US Troops Find Mahabharata Vimana,Disappear

„US Troops Find Mahabharata Vimana,Disappear“
„It transpires that the troops of the US in Afghanistan found the remains of a Vimana and eight soldiers disappeared.
This caused all European leaders to Afghanistan.
The information was prepared by the Intelligence Arm of Russia, SVR, and placed before to Vladimir Putin.
Post author: By ramanan50: Post date: 20 Mar 2015
6 Commentson US Troops Find Mahabharata Vimana,Disappear
Sometimes events take place and they make you wonder whether what we know as Science is really adequate in explaining Nature’s Mysteries. Our present state of civilization is really an advanced one!
„Scroll down for Video..this video has been removed in YouTube. Video link seems to have been removed.“
Check the one below.

The facts, events mentioned in the Vedas, Scriptures of the Hindus,The Ramayana and Mahabharata, the Great Epics sound so advanced as to make one dismiss them as figments of Imagination, and it is being dismissed as such by the so-called Elites.
Cave In Afghanisthan, where ancient Vimana was found.
What we speak of is about the events , some of them date back to thousands of years and the information found are,
Interstellar Travel,
Advanced Quantum Mechanics,
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry,
Advanced Mathematics,
Calculus,Anti Gravity Theory,
Advanced Surgery, Plastic Surgery,
Atomic Theory,
Neutron Bombs,
Stem Cell Research,
Prediction and measurement of Rain,
Movement of Stars,
Mental exercises,
Control of Consciousness….
I have posted articles on each of these and more.
Vimana, Ancient Indian Plane.
They can be found under Hinduism, Astrophysics,Science.
The description of aircrafts are found in Hindu Ancient texts, The Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Eighteen Puranas.
What is now Iran and Afghanistan were a part of indian Empire and Kandhari, Mother of the Kauravas and Sakuni were from Kandhahar, then called Kaandharra Kingdom.
Mahabharata mentions the use of Aircrafts, more specifically while speaking of Arjuna when he conquered Kandhaara and beyond.
He is reported to have fought with Aliens who came in Vimanas and Arjuna had one of his own granted by his father Indra.
It transpires that the troops of the US in Afghanistan found the remains of a Vimana and eight soldiers disappeared.
This caused all European leaders to Afghanistan.
The information was prepared by the Intelligence Arm of Russia, SVR, and placed before to Vladimir Putin.
Read the story.
A peculiar report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) circulating in the Kremlin today states that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has become the latest in a growing line of Western leaders to make a ‘surprise’ visit to Afghanistan this month and follows visits by United States President Obama (December 3rd), British Prime Minister David Cameron (December 7th) and French President Nicolas Sarkozy (December 8th).“
Conspiracy Revelation: 19.6.2020: The Power Hungry deluded NWO Politicians, including all their armies of darkness will have no use of such spiritual weapon and drive systems..they will never reach the spiritual frequency and maturity to make ever use of them or to be allowed to misuse them without heavy karmic recoils… their demonic power greed and hunger for dominance and control over the masses drives them to all these sorts of crazy expeditions and looting the old nazi empire… You will never be worthy of Gods Grace, because your intentions are evil and cruel and not for the benefit of the Universe and the whole progress of civilization on this Planet, because you use these secret systems to suppress 80-90% of the world and dare to attack those who were elected from the spiritual zone and the holy spirit.
„Only Sarkozy’s trip, this report says, was concealed as he was already in India on a state visit when ‘rushed’ by a US Military aircraft to the Afghan war zone.
What caused the sudden rush of these most powerful leaders of the Western World to go to Afghanistan, this report continues, was to directly view the discovery by US Military scientists of what is described as a “Vimāna” entrapped in a “Time Well” that has already caused the “disappearance” of at least 8 American Soldiers trying to remove it from the cave it has been hidden in for the past estimated 5,000 years.
From the ancient accounts found in the Sanskrit epic The Mahabharata, we know that a Vimāna [photo bottom left] measured twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels. Apart from its ‘blazing missiles’, The Mahabharata records the use of its other deadly weapons that operated via a circular ‘reflector’. When switched on, it produced a ‘shaft of light’ which, when focused on any target, immediately ‘consumed it with its power’.
To the “Time Well” encasing the Vimāna, this report continues, it appears to be an electromagnetic radiation-gravity field first postulated by Albert Einstein as theUnified Field Theory and long rumored to be behind the infamous American World War II experiment in teleportation called the Philadelphia Experiment that in 1943, like the events occurring in Afghanistan today, likewise, caused the sudden “disappearance” of US Soldiers….
The seemingly “perpetual” power source to this mysterious “Time Well”, this SVR report says, appears to be based on the technology of Edward Leedskalnin, who claimed to have discovered the “Secret Knowledge of the Ancients” and from 1923-1951 “single-handedly and secretly” carved over 1,100 tons of coral rock by an unknown process that created one of the World’s most mysterious accomplishments known as the Coral Castle.
Most intriguing of all about this report is its stating that not just any Vimāna has been discovered, but from the ancient writings contained in the cave where it was discovered, it claims that its “rightful owner” is the ancient prophet Zoroaster, who was the founder of arguably one of the most important religions of all time called Zoroastrianism….
The vimana found in Afghanistan is reported to be an estimated 5,000 years old. It is said to be protected by a strange energy barrier that is preventing troops from extracting the vimana.
From the ancient accounts found in the Sanskrit epic The Mahabharata, we know that a Vimana measured twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels. Apart from its ‘blazing missiles’, The Mahabharata records the use of its other deadly weapons that operated via a circular ‘reflector’. When switched on, it produced a ‘shaft of light’ which, when focused on any target, immediately ‘consumed it with its power’.
„RELATED ARTICLES: Why Scientists Deny Uncomfortable Facts Including UFO.“
Vimana Aircraft Types From Rig Veda Purana Kalidasa
In „Hinduism“
„View Archive →←Obama Carries Hanuman In Pocket“
„13 Aug 2016 at 14:55
Ravindar kankattesays:21 Jun 2016: This is Excellent, very interesting, besides my Phd at Netherlands International Inatiate of Management..I am associated with many philosophical and cultural activities in many countrys, these facts proove the greatness of Bharatha (India of today)
Kumar Bikashsays: 17 Sep 2015 at 21:10: Amazing that ancient hi tech flying warfare device is discovered. It shows how advanced the Vedic peoples were in thoughts and works than their contemporaries….!“
„Sreevathsa B Vsays: 21 Mar 2015 at 19:19:
Good article! appreciate the links and research work! The vimana shastra describes clearly describes the construction of vimanas, its parts, battle plans, pilots dress and food code, ethics etc in a vivid details. It´s a great tragedy that we ourselves dont give a damn about our ancient knowledge!“
„ramanan50says: 21 Mar 2015: Thanks. I have written on Vaimanika Shastra and on other advanced concepts as well.“

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Eine Antwort zu US Troops Find Mahabharata Vimana,Disappear

  1. Tim XY sagt:

    Mahbaharata is the only book what admits that nuclear weapons were used in ancient wars while Platon gave no information about the true reason how Atlantis sunk (included human sacrifice as the main reasons), afte the collapse by atomic bombs the magnetic eartzh-field collapsed and caudes the ice-age.
    The war against Atlantis was in truth the war against the whole planet.
    Only the planet earth survived in the solarsystem. In reality we should have 10 planets.
    Nibiru is no planet, it is a babylon. Annunaki-station in the form of a metal ball.

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