Humanity is facing a cyborg future, and fluoride has a role – Miles Johnston
„Humanity is facing a cyborg future, and fluoride has a role… These beings lasted 900 years on average at least..That used to be our lifespan, our lifespan used to be 900 years, but that has been progressively reduced to only about 120 max. (Miles Johnston)“

50000cookie-checkHumanity is facing a cyborg future, and fluoride has a role – Miles Johnston
Dieser Beitrag wurde unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Astralsphäre, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Corporatistic Terror, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Exopolitics, Genocide/Migration, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, MindTrapping, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Real Alien Bases, Transdimensional, Witches&Demons&Magick veröffentlicht. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.

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