Rapid Decline of Global Birth Rates in the Last 70 Years…

Rapid Decline of Global Birth Rates in the Last 70 Years (1950-2021).

The crude birth rate represents the number of live births in a given population during a specific period, usually per 1,000 people in the population. It is called „crude“ because it doesn’t take into account the age or sex distribution of the population.

This rate provides a basic and straightforward way to assess a population’s fertility level. It is important to note that while the crude birth rate gives an overall picture of fertility, it may not accurately reflect the fertility patterns within different age groups or segments of the population.

South Korea has one of the lowest birth rates globally. Factors contributing to this include changing societal attitudes towards marriage and child-rearing, economic pressures, high education, and career aspirations among women, and a demanding work culture.“

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