond, along with his girlfriend Judy, Salvatore Accardo and Anthony Rossi. An unknown person who claims he will blow my head off. This unknown person is also making lewd comments about girls. During the past 8 years, 8 months, with a motive to take my $5,000,000. from me are as follows. Thomas P. Geiger, my ex-husband, Divorced 2002. He brought in members of his family who are as follows, Paulina Geiger, Nicolette Geiger, who when I spoke to her claims, she did not know what I was talking about, nothing further was ever said, she continues to Gang Stalk me. She also has her boyfriend’s Gang Stalking me. Carolyn Geiger, who is knowingly and willingly committing the crime of Gang Stalking believing she can actually commit this crime with no consequences stating Judge Ida Chen is involved. Bill Geiger, who thinks he has a right to Gang Stalk me and is sitting there with his wife, making rude remarks to me. Also, there is Bob Geiger and James Geiger, I have not seen these people for 30 years. Also involved is Rita Chieffo, who when I told her numerous times I was being Gang Stalked and had Lawsuit Money in the amount of $5,000,000. she acted like I was Mental, yet she continues to Gang Stalk me. Eugene Chieffo, and various people from H & R Block who include Frank Russo, Barbara Willamen and Rosemarie Maribello. Neighbor Nikki Liberty. These people watch everything I do and make comments. They even watch me go to the bathroom, shower and get dressed. They also announce what medicines I take.
    Judge Ida Chen has stolen from me for the past 24 years. This would include any Child Support, Alimony, Attorney Fees and Divorce Settlement that should have been paid to me and never was. When I went to the Court System to see Tom Kenny, instead of him being there, there was an Imposter who introduced himself as Tom Kenny and was not, I will be able to identify that man.
    My Lawsuit Money is from me suing the City of Philadelphia and should have been paid to me in 2004. The person who should have given it to me is Salvatore Accardo. For some reason I was told that Jack Kelly also known as Mr. Daymond stole it and has never given it to me. He works for Judge Ida Chen as her assistant and has been Gang Stalking me for the past 24 years.
    If any further damage happens to me, above are the people to look at for any damage caused and my Lawsuit Money that does not belong to any of them. I am not safe anywhere.
    Rita Geiger
    900 Brush Street Apt 411
    Las Vegas NV 89107

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