Mass Graves…Found – Investigators on Canada's west coast have uncovered the suspected mass graves

„Mass Graves..Found – Tribunal asks for UN peacekeepers“
„Kevin A
Am 24.06.2019 veröffentlicht
Investigators on Canada’s west coast have uncovered the suspected mass graves of indigenous women and children at three separate locations. This announcement came today after months of independent investigations conducted by the ITDC that have relied on police, media and aboriginal sources.
According to the report of the ITDC investigators,
„The grave sites are found on the coast and in the interior. According to sources and our initial surveys, these sites contain the remains of many hundreds, perhaps thousands of aboriginal people, including many women and children. One of these sites contains very recent burials laid atop an older mass grave of Indian residential school children. These sites have been known to local aboriginals but the latter have been threatened and silenced by the RCMP and tribal council officials. Local residents claim that RCMP officers and private ‚hit squads‘ are responsible for the killings and burials. One witness observed an RCMP tactical unit burying bodies as recently as late March, 2019.“
A Tribunal has summoned Prime Minister Trudeau and other high officials to appear before it on September 16 to answer charges of complicity in Genocide.“

„Katherine Horton – Stop 007
Live übertragen am 25.06.2019
„Kevin Annett reports about the uncovering of mass graves of indigenous women and children in British Columbia.“
„And at that time we hope to have the peacekeepers and others present to begin to shine more of a spotlight on this
whole ongoing crime. (Kevin Annett)“
„This is absolutely insane the other thing is for those in Europe the RCMP SDR what does it stand for the Royal Mount.. (Katherine Horton)“
„Royal Canadian Mounted Police are there, they’re called the Mounties sometimes, they are national police force set up in the 19th century their stated purpose was to drug natives off the land to allow the railway to link up the country in the 1880s and they’ve been a they’re like a paramilitary force, they operate under their own jurisdiction, their own courts and they’ve been at the forefront of the genocide, you know, they were the ones who’ve gathered up the native kids and brought them into these death camp residential schools, so they’ve been at the forefront of this this whole genocide for sure. (Kevin Annett)“
„This is incredible, so basically what we’re dealing with here and this also explains why the police is not helping, it’s because the police was conducting the genocide…for basically the crown, is that right? (Katherine Horton)“

„That’s right, very much, and if you can see these images here the area in northern British Columbia got a little map here if you can see by the cursor if you can see that all right yeah this is called the highway of tears highway 16. Prince Rupert here is a super port it’s being built largely with Chinese investment a lot of Chinese colonists are being brought in illegally and settled in this whole area and also this area from Dawson Creek down to Kitimat here on the coast is the largest liquid natural gas pipeline ever built in Canada it’s a 40 billion dollar project, it involves this is LNG liquid natural gas, it involves major companies including you can see down here: Royal Dutch Shell, Mitsubishi, Petrodust from Malaysia, petrol China which is the largest oil company in China and Korea gas, they’re the ones who are doing this pipeline, now if you look at where the pipeline is running and then look back at that map.. the pipeline runs like this, it runs along right along the people have gone missing, so our theory based on a lot of first-hand testimonies is that native families have been targeted driven off the land destroyed, because they’ve stood in the way of this LNG pipeline and it’s really that simple once again it’s it’s big money deriving genocide. (Kevin Annett)“
„and and then Royal Dutch Shell is would be owned by as the name says by the Royal Dutch family is that it? (Katherine Horton)“
„And the Crown, the British Royals themselves are very heavily invested in. (Kevin Annett)“
„This up but there is an interview by the former regulator professor William Black and if I can I would like to while you
bring that up I’ll just briefly on my screen important reference you mentioned Deutsche Bank being involved in this now Deutsche Bank has already been outed as a criminal enterprise yet another transnational criminal enterprise right like the Vatican itself by the former regulator and academic professor William Black and here in this interview with us a watchdog he says Deutsche Bank crime weakens the global financial system and there’s many many indications that
that Deutsche Bank is involved in such a staggering amount of criminality that even the shutting it down .. from the financial markets because they’re basically a big big criminal hub a big whale in the entire system. (Katherine Horton)“
„The other thing that you can follow in addition to the money is also the NSA will have all the communications, so all the social connections of these people would be mapped, all of them and the cartel which is you know also using the NSA would just do it routinely and every single one of these people is under surveillance by the very cartel as well, so there’s not just financial trails there’s also telecommunication trails that can be used. I mean in principle you can map every single one of these and the other thing is that there has to be a chain of
command connecting it to the the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. (Katherine Horton)“
„Right after I aired a program where two witnesses said they saw two senior Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers taking women out to what was called Piggy’s palace it was where a serial killer called Willy P. was torturing women filming them for snuff films and then disposing of the bodies in fact it
wasn’t him it was a whole network of senior politicians, former prime ministers, many officers…who were involved in this killing network and I aired that and bang I was out quicker than you could spit so you know the evidence is all over it’s not a matter of lack of evidence it’s a question of then what do you do about it how are you going to indict the powers that are still in power. (Kevin Annett)“
„What they have set up is a global a global slave colony because they they played the same the same sort of game all across the Commonwealth which already covers you know a large part of the earth then they read the same game in the US which is a hidden crown colony and for example Germany is a hidden crown colony as well. (Katherine Horton)“
„All the crimes being committed with the directed-energy weapons
because I’ve you know sure as hell can tell you that neither the the National Police in the UK or in Germany is
doing anything about it, they are just as complicit as the Royal Canadian Mountain Police Force was you know partaking in a current active live genocide.. this is very very encouraging and the other thing that I find very encouraging
is that you now have this large network and people are working together
to bring this about at last I think what we have
to do as onlook as if you like is support you any way we can and also learn from you and emulators as quickly
as possible, because you know well this is raging
these are the people who already have been murdered and at the
same time you also have things like the 5g rollout which is a integrated our directed-energy weapon system that will be used specifically for things like that so then you don’t even have to send people to murder somebody, the 5g weapon system can take out people individually, so pulse them …and you can just feed the NSA database right and find out who is an inconvenient person and have them killed off and the only
thing you will know is that these people get cancer and die.
(Katherine Horton)“
„We talked about this before Katherine like at the tribunal I encourage you and others to send important evidence
concerning the directed-energy weaponry because don’t forget the first techniques were tried out on native children in Canada in these Indian hospitals in the 50s and 60s
and now children all over in these hospitals so if we’re putting together the history of this is an important way
to fight it today knowing where it came from. (Kevin Annett)“
„We want people to pick at Canadian consulates, help occupy Catholic churches, Church of England, the United
Church, there’s a whole network forming, you can write to the main tribunal office ITCC s office at (Kevin Annett)“
„It is physically impossible to contact any such trade without the intelligence service knowing about it. (Katherine Horton)“
I have found over the years that there’s a lot of divisions within the elites, the elites always have to portray
themselves as unified homogeneous all-powerful but they’re not and there differences that can be exploited so we look
for those differences. (Kevin Annett)“
„Mass Graves…Found – Tribunal asks for UN peacekeepers
Tuesday June 25, 2019
Vancouver, New York City
Investigators on Canada’s west coast have uncovered the suspected mass graves of indigenous women and children at three separate locations. This announcement came today after months of independent investigations conducted by the ITDC that have relied on police, media and aboriginal sources.
According to the report of the ITDC investigators,
“The grave sites are found on the coast and in the interior. According to sources and our initial surveys, these sites contain the remains of many hundreds, perhaps thousands of aboriginal people, including many women and children. One of these sites contains very recent burials laid atop an older mass grave of Indian residential school children. These sites have been known to local aboriginals but the latter have been threatened and silenced by the RCMP and tribal council officials. Local residents claim that RCMP officers and private ‘hit squads’ are responsible for the killings and burials. One witness observed an RCMP tactical unit burying bodies as recently as late March, 2019.”
In response to this discovery, at 10:00 am eastern time today a formal request was issued to the United Nations Security Council and to the UN Peacekeepers Office by the ITDC. That request asked for UN Peacekeepers and Forensic Specialists to be immediately dispatched to British Columbia to assist this investigation and to be present at an International Genocide Tribunal convened under ITDC auspices in Vancouver on September 16, 2019.
Prime Minister Trudeau and twenty other high officials of church, state and business have been publicly summoned to appear before this Tribunal to answer charges of complicity in Genocide. (see attachment)
The September 16 Tribunal was prompted by Prime Minister Trudeau’s public admission on June 3 that genocide has occurred within Canada, and by the corollary obligation imposed on UN member states by the Genocide Convention to “prosecute and punish” that crime.
“Our request for UN Peacekeepers and Forensic Specialists is not made lightly, especially in the light of the discovery of these mass graves. They need to be disinterred and examined and charges brought against those responsible, like at any suspected crime scene” said ITDC Field Secretary Kevin Annett today.
Annett continued, “This is a dangerous effort. Seven of our aboriginal eyewitnesses and activists have died of foul play in the course of our investigations of the disappearance of aboriginal families on Canada’s west coast. As Human Rights Watch has shown, the RCMP are directly implicated in these assaults and disappearances. Our naming of top Canadian officials as possible co-conspirators in an ongoing genocide makes this danger all the more real.”
Further evidence of the recently discovered mass graves will be revealed at a special press conference and gathering on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada on Monday, July 8 at 10 am. The ITDC has asked that UN Peacekeepers be present at this event to protect its public spokespeople, including ITDC Field Secretary Kevin Annett.
Annett has recently faced illegal arrest and detention, and other harassment, at the hands of the RCMP and Canadian Border Services Agency. The ITDC considers these attacks as further attempts by Canada to obstruct justice and derail an international human rights inquiry into its crimes.“
Harri Honkanen: ​NOW, THAT´S A MOAB… mother of all bombs..
Harri Honkanen: ​J Edgar Hoover started the systematic blackmail process.. together with the mafia..
Humanright For Legislation: ​Wanted Energiedirektwaffen-Verbrecher.
Goddess Aleva: ​evil often is in the chain of command.
Truthsaberslash: ​down with the cabal. bring on the tribunals.
Harri Honkanen: ​350 families, 13 Bloodlines, 147 Corporations, 30 Banks… Stole the world.. from we the people.. They lied, cheated murdered their way..
Greatest Ever: ​the poor and middle class are of least concern when decisions are made.

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