Internet of Bodies (IoB) – Criminally coerced forced invasion through Chemtrails for 20+ years
← Internet of Bodies (IoB) – Criminally coerced forced invasion through Chemtrails for 20+ years
That's the difference between governments and individuals. Governments don't care, individuals do. (Mark Twain)
If people were really wise they would have created a decentralized big and free social network without giving Governments or Shadow Governments any possibility to subvert, implant, spy on and/or control it. If you are really keen on staying never use Facebook, Youtube and Google on a clean system...because they automatically implant all your devices...only use pendrives and isolated environments then you can keep your peace of mind, no matter how they try to attack or trojanize your electronics. (Ingmar Veeck)(12.6.)(2018)
Das Schweigen der Massen ist das Verbrechen, für das sie büßen. Das Schweigen ist die schwerste Verfolgung. Niemals haben die Heiligen geschwiegen. (Blaise Pascal)(1623-1662)
They could simultaneously use teleportation and chronovision. They could use chronovision to absolutely deprive us of any form of privacy. As we know we find ourselves on a frightening threshold of a global police surveillance state. We must prevent that the Government achieves a T.I.A. (Total Information Awareness) People should own the right of freedom and happiness. . (Andrew D. Basiago)(Project Pegasus, Teleportation and Time Travel)