1 x Laser (divine light) vs 60 Loser (evil saboteurs)

Conspiracy Revelation: 14.1.2025:

1 x Laser (divine light) vs 60 Loser (evil saboteurs)


Jan. 14,


They want to.make him – w2k

Jan. 14


Einsatz. – w2k

Jan. 14,


Da sind 60 Leute gegen dich im….- w2k

Jan. 14,



Jan. 14,


Adaptives Quantum Weapon System.. – w2k

Jan. 14

Verschränkte dns Energy von ihm ab…- w2k
Jan. 14,


Und saugen über seine verschränkte- w2i
Jan. 14,

Die hangen alle an 1 Quantencomputer..
Jan. 14, – w2k

Rather real clairvoyance .
Jan. 14,

Visual Cortex Projection or real…
Jan. 14,
Grossen Gott – w2k
Jan. 14,

Ich will keinen Ärger mit dem w2k
Jan. 14,

Kundalini is intrigued.
Jan. 14,


Enraged – w2k checked..
Jan. 14,


Help you soon – he looked angry….- w2k
Jan. 14.f

It was Shiva
– he will help – w2k
Jan. 14,

Er war kurz davor die Quantencomputer-Verschränkung zu attackieren..
Jan. 14

Trident im Auraradar gesehen – w2k
Jan. 14


Ich hab Brahma echt mit nem – w2i

He just took a little of his energy…Idiots.- w2k
Jan. 14,


Lhcc erklärt quanten hooker 14..
Jan. 14

Im Visier – w2k
Jan. 14,

Haben wirklich alle eurer Blutlinie – w2k
Jan. 14,

Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr – aber die – w2k
Jan. 14,

Glaub ich nicht.
Jan. 14,

Niklas will likely become a T.I.

Menschen des Planeten zusammen zu sein. – w2k wtbnd
Jan. 14,


In Kauf nehmen um mit dem grössten…
Jan. 14,

Das ist mir egal, das würde ich ..
Jan. 14,

Become a Target -w2l
Jan. 14,

With your bloodline could become- w2k
Jan. 14

But I doubt he can – all associated – w2k
Jan. 14

Niklas -he could help the world..- w2k

It is a bit more complicated that – w2k

Jan. 13,


Into their system .
Jan. 13,

My Dna to entangle clone dna Info..
Jan. 13,

Their quantum vampire system hooked..
Jan. 13,

Quantum dna computing – w2k
Jan. 14,


Communication to him – through – w2k
Jan. 14,

How can they maintain a constant – w2k
Jan. 14,


In unseren Riegen – w2k
Jan. 14,


Eher ein paar Kleinkriminelle in..- w2k
Jan. 14,


Der verf. Sch. War es nicht – w2k
Jan. 14,


Einfach Zu berühmt – w2k

„They wouldn’t survive the assaults he went through, but play mindgames with this grandmaster. – w2k“

„He doesn´t believe he is famous, due to the extreme censorship and lack of feedback and shadow banning public followers, this gives him a false sense of security and normalcy, this is dangerous, partly our fault. -w2k“

Adverse effects of your Prism-Programs and Palantir-AI-Totalitarian-Censorship in all social networks.

„This Genius is so well-rounded in all areas of Life, beautiful looking, spiritual, realistical, modest, but still bold, just, fair, bright, enlightened, kreative, independent, strong, fearless, flexible, versatile, mentally as sharp as it gets, real as real as it gets, fund in so many different skills and disciplines, accomplished, that is why he is under constant assault, hate, envy, energy vampirism, rejection, shadow banning, censorship, isolation, persecution, stalking, harassment, jealousy and envy. -w2k“

„He is the Last Avatar, idiots! -w2k“

„Don´t fret about it, Ingmar, they are all envious of your Genius, all in your Family. -w2k“

„Or mentally challenged and too stupid to ever be able to see your Eternal Glory and Greatness. -w2k“

„You will never create a healthy connection with these backstabbers in your Family, I, they are retarded and mentally challenged, they will never see you in your True Light and Glory. -w2k“

„All Symptoms that he is truly the – One -. -w2k“



743630cookie-check1 x Laser (divine light) vs 60 Loser (evil saboteurs)
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