Russia-Ukraine War: Ukraine’s Kiev Prepares For Russian Assault | India First With Gaurav Sawant

„Russia-Ukraine War: Ukraine’s Kiev Prepares For Russian Assault | India First With Gaurav Sawant“
„#RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaInvadesUkraine #RussiaDeclaresWarOnUkraine“
„1.340 Aufrufe
India Today
5,75 Mio. Abonnenten“

„They are weak…it´s not possible to fight against people, against the whole population..They are trying to kill civilians…To protect civilians and to defend the country and the city. .>you are pushing the Russians back.< .Yeah, we are pushing them, they are mad it seems to me..We are burning them and they are coming back again and again, maybe they are using drugs…it´s unbelievable, no logic in their opinion…“


475770cookie-checkRussia-Ukraine War: Ukraine’s Kiev Prepares For Russian Assault | India First With Gaurav Sawant
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