„Through his intense Tapas he has gained this lntense Light – w2k“
Conspiracy Revelation: 15.1.2025:
„Strong austerity practices – w1k“
„Let them Sh#ttalk, it is good for us. – w2k“
„We must find an agreement with him-
We can’t go on this way – w2k“
Mister Eden w2k
Jan. 15,
Magiclasert in trouble w2k
Jan. 15,
Sick system – w2k
Jan. 15,
But he is also imprisoned by this..
Jan. 15,
Sadhguru wants to help you-w2k
Jan. 15,
Mindestens 100 Biorobots ab. – w2k
Jan. 15,.
Von dem seiner Energie hängen – w1k
Jan. 15,
Sie sollten besser auf ihn hören..- w2k
Jan. 15,
„They want to reduce his Power Aura to ashes. – w2k
Envious, jealous villains, scoundrels, evil losers… you can never scientifically receive shakti devi holy spirit…idiotic fools…and you can’t snatch her away root of evil nwo crime inc…also you make a mockery out of yourself by concentrating your entire intelligence, gestapo, secret society and military techno-fascistic apparatus on me… there are 1000s of mystic gnostic yogis outthere.
„By tampering with and hacking and logging into his Dna and hooking his heart to their quantum dna computer 24 7 365. – w2k“
„HE recombats a lot of it back, but it is an adaptive neural a.i. network centric warfare system. – w2k“
„Pathetic Criminals are doing this to you. – w2k“
„He is right, but we can’t stop, the top secret project is too far gone. – w2k“
„They try to make an example out of this holy genius for 3 decades, and become fully exposed to the world as the evil quantum vampiric scoundrels that they are. – w2k“