How will the West respond to Russian war crimes? | Conflict Zone

„How will the West respond to Russian war crimes? | Conflict Zone“
„42.099 Aufrufe – 05.04.2022“
„DW News
3,76 Mio. Abonnenten
The world has been confronted with horrific images of atrocities against civilians allegedly committed by Russian forces in Ukraine.“

„We’re hearing from the likes of Human Rights Watch, saying that they have documented cases of rape, summary of executions by Russian forces. It’s citing unspeakable, deliberate cruelty and violence against Ukrainian civilians. Zelenskyy has warned of worse atrocities yet to be uncovered, and he’s pointing to areas in particular in the west of Ukraine that have also been occupied by Russian forces. What is your intelligence telling you right now?“
„Well, it is clear that Russian troops were using deliberate terror tactics
against civilians, in order to press for results as fast as possible. When they failed on the military field, then they turned to civilians. And this is what we are actually seeing now. And I agree with the saying that probably the worst is yet to be revealed. Unfortunately, we have to be mentally also prepared for the fact that the more territories are liberated by the Ukrainian army, the more atrocities we will know of. And therefore, again, we have to be ready and prepared with a legal framework so that- not only the political reactions would be needed, but also concrete measures that would be taken by the Western world, with the tools that we have.“

„So what is the expectation? And I can tell you that our expectation is the end of Putinism. End of the ideology that is currently running Russia, and therefore everything has to be employed in order to achieve that. Because if Putinism, which is more than just one person, if it stays, that means that this country will be ready to deploy aggressive tactics and war against its neighbors again. And this cannot be allowed.“

„The more losses he achieves, so to say, I think that the more cruelty we might be seeing.“

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