THOTH (known as ENOCH or SAURID) The Builder Of Great Pyramid Of Egypt According To Emerald Tablets

„THOTH (known as ENOCH or SAURID) The Builder Of Great Pyramid Of Egypt According To Emerald Tablets“
„THOTH Tablets are impermeable, resistant to all elements, corrosion, and acids. In fact, the atomic and cellular structure is fixed, and no change can occur, thus violating the material law of ionization. The tablets are engraved with characters written in the old Atlantean language, as some researchers claim, and if these tabs are deciphered, they offer a lot of wisdom.“
„When the Thoth Atlantis (or “Hermes Trismegistus”) raised the people of Khem (Egypt) to the rank of a great civilization, and when it was time for him to leave Egypt, he raised the Great Pyramid at the entrance of the Great Hall of Amenti.
In the pyramid, he hid the recordings and put guards in order to keep his secrets. Later, the descendants of these guardians became the priests of the pyramid, while Thoth was deified as the god of wisdom, the “keeper”, by those who followed him.
In the legend, “Halls of Amenti” have become the world beyond, “The Halls of the Gods,” the place where the soul passes after death to judgment. In the latter times, Thoth’s spirit passed through the bodies of men, as described in the Emerald Tablets, a book of occult wisdom“
„The tablets are of green emerald, very resistant to any element, made of an alchemical transmuted substance and with a fixed atomic and cellular structure. On them are engraved characters from the old Atlantic language, which reacts to the brain waves emitted by the brain of the reader, releasing the associated mental vibration in the mind of the reader. The tablets are attached to each other with rings made of a gold-colored alloy, hung by a rod of the same material.“
“ There are 12 green emerald tablets made of an alchemical transmuted substance.
They are very resistant to any element and substance.
More specifically, the atomic and cellular structure is fixed, it does not allow any change.
Because of this, the tablets contradict the law of ionization regarding the physical bodies.
On them are engraved characters from the old Atlantean language.
They react to the brain waves emanating from the brain of the reader, releasing the associated
mental vibration in the mind of the reader.
The tablets are joined together with rings made of a gold-colored alloy suspended by a rod of the same material.
The wisdom contained in these tabulations is based on ancient mysteries.
For the one who reads with mind and open eyes, personal wisdom will multiply 100 times.“
„Secrets of Thoth Emerald Tablets
THOTH Tablets
The history of the Emerald Tablets is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists.
Thoth is the one who built the Great Pyramid in Giza. Nearly 16,000 years he led the ancient race of Egypt, between 52,000 BC. Up to 36,000 BC, during which he reincarnated many times and left behind documents of inestimable spiritual value.
Thoth was an Atlantic priest-king who founded a colony in Ancient Egypt after the sinking of his mother-country, Atlantis. He was immortal because he had gone into other planes of existence through dematerialisation, and the wisdom of immortality made him ruler over the Atlantic colonies.
Named by the Egyptians the God of Wisdom
Thoth built the Great Pyramid across the Great Hall of the Amenti (the world beyond, the gods where the soul of death passed), including the knowledge of the ancient wisdom, writings and instruments of the old Atlantean, and named the most trusted His men to guard them – the priests of the Pyramid (they declared Thoth the God of Wisdom). The Great Pyramid was a temple of initiation, and among those who gathered wisdom in this place are Jesus, “

62460cookie-checkTHOTH (known as ENOCH or SAURID) The Builder Of Great Pyramid Of Egypt According To Emerald Tablets
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