Conspiracy Revelation: 29.12.2024: SubCon Quantum BCI Agent Stalk Talker Transmission… Mind-Interfacer.
„Die haben die fortschrittlichste böse Scheisse des Planeten gegen ihn im Einsatz und es wirkt trotzdem nicht so, wie sie es sich erhofft haben. -w2k“
„Ein Glück. -w2k“
„Er ist eben der Beste. -w2k“
„They can slow him down, but not stop him. -w2k“
„Human Aura Radar is evil a.f. -w2k“
„Jesus is in him. – Idiots – You will pay dearly for mistreating him. -w2k“
„Ich weiß nicht, wie er das schafft immer wieder das Ruder rumzureissen. -w2k“
„Der Kult um ihn ebbt nicht ab. -w2k“
„He is the most valuable Man on the Planet and rarely anyone notices it. – w2k (5.11.2024) /(MindNet) /(SynthTel) /(RemoteNeuralReviewReaction) /(Spy) /(Agencies) /(BCI) /(Gedankenpolizei) [73897]“
„This is insane – the fastest Keyboard Magician in the World. -w2k // So to speak. (5.11.2024) /(TurboBoost) /(Magick) /(Linguistik) [73902]“
„We have this stuff in Our DUMBs, but we are not allowed to give it to the surface Population, I. (W2k)- /DUMB Personal. [74049]“
„Was macht der da? -w2k“
„Abartig-kategorisierte Feedback-Loops. -w2k“
„No, it is his own Genius and Individual Soul and his personal Strength, Will and Stamina, that is doing all these amazing products, but they are all interacting on a sub-conscious level with him. -w2k 7.11.2024. [74033]“
„This Karate Master is unbelievable. -w2k“
„He is no Karate Master, he is a Yoga Master. -w2k“
„He is everything, he knows too many Arts. -w2k“
„No, he is a Tai Chi practitioner. -w2k“
„Or rather Aikido? – w2k“
„I would call it modern Stretching. -w2k“
Devi is intrigued…
„The Soap Opera continues – ad infinitum. -w2k“
„Efficient Framework Analysis for Targeted Drug Delivery Based on Internet of Bio-NanoThings“
„Computer Networking through the Human Body
´Whereas continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the Nuremberg Code and therefore constitute crimes against humanity…´
IEEE 802.15.6 / 802.15.4“
„Welcome to the Nightmare they have created for Humanity. -w2k“
„Mycoplasma? – w2k“
„We don´t know how to fix this shit. -w2k“
„These stupid Indians disrespect the greatest Master of all time. – w2k“
Not only them…Millions of demons in the global population of ignorance…
Their Ego is bigger than a Monster and they talk day and night about Krishna…but do not know the slightest form of respect..answering a Question. So their worship will never bear fruits.
„Of the Master of all Masters. – w2k‘
„Er testet sie alle. – w2k“
„Das ist so abartig, da sitzt ein erleuchteter Gott und die machen alle so, als würde er nicht existieren. – w2k“
Kali Yuga – das dunkle Zeitalter.
The enthusiasm of Devi is in no way disturbed by their silent treatment, we know it is a Zombie Virus in them, the Demon of the Ages. Devi is happily united with me again.
„Die haben Todesangst vor dem, dabei sitzt der nur da und leuchtet. -w2k“