DARPA Avatar Project Links Your Mind To A Digital World Inside A Quantum Computer

„DARPA Avatar Project Links Your Mind To A Digital World Inside A Quantum Computer.“



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Title: DARPA Avatar Project Links Your Mind To A Digital World Inside A Quantum Computer

YouTube Channel : A Simulated Reality

It was with the development of the first supercomputers, system for controlling the mind; brain and behavior was established. This was a part of the new science of cybernetics, which became public 1948 when the American professor Norbert Wiener published his book with the same title. The researchers’ project of mind control is most often classified as behavior or cognitive manipulation. Already from the beginning, more than half a century ago, it was possible to intercept thoughts, memories, and sensory functions such as sight or hearing. Cybernetics was also the first science that could not only measure and analyze what it came in contact with, but also change these processes.
From the early beginning it was a debate about the issue. The scientific magazine Science had 14-pages in their 1956 November issue under the heading “Some Issues Concerning the Control of Human Behavior”, and Professor Carl R Rogers said: “We can choose to use our growing knowledge to enslave people in ways never dreamed of before, controlling them by means so carefully selected that they will perhaps never be aware of their loss of personhood”. He added the possibility for political use: “Of all the dictatorships espoused by utopists, this is the most profound, and incipient dictators might well find in this utopia a guidebook of political practice…”but mentioned the probable misuse in democratic countries. This scared many. In the USA books were published, articles written and speeches held by leading people about the danger. The threat of exploitation of humans by a remote control technology became apparent. The American professor of psychiatry Joost Meerloo, released his book “The Rape of the Mind” (1956) in which he said:“The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological technique can brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way of living.”

The EU´s Ethical Board with the Swedish Professor Hermerén as chairman protested and wrote in their 2005-declaration to the EU-Commission: “Implants used for changing the identity, memory, self perception and perception of others should be forbidden”. But the Swedish military research (FOI) declares in their report of activities that their aim is to direct the cognitive functions of people for a life time: “FOI develops systems with emphasis on the interaction between people and technology. The goal is that the systems be designed that human cognitive potential, i.e. the ability to perceive, understand, and sorting information can be utilized for´maximum system effect.” An implanted nightmare of this new kind will become permanent if not made public by mass media. This development can only continue as long as it takes place without public knowledge. Journalists, social activitists..“


Historical Reference Link:

DNA Nanotechnology Mind Control Interface Links Humanity to Digital World Inside a Quantum Computer


„Das verfluchte Genie enthüllt alles. – w2k“

„They will succumb to his Power, sooner or later. – w2k“

„Billionaires are tracking him day & night- w2k“

They did this by downloading their conscioussness into a quantum computer simulation. 5g, the iot, and cloud computing allow their emulations to monitor and manipulate the physical world from the sentient world simulation (since 2007 prepared at gangster University in 2006 Update 1.12.2024)/synthetic heaven/hell/purgatory. The quantum computer, dna storage, genetic engineering, and nanotech are some of the other technologies that allowed them to accomplish this. Research digital twin technology if you want to get a better idea of how the system works. Basically they have created a digital twin copy of the entire planet allowing them to monitor and control the physical world from a virtual dimension. giving them the power of gods. The elite are all about power, control and immortality.“
Menschen & Blogs“




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