US Government Accidentally Releases Electromagnetic Mind Control Documents In FOIA Request

Conspiracy Revelation: 28.4.2019: There is nothing to research..they had 70 years time…they know everything about it…it is simply destructive insanity of sadistic Zio-Fascists and Corporate Crime Cartel Oligarchs…
„This third schema speaks more about the mapping of human brain wave frequencies, and mentions that each human body has a unique bio-electomagnetic field, which, presumably, would give users of advanced technologies the ability to locate any individual in the world based on this signature, allowing them to directly target those individuals with psychotronic weapons.“

„US Government Accidentally Releases Electromagnetic Mind Control Documents In FOIA Request“
„When researcher Curtis Waltman of the website Muckrock received files resulting from his Freedom of Information Act request on Antifa and white supremacist groups from the Washington State Fusion Center, he got a little more than he had bargained for: an unrelated zip file entitled “EM effects on human body.”
Within the file were three diagrams that present information on Electromagnetic weapons targeting the human body and brain. The first diagram, more specifically entitled Psycho-Electronic Weapon Effects seems to detail the potential use of such weapons, focusing on both mind control and physical discomfort.“

„This next diagram indicates different processes by which electromagnetic mind control could be employed through mobile phone networks or more locally from the ground or from the air by targeting specific individuals with psychotronic weapons. Different frequencies are described to be able to impact different areas of the brain.“

„This third schema speaks more about the mapping of human brain wave frequencies, and mentions that each human body has a unique bio-electomagnetic field, which, presumably, would give users of advanced technologies the ability to locate any individual in the world based on this signature, allowing them to directly target those individuals with psychotronic weapons.
These diagrams appear to be presentation documents coming from different sources, potentially being used as data points in discussions on how to research and develop psychotronic weapons. These documents do not reveal, in the way of Wikileaks, what shadow government agencies like the NSA have done or are capable of.
Curiously, some of these images appear in an article in Nexus magazine describing a 1992 lawsuit brought by John St. Clair Akewi against the NSA. Akewi claimed that the NSA had the “ability to assassinate US citizens covertly or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health,” and was documenting their alleged methods.“

Conspiracy Revelation: 28.4.2019: Beware of Cloud14…points to NWO Mainframe Cartel Servers…The same Servers that CIA-FaceBUG uses to reconnect the illicit infected Computer-Systems with their Zombiehost.

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