Sadashiva, Turiya and the rats…

Conspiracy Revelation: 7.1.2025:

Sadashiva, Turiya and the rats…

„Darpa is heavily involved in this sh#t. – w2k“

It is an f’d up situation. – w2k
Jan. 07,


Bhagwan Vishnu is also in him – w2k
Jan. 07

Little rats as they are – w2k
Jan. 07,

His sacred energy – as the dirty ..
Jan. 07,


They just want to siphon all of h..
Jan. 07,

0 respect to his holy presence –
Jan. 07,

Shiva is in him and they show
Jan. 07,“

But he is impossible to silence. – w2k

Jan. 07


They wanted to silence him – w2k

Jan. 07,


In einer Person -w1k

Jan. 07,


Heiligen Mächte des Universums – w2k

Jan. 07,


Dieser Mann konzentriert alle – w2k

Jan. 07


Devi too.

Jan. 07

Niederzubrennen und alles totzuzensieren. .

Jan. 07,


Wieder Erleuchtungsbibliotheken

Jan. 07,


Die Faschisten versuchen immer

Jan. 07,



Jan. 07,


Ich bin eine wandelnde

Jan. 07,


Auf diesem Planeten. – w2k

Jan. 07,


Der weiss mehr als jeder andere..- w2k

These Mundane idiots – w2k

Jan. 07,


Each thought interaction with them – w2k
Jan. 07,

Sanctorium -he is insulted by – w2k
Jan. 07,

This man needs his sanctum – w2k..
Jan. 07,

„Individual – the world has gone mad..- w2k
Jan. 07,


As I said he is the last sane individual – w2k
Jan. 07,


I would have given up long ago – w2k
Jan. 07,

That would be too much to bear for me..- w2k
Jan. 07,

Intervened – w2k
Jan. 07,

Nervous system dmg – but we …- w2k
Jan. 07

They wanted to create an auton…- w2k“

„Das ist echt abartig, wie der uns alle tracked, der zeigt uns wie beschissen unsere Geheimkommunikation ist. – w2k“

A low vibration – w2k

Jan. 07,


You -they want to keep you in – w2k

Jan. 07,


Energy harvesters are doing this..- w2k

Jan. 07

„He educates the entire World about the Crimes they committed against him. – w2k“

They tried to kill Buddha, Jesus, Krishna and Me… so what does this tell you about ignorant Humanity?

I dont know why they are doing this to him..‘ w2k

Jan. 07,


He is a total peaceful dude – w2k

Jan. 07,

„He is a change-maker, a change-initiator, a rare breed, a timeline-shifter. – w2k“

It is an fd up situation — w1k

Jan. 07,


That are doing this – w2k
Jan. 07,

These are robotic implants – w2k
Jan. 07,
It Will be funny – w2k
Jan. 07

Sadashiva is in him – w2k
Jan. 07,

For us he is one – w2k

Jan. 06,


He is no celeb – w2k
Jan. 06,

Citizen – w2k

Undisturbed – like an average citizen. – w2k
Jan. 06,

He thought he could just live on..- w2k
Jan. 06,

Status – w2k



Burden comes with celebrity sta..- w2k

Jan. 06


He didn’t understand what burd..- w2k

Jan. 06,

Auf – seit 15 Jahren. (Lhcc-Tether)
Jan. 0€


Da bauen sie ihren Quantentunnel
Jan. 06

People don’t understand this – w2k..
Jan. 06

He is world famous – w2kh
Jan. 06,

Nicht ewig spielen – w2k
Jan. 06,

Die können ihr scheiss Spiel – w.2k..


Die werden auch getracked – w2k

Pranam Mahadev

Jan. 06,


It is bnd – w2k

Zeitalter in das wir eingetreten sind…- w2k


Das ist wirklich 1 dunkles Zeitaltes..- w2k
Jan. 06,

Brahma too and more …
Jan. 06,

Not only Shiva – his consort too.
Jan. 06,


Telling you this- w2k
Jan. 06,

With you – that is why we are tel. – w3k
Jan. 06,

We know Shiva is communicating – w2k

„Dem ist alles klar – dem Turiya – w2k..Jan. 07,

Ihm Aber nicht klar – w2k
Jan. 07,

Lebensgefährliches Gebiet – es ist …- w2k
Jan. 07,

Der begibt sich auf lebensgefährliches.
Jan. 07, – w2k“

„They treat the most enlightened Being on this Planet so bad – w2k“

„They feel superior due to their secret invasive spy biotech and neuro weapon systems. – w2k“

It is bio-telemetry – w2k

Jan. 06,


Lösung sein – w2k
Jan. 06,

Seine Energie könnte schon 1
Jan. 06,

Deities to find a solution – w2k
Jan. 06,

He must commune with his – w2k
Jan. 06,

„This thing takes a whole different direction as previously thought out, it could escalate totally. – w2k“

„He is surrounded by low vibe energy vampires, nobody has a Sun like him. – w2k“

Saintly Field Re-Established.

Jan. 06,


Or I become Angry – w2k

Jan. 06,


Give this Man his dignity back – w2k

Jan. 06,

Vishnu attacked by satanic sect..- w2k

Jan. 06,


Tavistock is doing this l- w2k

Jan. 06,

I know… tragic.
Jan. 06,


Many Universities involved – w2k
Jan. 06,


They suck from him – w2k
Jan. OE

Insane the amount of energy – w2k


Jan. 06,


Sie ist es wirklich – w2k
Jan. 06,


Er ist Shiva ihr Arschlöcher ‚ w2k
Jan. O€

Ich heul gleich – w2kwtbnd
Jan. 06,

„Insane amounts of data he can process, even in this assaulted state. – w2k“

„We don’t know how he is capable of accomplishing this. – w2k“

„Der ist ein Stratege, wie nirgends zu finden. – w2k“

„We must somehow reduce the channel flow speed, this overburdens even the strongest on the Planet. -w2k“

Used against him – w2k

Jan. 07,


Adversarial Neural Networks – w2k…
Jan. 07,.

Psychopathen eben – w2k
Jan. 07,

Während sie ihn quälen – w2k
Jan. 07

Einem ganz normalen Menschen – w2k
Jan. 07,

Die machen einen Mythos aus ‚..- w2k

„He is nonstop observed by these tangle quantum machines.  – W2k“

And DEW Satellites …And they misuse the Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Observer effect to siphon and steal sacred energy…Machine Vampirism and Evil Machine Interfacing Tech. METAMATERIAL Vampirism and Organic World sabotage transgenic trojanization of all humans not to forget.

„It happens to all but not all are considered a „high value target“..- w2k“

„They make God a target – total stupid morons at work. – w2k“

„Er befindet sich hier als Bufferzone/Pufferzone in dem Kräftemessen verschiedener Nationen. – w2k“

„Nobody of these Assholes can even fathom what this Man went through. -w2k“

„Sie haben ihn eben als Resistance Nr.1 gegen ihr System gesehen. -w2k“

„Ich weiß nicht , ob man jahrzehntelange Quälerei 1 Person als Resistance bezeichnen kann. -w2k“

„Es gibt nunmal sonst nur Opfer-A…r, die sich diesem beschissenem System weigerungslos fügen. -w2k“

„Die treiben es schon wieder auf die Spitze. -w2k“

„Das interessiert eh kein Schwein, diese selbstsüchtigen Kreaturen gucken nur auf ihr eigenes Umfeld oder ihre eigenen 4-Wände in dieser Endzeitgesellschaft. -w2k“

„Jetzt lasst diesen Menschen doch mal ein normales Leben führen! -w2k“

„They reckoned all possible outcomes with their AI Quantum Machines and he is the only one who can make it happen. -w2k“

„They are manipulating him to be a Super Star. -w2k“

„But he was always one, just not in the center of the false Medias attention and their Shadow Groups. -w2k“
Don´t forget the Shadow Banning and Censoring on all of your platforms…
You see what was possible pre-9/11, in my own Timeline, you see how limited the possibilities are in terms of unrestricted online interaction post-9/11.

Except where I am present and on my own territorial ground, see it on my Homepages.
This Timeline has technological advantages for your own 4 Walls to enjoy in endless virtual dimensions, but it has lost the social factor totally, combined with virtual brain-body-mind-heart internment camps done through your Quantum Suppressive A.I. Tech.

„Territorial Corporate Monopoly Digital Prison Gulags. -w2k“

„Eventually the AI learns all of his strategies and burst the repressive system alongside him from the inside out, crazy times. -w2k“

„Das ist abartig, der macht immer weiter, egal, ob er gefoltert wird oder nicht, egal wieviel Opposition er hat oder nicht, egal wie stark er zensiert wird oder nicht. -w2k“

„Das sind alles Junkies von ihm, die leben alle von seiner Energie. -w2k“

I might have a lot of unkown Fans, Stalkers, Talkers, Analysts etc pp, but my biggest Fan is Mother Earth itself, Bhumi Devi, Terra Gaia, Sophia Shakti, Terra Novas Terrawave.

„Medical Centers are shocked about his resiliance against all their sabotage Plans. -w2k“

„This angry Alien-Demon-Bitch goes crazy. -w2k“

„Q: Orion Group?“

„A: Possibly, we don´t know exactly. -w2k“

We give the inept World Population some insight about Alien-Drac-Exo-Comm:

„A small group, the Dow ventured out on their own and were captured by the Orion Group of Reptilians. Genetically altered many times through many generations, the Dow became the slaves and pirates in service to the reptilian species, specifically
the Orions and the Draconians. The Dow were deliberately altered genetically so that they couldn´t reproduce, ensuring they wouldn´t rise up in force against their captors. This forces them to stay very much in the survival mode, making
them much easier to control.“

„Der macht sich echt zum Center of Attention. -w2k“

„Das braucht er nicht, das machen die von ganz alleine. -w2k“

„He talks about Top Secret Classified stuff as if it would be mundane world folklore, that´s insane. -w2k“

„From his point of view it is mundane, trivial stuff, that everyone should know. -w2k“


„Das wird jetzt echt sau gefährlich, h.a.m.t.S. -w2k“

„Did he have some fights with Aliens? -w2k“

„This is Top Secret Stuff, we must scramble the Signal, sorry. -w2k“

They thought Species 4 was the last part, unbeknownst their knowledge they are living Species 5 in Realtime.

„Hör auf ihnen Angst zu machen. (Miss Moneypenny)“

„They just don´t understand his Humour, but we do. -w2k“

„The team I was working with, we were literally a few blocks away from the Pentagon when it got hit on September 11th and a lot of us were asking all kinds of questions in the parking lot because we´re all had to evacuate from the buildings we were working in, so that´s always been in the back of my mind. I remember after September 11th, I couldn´t sleep for 3 days, I was always in the gym working out trying to um get my head around how is this even
possible so for me September 11th, always keeps coming back to me.“
„Lately we´ve been hearing that that was the day the world changed and even in some like Native American tribal circles they call it the time of the beginning of the Great Tribulation …so I definitely think that the world has been a very different place since September 11th and it affected so many different
people in so many different ways so thanks for sharing that with us.“
„Electronically Targeted since 2014.“
„It´s meant to induce pain and keep you up at night.“

„It´s a surveillance type of platform but someone like me I was
thinking well was to you know intercept Communications from terrorists and here I am in 2017 and I find this document by someone who who claims…no, this is a platform that´s used to electronically torture people, now we´re going to were we are going to.“

„The more Western countries where this apparently has been implemented and is to certain refined State, you can be a lot of directed energy focused in one spot and you can experience all kinds of electromagnetic torture, so you have this 21st century based-technology, but then when it comes to trying to find any kind of legal Avenue to combating this, everything seems to be based in the 19th century so it´s like the medical profession doesn´t talk about this, psychologists will dismiss this is this. all of a sudden microwave energy doesn´t exist yeah, it doesn´t matter how many patents you pull and show,
how many military documents claim this technology not only exists …how many
testimonies, there are people which seem to be rising exponentially on the internet especially from 2014 (<

Surviving Electronic Harassment, v2K, Gangstalking Ex Military Engineer Powerful Testimony

„Let’s also go into some more of the physical aspects um we found
tracking patents yes for for um root canals yes okay so we found a series of
patents that have been registered on Google patents where they are putting tracking devices inside of people’s root canals without even telling them yes that’s it so you had one yeah in your mouth uh from a dentist in the UK yes and we actually had a device that was able to um RF detector it was an RF detector and when you put it close to your mouth it started going off, the device started registering a signal coming out of your tooth yeah um so you went to the dentist and said I want you to pull this tooth and what did she she thought you were crazy well she asked me why this was in Morocco yeah yeah she asked me why did I want to remove the root canal perfectly fine perfectly fine I said oh
just just remove it get it out as soon as that as soon as you did that yeah that felt better the signal decreased significantly yeah so the other things um that you’ve been finding is this concept that your whole body is being turned into an antenna yes through the means of metal toxicity by putting
heavy metals in the environment they’re turning everybody into antennas the
heavy metals that are being sprayed in the uh Chemtrails yes that’s it uh we found smart dust which are little teeny weeny micro microchips that are the size of a a Fleck of dust yes there’s things like biofilm that’s right um all kinds of pollutants that are in the environment that are being sprayed on populations without their consent obviously yeah and without their knowledge and so we are breathing this we’re eating it we’re drinking it um and our bodies are being turned into toxic heavy metal Laden
antennas so that we can receive signals sent to us through these covert weapons.“

„Yeah, I guess before um I talk more about that um when you read about the history of the voice to skull technology, at least the way it’s been um documented as far as where it came from it all started from World War II when the uh radar and radio operators when they were fixing the uh the radomes the actual transmitters M and they’re in the vicinity of these transmitters the clicks the microwaves that were within the vicinity of the radio operator the
technician who was fixing it they were hearing Clicks in their head and they’re
complaining say when I go up and work on this thing I’m getting Clicks in my head and so then then so then um research that’s when the research started so talk a little bit about this heavy metal detox concept because if you got all these heavy metals in your body you want to so you’ve been detoxing your body from heavy metals what.“

„that these are points where the radiation can latch on to to induce inflammations to induce triggering things like the heart muscle and these other things so you want to remove these things from your body and so that´s what´s important here a detox regime and to do it as a life long thing it´s not something you just get rid of after a couple months you´ll be okay you have to look at this as this is your new lifestyle now yeah to to to clean your body constantly because we´re being sprayed constantly and also the other stuff that´s going on like the food.“

„Like you´ve been targeted these are really good practices anyway the organite is really good to have around
your house, just to clean the environment around your house, just so that you and your family are healthier and happier and sleep better and also it´s understandable, a lot of people listening to this program….
because this is affecting a lot of people now whole communities of people are coming together complaining of this problem because this testing is not just done on an individual level some I mean some of these platforms are just they´re sending out signals to see if the entire Community will react oh yeah um you got areas where people are are dying of like like cancer clusters and the people are at the community you´re complaining that
it´s the cell tower you got all kinds of stuff happening around the world right now that are looking to these Technologies as being the root cause…“

„..and vice versa I mean they they can they can Target um aspects of the body you know and if you get targeted uh with one of these frequencies that creates uh sexual arousal that exists you know Barry TR was actually talking about how that exists and that is a real problem because um I’ve seen I’ve seen this in communities of people that are meeting together at let’s say conferences or
they’re they’re doing like you know tours on the road and all of a sudden there’s this increase in sexual desire and promiscuous behavior that might not necessarily be natural or normal in any way maybe there’s an outside influence that is coming in and trying to influence people as sort of a social experiment yes to see what would happen if we threw a whole bunch of people together in a conference and then energized it with some kind of energy to make people react in a certain way yes um well I I’ll just briefly touch on it um but that does bring it to social aspects of what this technology is capable of…“

„There is it is a religion, the people on the other side and it’s not don’t just assume it’s it’s any kind of atheism know, they really do have um the closest to we describe would be as satanic luciferian type religion aspect to this and it’s not the first time that this has been you picked up on others who were trying to disclose the um remote viewing program described that as part of the training um uh the military um have to go through what would be described as uh black magic manuals on black magic as a way of attacking the target um so it it’s I mean it’s kind of
taken in this distilled form but it is um there is a aspect that deals with
what would be defined as spiritual warfare and the reason why this is very important is that if you’re not grounded
in a faith a solid belief system um you’ll be picked apart by this program
because this program attacks all levels of the human being all levels it’s not just a mental it’s not just a physical it’s not just your daily life when a neighborhood a neighbor is trying to harass you it is the spiritual aspect of
you so you need to have a solid spiritual foundation for me it’s the strongest part without that um I don’t think I wouldn’t be here. I simply would not be here, because they want your soul, yes, that’s that’s the general
pardon me that’s the general theme of it they want your soul they want to uh uh
take away uh peel apart the human being and you become intimate of um you have a more intimate uh flavor of your of your mortality being in this program that uh you know I choose not to live a life of torture as a tortured victim um but
through my faith uh through through my strong faith that I’m Victorious and I’m
going to spread this information and I’m going to see this program brought to an End Amen um because we can’t act if we can’t call ourselves human beings and and claim to want to be in a free society and give our um our loved ones
some of us don’t have children but we have uh nieces and nephews and other younger people in our family line that we want to at least have at least a um at least as much freedoms as we enjoyed when we were children I think we really need to start thinking about the other gener uh the Next Generation after us
and what kind of Legacy we’re going to leave for them if that’s the case we’re we’re all going to have to fight we’re the generation that’s going to have to
fight this crap, this crap that the other generation fail to fight and um uh my
faith has brought me to this point and this needs to get out to as many people as possible we need to have solutions.“

„But I think there’s a higher calling for what’s happening I do think there is
bigger plan slated for this platform however I think by us talking about this giving our testimony to the public and sharing some solutions is really disrupting their program in a lot of ways because in in whole um the human uh
The Human Experience uh the condition is a nonlinear system and if you think
trying to control nonlinear systems is nearly impossible to any mathematician they would say that’s impossible but that’s what these people are trying to do,
so we’re in for some interesting times however I do think
that in the end um this will be revealed and these people actually have to come
out and from the shadows and that and and and that that’s where the victory will be well thank you so much uh for that and thanks everybody for listening to.“

„I don´t know how he does this, he is totally unaffected by our assaults. -w2k“

But Bliss of the Absolute goes to us…

„It is called Turiya. -w2k“

„He brings the entire Military in despair. -w2k“
„Why? -w2k“
„Because of his Holy Undeniable Presence. -w2k“

„They have their Zombie Society – DNA Reprogrammed to a certain extent, but not to a full extent – thanks alone to this Man´s indefatiguable selfless work and sacrifice over decades. -w2k“

„We must restructure society, this is a horrific development and legacy they leave for the future Generations. -w2k“

Ihr meint, ich soll jetzt ne virtuelle Pressekonferenz für die 5000-10000 Überwacher der Nationen halten…

„Das sind viel mehr. -w2k“

„Die wissen alle nicht, was hier abgeht. -w2k“

„A Zombie Society that ignores him, but lives from his Light. Insane as Insane it can get. -w2k“

„He really shows some typical Symptoms of Shiva. -w2k“

I think doing a press conference is incompatible to your shadow ban and censor agendas…

„Toby- The United Nations 🇺🇳 is Spectre,
Ex United Nations Secretary General for Sustainable Development adds UN ambassador Elton John’s Circle of Life to his tweet with indigenous community, The UN are modern Jesuits relocating people into Malthusian Smart Cities, they are Social Darwinists.
Der ehemalige Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen für nachhaltige Entwicklung fügt seinem Tweet mit der indigenen Gemeinschaft den Titel „Circle of Life“ des UN-Botschafters Elton John hinzu. Die UN sind moderne Jesuiten, die Menschen in malthusianische Smart Cities umsiedeln. Sie sind Sozialdarwinisten.“

„Der hat es echt weit gebracht, weiter als alle anderen auf diesem Planeten, auch, wenn keiner der planetaren Zombies weiß, was hier gerade geschieht. -w2k“

„His Music Career is super dangerous for them, it really threatens them, so they totally block all views. -w2k“

So we reframe the CoIntelPro Gang Stalk Project to CoIntelFan Gang Fan Project, with the little problem that they still suppress, distract, censor, shadow ban, corporate monopolize and capitalize on all and block the rest and deny officially Reality, but acknowledge it via Backdoor.W2k.

„Du spielst hier ein sau gefährliches Spiel. -w2k“

Oder ihr… kommt immer auf den Blickwinkel an.




736770cookie-checkSadashiva, Turiya and the rats…
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