Conspiracy Revelation:17.1.2025: Self-Assembling Nanotech/Synthetic Biology.
„This is all Morgellons. Morgellons 3.0“ = N3 Neurotechnology Darpa Chemtrail pathogenic Biotech. They would call it IoT/IoBnt/WBan/Ieee/Mban but it is all still this evil stuff.
„And of course the Chemtrails are always updating.“
„The limit with the food and the air is currently Morgellons.“
And they use this Synbio for w2k bci gang stalking harassment via quantum computing.
„It is an artificial nervous system and
This artificial nervous system is to connect you to the Internet of Bionano Things.“
„What Industry Insiders call Digital Convergence“ (=Sabotage of the Holy Temple of Mother Nature’s – Goddess Body.)
They really do only evil things with this Synbio….look the last 5-6 Months in this archive then you understand that IoT/Synbio/N3 is pure evil. (It is primarily used to turn your body into a toy to remotely steer and remote torture, gang stalk, bci group harass, vampirize on people til eol)
„This Info goes back to when people first had Morgellons back in 1999 or something like that.“
„This will be communicating on Tetrahertzband.. – 6G – what is already tested on Targeted Individuals, People that are targeted by the Government for this experimentation.“
„They are poisoning the food, air and water with heavy metals and Synthetic Biology while using Directed Energy Weapons to facilitate a bidirectional stream of networking to and from Wireless Body Area Networks. We are in a world changing event referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Biodigital Convergence. Onionhead Andrew was weapons tested on for the last decade. Now he knows how to defeat it. Will you answer the call and survive or will you sleepwalk yourself and your family, community, country over the cliff of depopulation.“
„You have to put the foreign genetic code containing the information to build it into people’s body. They assemble on the nano-level.“
„It is a Russian Doll Disease.“
„Dr. Hildegard Staninger said the same thing already in 2006.“
„The synthetic biology is necessary for the nanotechnology.“
„Depopulation survival guide.“
„I think the bigger thing is to k most people and connect the rest to the internet of bionano things.“