„China Unveils ‘Neurostrike Weapons’ That Can ‘Attack and Control Brains’ From Thousands of Miles Away“
„China has declared that it has developed a new sophisticated direct energy weapon, capable of “disrupting brain functions and influencing government leaders or entire populations.”“
„According to the Washington Times, a 12-page report issued by the WEF’s favorite nation declared that the new “neurostrike weapons” would allow the Communist Chinese regime to become the world’s most dominant superpower:“
„The report means that the Chinese are likely already targeting specific world leaders in the West with neurostrike weapons, and also targeting vast swathes of the population with mind control systems.“
Source: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/china-unveils-neurostrike-weapons-that-can-attack-and-control-brains-from-thousands-of-miles-away/
Conspiracy Revelation: 24.7.2023: Just distraction from Pentagon Criminals main assault against all Western countries and unwitting citizens with Chemtrail Nanites from DOD/CIA/NSA/DIA/NIH etc….The last one we would have problems with is China, but we have problems with Pentagon and Kremlin and U.N. Zionazi-Bolshevic Inc. and Rockefellers Lucis Trust, the real terror brainstrike criminals, due to their sick NWO cult.
„Bioeffects of Non Lethal Weapons
Another defense contractor comes forward to confirm what we have known for years. The #militaryindustrialcomplex controls the #pentagon and uses electromagnetic signals to alter the behavior of everyone on earth. #neurostrike“