Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020

Conspiracy Revelation: 20.4.2020: Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020.
The original Video has been removed…but I have added some more Infos, because Gang Stalking and Our Targeting Issues since 2000/2003/2005 and especially 2010/2011 (Smartphone Era – NWO-Technofascistic-Endphase/Endgame) shows clearly that the phrase is 100% true, the early warning sign of a Holocaust and Genocide are unethical cruel criminal Nazi-Experimentations at deliberately blacklisted civilians or civilians who are high integrity people and pose a threat to the Pentagon Empire of Crooks and Oil Mafiosis…that want to have a Retardation-Loop NWO-Globalists-Endcriminal Digital Dictatorship ruled by Mass Murderering Billionaires and Crooked Evil Minions, instead of Full Disclosure with High Tech for All and with the Enlightened Masters at the Helm of the Liberation of Mother Earth and Freedom and Health for all. (2014)
“Too independent – Too intelligent – TI Community”
(As if that would be something to blacklist, that is something to be eternally admired…smack the morons out of the ruling positions or I will do it!!!)
“”Again primarily just to inflict extreme pain.”
“We are talking of the Use of the Electric Grids throughout the country, the use of microwave towers,
the use of devices ..that are connected to power lines.”
“These weapons systems are used to buy neighbours surrounding persons who have been singled-out as targets of opportunity.””
“You are adding such a credibility to this story.., because I talked to 100s of those people,.. I did not think it existed, a number of years ago…I will admit I was totally wrong…and have come around to fully believe.. and sympathize with their suffering as their lives are being ripped apart.”
“A lot of the times T.I.´s don´t want to go public.”
“What do you want to do with that evidence?…Try to protect yourself and try to alleviate the pain you are experiencing…and avoid going to see Psychiatrists and Psychologists, because the pattern that is evolving is that they are highly complicit in the operations (CRIMES!!!), if you are going to a medical doctor,..because many are also involved.
“I am not anxious to start a religious war…I have found over the years that the person involved both in gang stalking…I have made it a point to get to know the people (perpetrators) and what I have found is that the perpetrators appear to belong predominantly to one particular religion whereasthe targeted individuals do not belong predominantly to that particular religion.”
“The Religion of the Perpetrators”
“Get to know the people who are harassing them…over the past 10 years.”
“There is a Religious influence…That is not to say that these people are not just being used as puppets by some broader interest.” “(2014)”
“Not since 911, I would say back in the early 90s, I have seen a tremendous expansion of these activities, since the early 1990s, and it has moved forward in a consistent fashion, it became ever more sophisticated and ever more widespread, there is no sudden burst of activity since 911.

Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust.

“Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust.
Publiziert am 27. März 2014 von _ADMIN_
US Army Intelligence Officer: Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust.”

Update: 3.2.2021:

Chakka Kon: vor 3 Jahren: …and they employ satanist…..
Chakka Kon: vor 3 Jahren: I am a TI because of the jehovah witness cult of Quakertown PA.
Mark Lacey: vor 1 Jahr: .. when most Americans are already being controlled by technology. Technology is already controlling us as data objects. IT and IoT Internet of things ( smart homes, devices etc, 5G ) already captures our every move and emotional bias via Facebook etc.
Loki Singularity: vor 1 Jahr: Been victim of electronic torture and harrassment and counterintelligence stalking gangstalking for over 3 yrs. From 1st hand experience, I concur with everything this brave, magnificent women said. Truth. Thank you!

341540cookie-checkGang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
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15 Antworten zu Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020

  1. j. sagt:

    Dear community,
    here is my personal knowing and experience in conection to the above article.
    All started to come into transparency for me when I was brutally attacked by a police man on July 23rd 2017. He turned the case upside down (they reverse everthing by the way) and would write false reports turning me through his false reports into an ”irresponsible attacker” towards him. He claimed to have a finger become injured through my persona which was obviously false f.e. he turned in very old ddoc-papers, saying he was injured month ahead. Nevertheless the authorities let him put me through a big lawsuit with five differend lawyers that I had to try – but nobody of my own lawyers would defend me. All they did was defending the system, insisitng I should turn myself into a psychiatric hospital and take medication. It would be the only way to get out of this, the said. It all was so bizarre to me, that I started questioning and researching until I found out, that all people involved (police, judges, lawyers – the system) is deeply under controll. In my own experience it is Scientology. I will upload this section now in case they try to disconnect me or trash the device – which they (the controllers) have done ever since..(to be continued below)

  2. j. sagt:

    … so yes, they did cut me off when I tried to continue, therefore I will upload smaller sections as shorter main notes:
    – so my entire environment started to harrass me with getting psychiatric help, nobody seemed \’on my side\’ anymore;
    – in November 2019 I made the connection between wounds, swellings and burns that I had all over my body – especially in the face in combination with heavy mashinery sounds I heard, coming mainly from the flat above me;
    – it sounded as if a whole army way sucking up the place combined with heavy footstepts like from military boots;
    – I knew they would kill me if I would stayed inside the flat. But a so called \’disconnection towards the environment\’ was already at a level where I didn\’t have a single friend who would invite me;
    *** just a short hint to at this moment when I type this:
    They do heavy so called EMF-life-broadcast rape to my body. They surveille myself via radioactive imaging and sending electromagnetic stimulation into the brain and the uterus to make a target feel synthetic unnnatural sex-stimuli for distraction and surveillance, they even can give you synthetic orgasm which is embarrassing on purpose – while they watch you or your body deal with that kind of harrassment via radioactive TV broadcast imaging. It is so bad – just a short note on how they do it: EMF Microwave Rape – Penetration of microwaves by-passing the auditory cortex of the skull is sexual assault or illegal sexual contact with someone who is unable to give consent. Microwaves are inanimate objects or radio waves that penetrate the brain [mind] of the suspecting victim for sexual gratification or abuse. Mental rapists are just like any other rapist, they will rape again unless prosecuted and confined in prison. Rape is all about controlling another person by penetrating or contact with an intimate part of their body such as the skull to enter the brain and mind to bring harm to another person. Sorry for typing mistakes in case they occur..

    • _ADMIN_ sagt:

      Oh, okay, you are woman, I first thought you would be a man.
      They do this with both sexes, probably they also vampirize interdimensionally on the life force via automatic or semi-automatic devices and Satellites.
      Yes… well observed, they have a children army of gang stalkers with military weapons, that bnd nazi gestapo style misuse of underaged as proxy surrogate soldiers, likely to evade accountability in terms of laws of the state, furthermore children are likely easier to brainwash and to give commands to, that´s probably the main reason, they have less qualms, because they eventually have been brainwashed to believe that this is just a game and not a serious crime, I think, radioactive broadcast imaging is a new term to me…interesting. You can buy yourself protective silver underwear and copper/silver caps for example, to reduce their targeting effectivity.

      • j. sagt:

        Thank you for your advices.
        Yes, they use radioactivity, which is another link to Scientology – L.R. Hubbard wrote books in the 50ies about it’s use – f.e.:
        I bought devices to measure the radioactivity value, which is above 5,00000 Microsievert per hour. All targets should get a measuring device – Geigerzähler – because that is how they surveille us. No cameras installed necessarily, they have the neighbour-perps install the devices for radioctive surveillance. The regular allowance of radioactivity is 0,1-0,2 Mikrosievert per hour. This radioactive surveillance seems under great cover, there isn’t much publication on this. Hazardous Environment Imaging might be the correct term, I used my own words before. Environmental Radiation Surveillance Program is something I found, but it could just be a cover up what what they really do under that flag. And this I saw online: Radiation Tolerant Cameras / Nuclear cameras .. To be continued..

      • j. sagt:

        .. just written an answer already, which again disappeared, it was like this: Thank you for your advice. Yes, they use radioactivity, which is another link to Scientology. L.R. Hubbard wrote books in the 50ies about its use (
        I bought devices to measure the radioactivity and microwaves, the nuclear value is above 5,00000 Microsievert per hour. All targets should get measuring devices. No cameras installed necessarily, they have the neighbour-perps install the devices for radioctive surveillance. The regular allowance of radioactivity is 0,1-0,2 Mikrosievert per hour, for the comparison. The use of radioactive surveillance seems under great cover, there isn’t much publication on this topic. Hazardous Environment Imaging might be another term, I used my own words before. Environmental Radiation Surveillance Program is something I found, but it could just be a cover up what what they really do under that flag… to be continued..

  3. j. sagt:

    .. all typing mistakes you have to excuse, my situation is in an state of emergency (and: I am looking for people in Germany, HH who would get together as a group forming a class-action lawsuit on cyber torture).
    – EMF LIVE broadcast rape was meant before, although the word LIFE applies here too. To continue the above we can talk about it as a Psychotronic Concentration Camp. That expression I found in this article to recomment here:
    – … so I was disconnected and couldn\’t stay in my own flat which meant I had to look for shelter in a house for homeless people, because the Women\’s shelter-houses are only for women whom are attacked by their partner at home. Then the down-spiral they had activated for me really started speeding up:
    – in the end of Nov. 2019 I found myself in a bizzare situation inside of a homeless shelter for women. But I saw through this new campaign against me, because THEY – the opposer and controller – sat behind the desk of the house, forcing me into signing papers used for my own harm etc. IT IS AND WAS A NIGHTMARE. One thing my opposer does and can be identified by as well is the fact that they point open smart fones at you permanently while doing audio and video recordings through it uploading it to THEIR CLOUD. In that behaviour is to find one of hundreds connections to the sect Scientlology, which I blaim as a big part of the game, if not even the root of it.
    – you can compare a TV docu here:
    – then, peux a peux I understood what was going on: beeing a cult-TI inside of a mafia clan which is collaborationg on all levels with the federal authorities;
    – on Dec. 11th 2019 I went to the Administrative Court Hamburg to state all things that happened against the federal safety authorities;
    – on that eveninng I was – again – unlawfully imprisioned by the police, who is heavily involved in this (I will continue this later);
    – at the police station PK 23 at the Troplowitzstrasse HH I saw on their screens – for the second time already – myself beeing part of a so called victim video and I understood, that the police is providing the hostserver for ALL victim videos… to be contiuned..

  4. j. sagt:

    Jumping into today and now as protocol: numerous Gangstalker walking and attacking my person from both sides of the house/flat through electromagnetism and directed energy weapons. Running children for example can also carry electromagnetic deviced which are controlled by their perpetrator-parents. The window is cracking the whole afternoon because they point with laser-pointed kind of weaponry at my from all sites and all the time: SOS

  5. j. sagt:

    Just now, going out of the house, telling the mother of the running children to stop the harrassment though their children. That neighbour just stated: ..come one you slut, go back into your radioaactive magnetic concentration camp, (and so forth). There we go, things like that are throwed at me daily numerous times. I have reported this to the state lawyer, to serveral courts including the Federal Constitutional Court and the Attorney General but so far none is responding, as we might have guessed. Therefore I am calling upon a group action. To write numerous protocols on what is happening and turn them into an international cout like the ECHR. Is anybody there willing to take action?

  6. j. sagt:

    .. all typing mistakes you have to excuse, my situation is in an state of emergency (and: I am looking for people in Germany, HH who would get together as a group forming a class-action lawsuit on cyber torture).
    – EMF LIVE broadcast rape was meant before, although the word LIFE applies here too. To continue the above we can talk about it as a Psychotronic Concentration Camp. That expression I found in this article to recomment here:
    – … so I was disconnected and couldn\’t stay in my own flat which meant I had to look for shelter in a house for homeless people, because the Women\’s shelter-houses are only for women whom are attacked by their partner at home. Then the down-spiral they had activated for me really started speeding up:
    – in the end of Nov. 2019 I found myself in a bizzare situation inside of a homeless shelter for women. But I saw through this new campaign against me, because THEY – the opposer and controller – sat behind the desk of the house, forcing me into signing papers used for my own harm etc. IT IS AND WAS A NIGHTMARE. One thing my opposer does and can be identified by as well is the fact that they point open smart fones at you permanently while doing audio and video recordings through it uploading it to THEIR CLOUD. In that behaviour is to find one of hundreds connections to the sect Scientlology, which I blaim as a big part of the game, if not even the root of it.
    – you can compare a TV docu here:
    – then, peux a peux I understood what was going on: beeing a cult-TI inside of a mafia clan which is collaborationg on all levels with the federal authorities;
    – on Dec. 11th 2019 I went to the Administrative Court Hamburg to state all things that happened against the federal safety authorities;
    – on that eveninng I was – again – unlawfully imprisioned by the police, who is heavily involved in this (I will continue this later);
    – at the police station PK 23 at the Troplowitzstrasse HH I saw on their screens – for the second time already – myself beeing part of a so called victim video and I understood, that the police is providing the hostserver for ALL victim videos… to be contiuned..

  7. j. sagt:

    .. just written an answer already, which again disappeared, it was like this: Thank you for your advice. Yes, they use radioactivity, which is another link to Scientology. L.R. Hubbard wrote books in the 50ies about its use (
    I bought devices to measure the radioactivity and microwaves, the nuclear value is above 5,00000 Microsievert per hour. All targets should get measuring devices. No cameras installed necessarily, they have the neighbour-perps install the devices for radioctive surveillance. The regular allowance of radioactivity is 0,1-0,2 Mikrosievert per hour, for the comparison. The use of radioactive surveillance seems under great cover, there isn’t much publication on this topic. Hazardous Environment Imaging might be another term, I used my own words before. Environmental Radiation Surveillance Program is something I found, but it could just be a cover up what what they really do under that flag… to be continued..

  8. j. sagt:

    They wont let me comment nomore..
    I have written to your info@ instead.
    Do you receive e.mails?

  9. j. sagt:

    Hi, I try again to reach out. They installed a virus on my computer and have access to mail accounts. How can I reach you? Did you get my mails including a number for sms?

  10. Jerome F. Jenny sagt:

    Illegal guarding with RFID chip until today, Mindcontrol, corruption at authorities (federal government), CH
    Hello beloved victims
    I experience your things since my birth, however, these experiences were erased after my kindergarten. Again and again. The kindergarten where this happened is in Wetzikon/ZH. The kindergarten teacher worked with a governmental Stasi agency. The underground facility is under this kindergarten and goes in the direction of the fire department, probably on to the Catholic church. There are such facilities all over the country. Conspicuous children with green or blue eyes are used for tests. It is about our ancestors who are aliens. The state wants to create a god-like person in order to abuse them for its own interests. Unfortunately, these persons are manipulated and observed in their later life in order to carry out their own crossbreeding as they see fit. Criminal organizations are brought in to fund these abuses. The state gives these organizations a free hand. All actions of the victims are influenced to their liking. Child abuse is the order of the day. It is always Zionists/Freemasons. They are represented in all state institutions and have all medium and large companies already in their hands. Worldwide. Share my story. It’s about your ass !
    Telegram :

    Another underground complex for these experiments on humans (Cern) is located under Chion Castle. An entrance is located in a school building in Territet. Please act accordingly. My life is in the highest danger and I am tormented here in Oberdürnten by the whole quarter. The entire Huebweg in besieged Oberdürnten is being used by intelligence agents to destroy my parents (slaves) and me. My parents have been fitted with RFID chips. They don’t know anything. My brother is involved in this. They all belong to this secret society (Freemasons) I have written to them several times and hope they take this seriously.
    Kind regards
    Jerome F. Jenny

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