„Fundamentals of Molecular Nano-Communication Networks“
Conspiracy Revelation: 25.3.2024: This DARPA Biotech is intended to harm and causes all sorts of pseudo-cancer angiomas (insect ecdyson trojan transgenic DNA mutagen switches), skin anomalies, pathogenic-genetic trojans, like Morgellons for example. Especially in Targeted Individuals. (Saviors of Mother Earth Integrity and Keepers of True Justice)
Verschwörungsoffenbarung: 25. März 2024: Diese DARPA-Biotechnologie ist dazu ausgelegt zu schädigen und verursacht alle möglichen Arten von Pseudokrebs-Angiomen (transgene DNA-Mutagenschalter des Insekten-Ecdyson-Trojaners), Hautanomalien, pathogen-genetische Trojaner, wie zum Beispiel Morgellons. Besonders bei Ziel-Personen. (Retter der Integrität von Mutter Erde und Hüter der wahren Gerechtigkeit)
vor 0 Sekunden
You breach fundamental Organic sovereignty with this evil nonsense….
You break God´s LAW. Technofascistic Psychopaths!!
No one gives you the right to break individual sovereignty to remote experiment, behavior modify, monitor 24/7/365, implant, modify dreams and spy or remote torture, mass remote steer or biogenetically sabotage unwitting individuals… Academic FOOLS! Useful Idiots for MIC and NWO Crime Inc.
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DoD created Morgellons and infected Holy People with this evil genetic warfare Biotech!
vor 0 Sekunden
The old name for it is NEGATIVE NAZI EUGENICS! Illicit Infiltration of the HOLY TEMPLE OF MOTHER NATURE“!
vor 0 Sekunden
The most infuriating thing is that all corrupt German Universities (Rockefeller NWO controlled) teach these Psychos.
vor 10 Monaten
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Mit diesem bösen Nonsens verletzt ihr die fundamentale organischer Souveränität.
Ihr brecht Gottes GESETZ. Technofaschistische Psychopathen!!
Niemand gibt euch das Recht, die individuelle Souveränität zu brechen, um aus der Ferne zu experimentieren, das Verhalten zu ändern, rund um die Uhr zu überwachen (24 7 365), zu implantieren, Träume zu modifizieren und auszuspionieren oder aus der Ferne zu foltern, unwissende Individuen massenhaft fernzusteuern oder biogenetisch zu sabotieren… Akademische Narren! Nützliche Idioten für MIC und NWO Crime Inc.
vor 0 Sekunden
Das U.S. Verteidigungsministerium hat Morgellons erschaffen und heilige Menschen mit dieser bösen genetischen Kriegsführungs-Biotechnologie infiziert!
vor 0 Sekunden
Der alte Name dafür ist NEGATIVE NAZI-EUGENIK! Illegale Infiltration des HEILIGEN TEMPELS VON MUTTER NATUR!
vor 0 Sekunden
Am ärgerlichsten ist, dass alle korrupten deutschen Universitäten (von Rockefeller NWO kontrolliert) diese Psychos unterrichten.
vor 10 Monaten
„1.098 Aufrufe 10.10.2022
Ian Akyildiz
Broadband Wireless Networking Lab
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Nanotechnology is providing a new set of tools to the engineering community to design and manufacture devices in a scale ranging from one to a few hundred nanometers. At this scale, nanomachines, which are the most basic autonomous nano-devices able to compute, store data, sense and actuate, will cooperate and share information through their interconnection into nano-communication networks. In this talk, the MoNaCo project is presented which is recently funded by the US NSF. The project is focused on investigating the use of molecules to encode and transmit information among nanomachines as a viable solution to the communication needs at the nanoscale, by taking into account the limitations of the nano-devices in terms of energy consumption, computation and application environments (e.g. intra-body nano-medicine). Unlike traditional communication technologies, molecular communication represents a radically new communication paradigm, which demands novel solutions, including the identification of existing molecular communication mechanisms, the establishment of the foundations of molecular information theory, or the development of architectures and networking protocols for nanomachines. The MoNaCo project will make contributions along four broad directions: the theoretical characterization of the molecular communication channel for a network of nanomachines, the definition of suitable molecular communication protocols for the transmission of information, the engineering of a standard tool for the simulation of molecular nano-communication networks and the realization of a testbed for their experimental validation. Since to date the realization of artificial nanomachines is still under development, the MoNaCo testbed will be based on genetically engineered bacteria and their molecular communication capabilities.
Ian Akyildiz received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany, in 1978, 1981 and 1984, respectively. Currently, he is the Ken Byers Chair Professor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Director of Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory, Chair of the Telecommunication Group at Georgia Tech. Dr. Akyildiz is an Honorary Professor with School of Electrical Engineering at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, and Founding Director of N3Cat (NaNoNetworking Center in Catalunya) in Barcelona, Spain, since June 2008. He is also an Honorary Professor with University of Pretoria, South Africa since March 2009. Dr. Akyildiz is an IEEE FELLOW (1996) and an ACM FELLOW (1997) and received numerous awards from several organizations including IEEE and ACM. His current research interests are in Nanonetworks, Cognitive Radio Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks.“
Diese endlosen Massen an Verrätern an Mutter Erde und systemhörigen Loser im deutschen Lande, hochkriminelle Universitätsidioten, ihr kommt alle vor das reale jüngste Gericht…
„Going Beyond RF: Nano Communication in 6G+ Networks:
n Using molecules or nanoparticles as information carriers
n Inspired by biological phenomena
n Potential applications
n Medicine: Communication between bio-nanomachines
n Industry: chemical plants, waste water treatment, water quality control
n Many types of possible carriers and detection mechanisms, e.g.:
n Alcohol solutions, chemical detection
n Microbubbles
n Fluorescent dye in water droplets, optical detection
n Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs)“
TU Berlin (Technische Universitäten, die an der perfekten Selbstversklavung arbeiten, nützliche Idioten der NWO Verbrecher und Völkermörder, für das erschaffen von einem globalen-totalitären Total-Überwachungszoo von Menschen, mit Quanten K.I. Mikromanagern, kränker und dümmer geht nümmer)
Die deutschen Universitäten sind Hauptverbrecher im Verschwörungsenthüllungsspiel der NWO PENTAGON MAFIA!
„Going Beyond RF: Nano Communication in 6G+ Networks38
n Full spectrum of RF, ultrasonic, molecular
n RF – THz, very short distances, energy management challenging
n Ultrasonic – larger distances, well understood channel in the human body, quite exposed to
Doppler for moving nanobots
n Molecular – may cover very large distances, biochemical processes, no/less energy required, very
specific, combination with DNA computing possible
Communication Principles“
„Scheer: Verschwörungen: Der Feind sitzt innen und nicht mehr außen!“
The US Air Force and CIA maintain a team of sixty paid criminals to monitor my mind 24/7.“
Brain, eyes and throat being attacked a lot by these sadists, I can’t sleep.“
Conspiracy Revelation: 25.3.2024: The result of the Intrabody Nanosensor Networks… all the useful Idiot Professors and Neuroscientists and Nano-Metamaterial spread-helpers via Chemtrails now get to see the results of their INSANITY. MISUSED NANOSCIENCE BY CRIMINALS IN ACTION of the NWO Cult globally!!! Universities as Mafia-Helpers.