The Pirates of the past attacked through SPACE, the Pirates of today attack through TIME. The Invading Armies of the Past attacked to conquer land, the Armies of tody they loot and plunder TIME through satellite attack and by doing that THEY ROB LAND and everything else, even the human soul, because TIME is also SPACE, but the common average citizen remain a ZOMBIE and the reason is THE AVERAGE CITIZEN do not know physics enough to understand TIME.  (WAD Pereira) (2015)(10)

The Pirates of the past attacked through SPACE, the Pirates of today attack through TIME. The Invading Armies of the Past attacked to conquer land, the Armies of tody they loot and plunder TIME through satellite attack and by doing that THEY ROB LAND and everything else, even the human soul, because TIME is also SPACE, but the common average citizen remain a ZOMBIE and the reason is THE AVERAGE CITIZEN do not know physics enough to understand TIME.  (WAD Pereira) (2015)(10)

45230cookie-checkThe Pirates of the past attacked through SPACE, the Pirates of today attack through TIME. The Invading Armies of the Past attacked to conquer land, the Armies of tody they loot and plunder TIME through satellite attack and by doing that THEY ROB LAND and everything else, even the human soul, because TIME is also SPACE, but the common average citizen remain a ZOMBIE and the reason is THE AVERAGE CITIZEN do not know physics enough to understand TIME.  (WAD Pereira) (2015)(10)
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