„Russian war crimes: The end of German illusions?“
„34.626 Aufrufe – 07.04.2022“
4855700cookie-checkRussian war crimes: The end of German illusions?
„Russian war crimes: The end of German illusions?“
„34.626 Aufrufe – 07.04.2022“
Telegram-Channel: https://t.me/ConspiracyRevelation2022
Telegram-Stream-Channel: https://t.me/s/ConspiracyRevelation2022
"Das Gesetz ist das Verbrechen! / The Law is the Crime!" (Unbekannt / Unknown)
„We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government. (William O. Douglas)“
Mir ist alles suspekt, woran der durchschnittliche Bürger glaubt. (H.L. Mencken) [73580]
The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error. (Gustave Le Bon)(The Crowd)