Ukrainian intelligence official said President..Putin was number one on Kiev´s kill list

„The Kremlin said on Thursday that Russia’s security services knew what they were doing after a top Ukrainian intelligence official said President..Putin was number one on Kiev´s kill list.“
„Vadym Skibitsky, deputy head of Ukraine´s military intelligence service, told Germany´s Die Welt newspaper in an interview that Kiev wanted to assassinate Putin „because he coordinates and decides what happens“ in the war and that the Russian leader was aware he topped Ukraine´s kill list.“

„But in the end, everyone will have to answer for their actions,“ Skibitsky was quoted as saying.

„Putin is noticing that we are getting closer and closer to him, but he is also afraid of being killed by his own people,“ Skibitsky told Die Welt.“

„Skibitsky went on to name other Russians, including mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov, and military commander Sergei Surovikin – nicknamed „General Armageddon“ by the Russian media, as targets.

He was cited as saying that Putin was a difficult target because he was „holed up“ a lot of the time but was now starting to appear in public more often.“


510220cookie-checkUkrainian intelligence official said President..Putin was number one on Kiev´s kill list
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