Sektenentmachtung/Cult Disempowerment
Sektenentmachtung/Cult Disempowerment
Sektenentmachtung/Cult Disempowerment / 19.6.2014
Sektenentmachtung/Cult Disempowerment
Sektenentmachtung/Cult Disempowerment / 19.6.2014
The Government will never ask you, it bites you in the back, like a poisonous snake. / Die Regierung wird dich niemals fragen, sie beißt dir in den Rücken, wie eine giftige Schlange. (Ingmar Veeck) (2015)
Criminals are a small minority in any age or country. And the harm they have done to mankind is infinitesimal when compared to the horrors — the bloodshed, the wars, the persecutions, the confiscations, the famines, the enslavements, the wholesale destructions — perpetrated by mankind’s governments. Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. When unlimited and unrestricted by individual rights, a government is men’s deadliest enemy. (Ayn Rand)
"Wer Deutschland für kapitalistisch hält, der hält auch Kuba für demokratisch. (Guido Westerwelle)(2005) (Zitate und Aphorismen)"
Working out of Pineal Gland meaning being Mind Controlled. (Lily Kolosowa)(2015)