
Grundlegende Videos & Infos über den aktuellen globalen Angriff auf die Menschheit. Essential Videos & Infos about the current global assault onto humanity.  (7/11/2013)
Morgellons in Deutschland – Parasiten im Blut – Report (~2012) (8/11/2013)
Chemtrail Fall-Out: Aluminium, Barium, Quecksilber sind Mikroantennen. Barium erzeugt grippeartige Symptome. Zuviel Quecksilber im Körper erzeugt paranoide Symptomatik und Unsicherheit. Der Zweck einer Mikroantenne ist es Botschaften zu übertragen. Der menschliche Körper wird somit zum unwillkürlichen Datentransmitter umfunktioniert und kann nun identifiziert werden durch und reagiert nun auf gaunerhafte Terrorsatelliten. (Nano-Aluminium/Barium (Mikroantennen) sättigt sich durch Chemtrail Fall-Out in den Menschen an und macht sie somit für Satelliten identifizierbar, nutzbar und angreifbar) Wenn die Aluminiumsättigung im Körper hoch genug ist, können sie den Körper als Transmitter benutzen.
Chemtrail Fall-Out: Aluminium, Barium, Mercury are Micro-antennas. Barium gives you flu-like symptoms. Too much Mercury causes symptoms of paranoia and insecurity. The purpose of a micro-antenna is to transmit messages. The human body is thus transformed into a involuntary data transmitter that now can be identified by and reacts to Rogue Terror Satellites. (Nano-Aluminium/Barium (micro antennas) is saturated by chemtrail fall-out into the people and thus makes them identifiable for satellite, usable and vulnerable) When the aluminum saturation in the body is high enough, they can use the body as a transmitter. (7/11/2013)
Dry Chemtrail-Nano-Particle-Storm – Germany 2008, Nano-Hexagon,
transhumanistic attacks, persistent bionanotech-Terror against Humanity.
Trockener Chemtrail-Nanopartikel-Sturm – Deutschland 2008, Nano-Hexagon, transhumanistische Angriffe, persistenter bionanotech-Terror gegen die Menschheit. (7/11/2013)

DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) (kein Wikipedia-Eintrag(Zensur)) integraler Bestandteil der NWO-Welt-Dominanz / (no Wikipedia entry(censorship)) integral part of the NWO-World-Domination.
CENSORDUMB2015Wiki Censor Dumb 18.3.2015
Zensurbeweis, immer noch vorherrschend / Censorprove, still prevalent (3.2.2014)(25.4.2013)(Videodate: 2.11.2011)

Canada Admits – Alien Technology Operated by the USA
(Discovered April 2013 / Videodate: 18.12.2008)
DARPA Invading The Privacy of Your Mind
(Discovered 23.3.2014 / Videodate: 15.3.2014)
2010 REAL ALIEN CONTACT! – Hard Evidence (2005)
(Discovered 18.11.2012 / Videodate: 30.3.2010)

2 Antworten zu Vid-Links

  1. Meny sagt:

    southwark council in England is experimenting on black people- TUSKEGEE IN SOUTHWARK.
    Deliberately making black people sick using remote technology such as nanotechnology implantation during smear tests. Remote heart attack can then be blamed on age as excess stomach fat is created through genital /anal radiation poisoning. Hairloss in black people is NOT because of hair styling techniques as often claimed by experts it´s satellite radiation attack, mostly the hair on top is more easily accessible as compared to the back of the head. It´s mostly a lie as most men dont use those styling techniques but lose their hair just the same. Housing officers and managers should have their finances scrutinized.

    See through wall technology
    DEW-Direct Energy Weapons has been in use for decades on unsuspecting tenants as many battle cancer in
    Broadmayne, portland street.
    se17 2ds.

    Flat 12-many changes in tenants so as not to arouse suspicion
    Flat 6.
    Flat 5-
    Others within the building

    other properties within the borough of high black population have been medically kidnapped for targetting / experimentation.

    • AdminVI2021 sagt:

      Yes…that is not limited to black..same with white people who are targets of opportunity…the reason why this Website exists were these DEW Attacks, Sleep Deprivation Torture Assaults, Burning of Skin Tissue via inhaled Nanotagged particles in the body and USAF-Satelllite assaults, in combination with the genocidal Pharma in 2011 on me and the Bioweapon assaults through transgenic inserts into the DNA since 2005..Stanford University and DoD (Arpa)/SOC/NSA/CIA/USAF/NIH/DIA/Navy and the Pharma-Military-Mafia are one of the root causes of Morgellons, everyone has it now in their DNA due to Chemtrail-Biotech-Smart Dust, when the DNA accepts the foreign trojan horse code of these Rockefeller Criminal Zio-Nazi-Bolshevic-Eugenic Universities and Cancer-Mafia, Fake Cancer Research Institutes, who, in reality, are all Mengele-Fauci-Gates-GeStaPo-Styled Cancer-Bioweapon Manufacturers, working for the Pentagon-Mafia and U.S. Military, then people start getting all the known symptomes of these NWO-Bioweapons.

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