Microwave Attacks since 90s that damage the nervous system…

Conspiracy Revelation: 6.2.2024: Microwave Attacks since 90s that damage the nervous system…

„It took a three-year campaign by CIA and state department employees targeted by the attacks to have their illnesses taken seriously, to receive proper treatment and for the mysterious attacks to be properly investigated.“

“That it’s taken me three years to get treatment is disgraceful, ethically and morally,” said Marc Polymeropoulos, a former senior officer in the CIA’s clandestine service,.“

„…The reality is that this has been an intelligence community issue for decades..“

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/02/havana-syndrome-nsa-officer-microwave-attacks-since-90s

535110cookie-checkMicrowave Attacks since 90s that damage the nervous system…
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