„The Lizard People Conspiracy | Are Reptilians Really Controlling The World?“
„2.444 Aufrufe 10.11.2023“
„#reptilians #aliens #lizardpeople #ReptilianElite
As far as conspiracy theories go, David Icke has certainly made a name for himself. Operating in the name of exposing the reality about “who and what is really controlling the world”, Icke has written sixteen extremely long books, given multitudinous lectures and seminars, and appeared on many television and radio shows in search of, and touting, his alleged “truth”.
Alien Reptilian Legacy, Alien World Order: The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race, The Serpent Cult: Origins of Sacred Religion, Book of Alien Race: Secret Russian KGB Book of Alien Species (Blue Planet Project 19), ETs Among Us 4: The Reality of ET / Human Hybrids, Music – Future Rennaisance – Godmode…“