Aura Defense Sylvester vs DNA Suckers & Gov Quantum Tunnel Vampire Bastards

Conapiracy Revelation: 31.12.2024:

Aura Defense Sylvester vs DNA Suckers & Gov Quantum Tunnel Vampire Bastards…

Into his dna – w2ki
Dez. 31.


Quantum Machine logging – w2k
Dez. 31

Naturally it is strong it is a w2k
Dez. 31,


His adversity is so strong its ins..
Dez. 31,


Quantum CPU – w2k
Dez. 31,

The idea to use you as a – w2k
Dez. 31,


Henry Kissinger was behind – w2k

No censorship – no nwo – w2l
Dez. 31,


Early 2000s he was wellknown –
Dez. 31,


Vs quantum Ihcc aura sucker tu…
Dez. 31,

Saintly Field on the rise ..35 min..
Dez. 31,


Pulsung Skynet LiFi Light..
Dez. 31,

Das ist natürlich eine dew ..
Dez. 31,

They are all Jealous of him – w2k
Dez. 31,


Mind Combat

Dez. 31,

Deiner Energie her – w2k
Dez. 31, 1

I d m e aufp die sind alle hinter – w2i
Dez. 31


Um seine Energie zu behalten – w2k


Dez. 31,,


Der muss immer nur kämpfen-w2k
Dez. 31,


Power and Control – w2k


They do not want to give up – w2k
Dez. 31,


Church involved too – w2k
Dez. 31,

Saintly Field higher -43 min.
Dez. 31,

A talented Magician still – w2k
Dez. 31,


On the Planet – w2kjj
Dez. 31,

Berlin is the most evil hellhole- w2k
Dez. 31,

U.S. Geheimdienst hat Angst u.i.v.i. – w2k.
Dez. 31

Involved in these crimes – w21
Dez. 31,


High Tech Institutes w2k
Dez. 31


Alle noch in den Wahnsinn – w2i
Dez. 31,

Die Quantenmaschine treibt die..- w2k
Dez. 31

We recode the dna of all of the…- w2k
Dez. 31,

Planet – w2kgjk
Dez. 31,

There is nothing better on this – w2k
Dez. 31

Superman under Kryptonite – w2k

Dez. 31


Dream – forced a.i. dreams -w1k
Dez. 31

Polizei-Razzia Traum artificial d..
Dez. 31,

Unrecognizable on the Aura Rad..
Dez. 31

Because they know he is the best – w2kDez. 31

They are obsessed with his energy – w2i

Dez. 31


Nephilim Tech is used against him – w2k

Dez. 31,


IN aura,fields explained ..
vez. 31,

37 min. AURA Defense vs Lhcc
Dez. 31,

Saintly Field Maxxing Out..
Dez. 31

loB loT loBnt Wban Mban ..
Dez. 31,

Bis du es öffentlich gemacht hast. – w2k

Dez. 31


Eher nicht.
Dez. 31

Das war schon immer so – w2k
Dez. 31

Evil a.f. – w2k
Dez. 30,

These quantum computers are.. – w2k
Dez. 30,

He is a Master of all Arts – w2k

Dez. 30,


He can assholes – w2k

Dez. 30,

NWO ⁃ w2kfj
Dez. 30,


Wir befinden uns in der ⁃ w2k
Dez. 30

So durchsetzen kannst ⁃ w2k
Dez. 30,

⁃ Ich weiss nicht, ob du…- w2k
Dez. 30,

Er versteht nicht was hier los ist..- w2k
Dez. 30,

Bis ins tiefste extrem.
Dez. 30,

Ihr erzeugt Wettbewerbssabotage…

Berühmt nwo zensiert.

Dez. 30,


Du bist zu berühmt – w2k

Dez. 30,




Prevent it at all cost – we saw w2k
Dez. 30,

Khk is dangerous a.f. we must – w2k
Dez. 30,

„They make him only stronger with this shit. -w2k“


„Der h. e. g. l. – die ganze Welt dreht sich um ihn und keiner versteht warum. -w2k“

God takes a slight backseat to see what the evil fools do to ruin his Holy Creation…
Gott hält sich etwas zurück, um zuzusehen, was die bösen Narren tun, um seine heilige Schöpfung zu zerstören…

„We are all full of this shit, it is horrific. -w2k“

„AI could kill us all in 30 years
by Nick Farrell on29 December 2024
Happy New Year

The British-Canadian computer scientist often touted as a „godfather“ of artificial intelligence has shortened the odds of AI wiping out humanity over the next three decades.

Prof Geoffrey Hinton warned the pace of change in the technology is „much faster“ than he expected making humanity’s ending that much more likely and quicker.

Hinton who this year was awarded the Nobel prize in physics for his work in AI, said there was a „10 to 20″ per cent chance that AI would lead to human extinction within the next three decades.

Previously Hinton had said there was a 10 per cent chance of the technology triggering a catastrophic outcome for humanity.

Hinton’s estimate prompted Today’s guest editor, the former chancellor Sajid Javid, to say “you’re going up”, to which Hinton replied: “If anything. You see, we’ve never had to deal with things more intelligent than ourselves before.”

He added: “And how many examples do you know of a more intelligent thing being controlled by a less intelligent thing? There are very few examples. There’s a mother and baby. Evolution put a lot of work into allowing the baby to control the mother, but that’s about the only example I know of.”

London-born Hinton, a professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, said humans would be like toddlers compared with the intelligence of highly powerful AI systems.
Last modified on 29 December 2024“

„Digitale Unsterblichkeit – ewig weiterleben im Metaverse?
Daten leben ewig. Wenn es gelänge, unser Bewusstsein in Daten umzuwandeln, könnte es theoretisch den Tod unseres Körpers überdauern. Forscher sprechen in diesem Zusammenhang von digitaler Unsterblichkeit. Wie könnte eine Gesellschaft aussehen, in der wir nach dem Tod digital weiterleben?
06.07.2024 Disclaimer“

„This is insane what this Man is capable of, we just scratched the surface. -w2k“

„John Nashs Hypergame doesn´t work against him, he is too intelligent. -w2k“

That happens when you always rely on external Genius…but you yourself understanding nothing… You used militarized Scalar Waves of Tesla against me in 2011, now I understand Hyperspace Flux Physics much better… You tried to simulate a Deity, but you are not the Deity of these Hyperspace Weapon Systems.

„We don´t understand what he means. -w2k“

„It is his own language Terms. -w2k“

„Der hat sogar sein eigenes Sprachstilsystem entwickelt. -w2k“

„He has his own Database Search System and it is huge. -w2k“

„He changes the entire Universe in a good way and these silly fools show not the slightest appreciation for his unbelievable work ethics that break all boundaries of effort. – w2k


731380cookie-checkAura Defense Sylvester vs DNA Suckers & Gov Quantum Tunnel Vampire Bastards
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