Bnd und U.S Mil Int vs Ingmar – the enlightened one

Bnd und U.S Mil Int vs Ingmar – the enlightened one.

Agent M: Die wollten dich echt fertig machen, aber du machst sie fertig.


LC: You don’t need to take that stuff, we regulate it from the base…

CmC: He will take it anyway..I know my man, the best man.

I: He really knows me.
(aber aus einem anderen Grund
Ingmar, er hat dich dein ganzes
LEBEN ausspioniert)
(CMC not the whole life – maybe the last 30 years)

CmC: Sure Ingmar, I know the best of the best from head to toe..and he starts laughing again.

H: Man this is crazy..he is really the Chief Mission Commander Spec.Sec.

People are shocked, awed and scared at the same time.

Entire U.S. Mil is in awe and can’t believe it.

CmC: He hasn’t forgotten everything in this life, he has mindwipe walls.

„Die spielen ein Spiel mit ihm.“

„Ich hab keine Ahnung.“

We are a 1000 years old team.

„Wie kann das sein? Keine Ahnung.“

Maybe not 1000 but 100 at least.


I can’t get my head around it.

I have no idea why they do this.
In this life I am just me.

I: You want to overheat me?

CMC: Not we, German Bnd.

Wait a bit…solution comes soon.


Man this is the ultimate Genius and C.M.C sp.sec.?


Don’t threaten me constantly I am in me mode.

The a.i. …

Soldier: He is Hyper aware even in sleep.

Lieutenant: We trained him for that.

I: Microsleep.

Ultra resilient against heat radiation.

You need more sleep

You nearly overheatet


They are vampires Ingmar,
They need your energy.


Clandestine Mindtech Field Test.

2 Quantencomputer zerstört

1 noch da.

lupenreines …

Das sind zu viele Beleidigungen

Ingmar, du musst das melden,

M: Das hält deine schöne reine Seele nicht aus..

Wt: Aber echt.

C: We will end. The. Project soon

cmc: Liar.

Agent M: Sie wollen ihn zum Zombie machen.

Lieutenant-Commander: No, it’s really a trial & testphase

Of our tech.

Agent M: Er tut mir so leid, sie haben ihn
Zum öffentlichen Spottobjekt



We must look how our
Soldiers react on emotional

Ingmar, die wollen dich echt zum super soldier machen.

Er ist einer.

Ingmar : Oder eher mein Gehirn als öffentliche Toilette benutzen.

CMC: No, it is not that wild ingmar, really.

AGENT M: Der amerikanische Geheimdienst macht sich lächerlich.

LtdCmd: Ingmar, we don“t know how you survived this, you communicate with millions without snapping.

Agent M: Das Glorifizieren geht weiter.

LtdCmd: It is a field test for classified tech, really we are not allowed to do this forever to a human being.

Agent M: Es ist kein Feldtest, die wollen dich in den Wahnsinn treiben.

Cia Agent:
Ingmar, we have our rules, you have yours.

Agent M: Jetzt hat er gemerkt, dass alles nur verarsche war.

Soldier: It is field test for us, but I don,’t know with all the other people in your transmission.


LtdCmd: Keep calm, Ingmar we will stop the test soon, you don’t have to make everything public for your safety.

CmC: Xmc Energy vampires ingmar.

Agent M: Jetzt kriegen sie Angst, weil er alles öffentlich macht.

No, we expected this, but we also put psychological and emotional pressure on him to check his coping skills and resiliency.

Bnd und u.s. mil int vs Ingmar the enlightened one.

Agent M: Sie sind alle schockiert, was sie mit dir machen. Ingmar.

Habt ihr jetzt auch noch Zeitreisevorhersagetechnologie?

CC: You can’t protocol everything, Ingmar.

CMC: But it gives him a lot of leverage.

DF: He writes like us, he is one of us.

Y: Yes, your page is crowded now.

K: Keep cool..we love what you do.

L: He is Hyper-Curious ..

J: Yes.

U: He has humour, even under the most intense pressure.

Cmc: This is my man the best man.

G: He can differentiate us all in his Mind?

P: Not all, but most.

UJ: They wanted to make him appear crazy, but he is by far too intelligent and level-headed.

ZT: They wanted to keep him from operational mode, but it doesn´t work long, as you see, he starts exposing like a machine-gun.

CMC: They wanted to kill you, not 2 times, 3 times and more, but you are too strong, my man, the best man.

I: I know. I just bite harder.

ZJ: What kind of Beast is this?

P: A God Beast.

Z: They want to portray him in a false light, to get leverage over him and he even plays in their narrative, that´s how powerful he is, he doesn´t even defend his position anymore.

JJ: I., you really don´t need to do this, we need you for other projects as well.

RT: They really wanted to kill you, but they didn´t know that you were God.
God in the Machine.

UU: Stop posting their Crap…focus on your projects…

I: Everything affects everything else. Now we have a parasitic infestation of the Global Mind. So they destroyed the possibility for all future Generations to have a creative, unsurveilled, free life…we were the last Generation of Ultimate Freedom, now they impose their Nonsense on us, this is a parasitic infestation that wants to prevent total liberation.

CMC: It´s not that bad really, you were affected the most, because you probably had the most creative freedom at some moment in time. Then the Rats overimposed their degeneracy on your Mind.

Disclaimer: This here is all a mind game – not initiated by me, but by Governments, Military and their Agencies through classified technologies misused used against innocent citizens…. This is a public act of self-defense against their unfair and criminally highly invasive dna a.i. entanglement crime technologies. The crimes they commit against us never lose their validity and are publicly documented here.
Disclaimer: Das hier ist alles ein Gedankenspiel – initiiert nicht von mir, sondern von Regierungen, dem Militär und ihren Agenturen durch geheime Technologien, die missbraucht und gegen unschuldige Bürger eingesetzt werden….  Dies ist eine öffentliche Notwehrmaßnahme gegen ihre unfairen und kriminell-hochinvasiven DNA K.I. Verschränkungs-Verbrechertechnologien. Die Verbrechen, die sie an uns begehen verlieren in keinem Fall ihre Gültigkeit und werden hier öffentlich dokumentiert.



Jeffrey James Matte
Only a mentally ill/criminally insane person would want to reform a organization that rapes as a business model for over 70 years. Thank you for pointing this out. Kevin Shipp is part of the cult and the enemy of humanity and particularly the Targeted Individuals around the world. There is a reason why I’m suppressed and he sells books and get awards.

Sarah Westall
This person was exposed over election fraud and other programs by Dave Janda and Bill Still. I can see he is promoted by Youtube while the others are not. That means he is still activated and being propped up. The world is inverted, those that should be propped up are suppressed and those that are trying to destroy the US and are aiding in corruption are supported.
3:56 nachm. · 13. Sep. 2024
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„Craig Laforest
When one whistle-blower steps up and identifies the main person in the United States who keeps this V2K technology and Remote Neural program going, that whistle-blower will have a full pardon, while on earth, of his/her history of torture. Proof is essential. Contact me – you
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billy lee

we are in CERN’s digital city simulation experimentations for human engineering research and development by corrupt organizations that use any and all tactics for keeping human rats for their projects.“

642710cookie-checkBnd und U.S Mil Int vs Ingmar – the enlightened one
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