Gangstalking Attention Awareness

Concspiracy Revelation: 20.10.2024: Gangstalking Attention Awareness.

“4.280 Aufrufe 29.07.2023 #TargetedIndividual #TargetedIndividuals”

“Keywords Key words Cyber Bullying Voice Of God Directed Energy Weapon Human experimentation Weapon testing Gang Stalking Whistleblowers Remote Neural Monitoring Street Theatre Slander Character Assassination Flying monkeys Behavior modification Dream Manipulation Transhumanism Spyware Gaslighting #Freemasons, #NWO, #Army ,#CIA, #FBI, #Exposed, #Gangstalking,#ElectronicHarassment,#CyberTorture,#Cyber_torture,#MindControl,#V2K #Voicetoskull,#Synthetictelepathy,#TargetedIndividuals,#TargetedIndividual, #RemoteNeuralMonitoring”


“Whistleblower Bryan Kofron: The radio frequencies, microwave signals, the
entire spectrum of radio frequencies can be used within a certain range to produce all sorts of different effects, so the way it works is a device
broadcasts a radio frequency let’s say at an individual and that radio
frequency will hook up with the resonance frequency of the individual´s mind or body or in this case DNA and what happens is once the resonant frequency is found in the targeted individual and the broadcast frequency matches up with that resonant frequency, those two frequencies interlock and they can be thought of as one frequency or one energy and what happens is between the broadcast frequency and the individual that’s receiving the broadcast frequency, once they are resonating together a super highway of frequency along which information can be sent is created and, o you can think of it just like fiber optic handles that you use to send uh signals over the Internet that connect people to the Internet it’s the exact ame thing only a wireless application of that and so once you have connected the targeted individual with the frequency and they resonate together then you have a perfect Avenue upon
which to send and receive information back and forth and that’s exactly how
they manipulate someone’s thoughts… they manipulate their emotions, they
manipulate their behavior and then that’s also how they receive back from
the individual in real time, the vital signs, the emotions, the thoughts, what the person´s seeing, what the person´s hearing and then all that information of course is rendered on a computer elsewhere via software and it can be monitored and tracked in real time.”

“Whistleblower Roger Tulses: They´re transmitted by a technology called biocoded directed energy and that´s a top secret thing that was
developed and what it is, they get your DNA, in other words they
they pick your garbage up in front of your house one day
and inside your garbage is your DNA, most likely from the trash (>>>NOWADAYS FROM THE BLOODWORK OF YOUR DOCTOR<<<) can in your
bathroom that you dumped in your garbage, once they have your DNA, they take the DNA and they put your DNA code in a Supercomputer and in that super computer they run algorithms that biocode electromagnetic Transmissions, so they bio-resonate with your body, once they’ve done that, they can transmit
that from satellites or cell towers or aircraft or any number of ways and that
signal will only affect you and nobody else, in other words everybody standing
next to you is not going to hear the content because their receiver is not
tuned to that bioresonance. There´s a bio-resonance to every individual just like our fingerprint, every person has an individual DNA at different bioresonance..v2k with Pulse Transmissions in 1992… they´re
attempting to shut the person off from their normal life flow and their normal
friends and family, that kind of thing…what people have to realize is
that these targeted individuals are basically the test stage for ruling all
of this madness out to all seven billion of us on this Planet.”

“Death about your spiritual power – w2k
Okt. 20,


Harvard Scientists are scared to…
Okt. 20,


Pistorius Psycho – w2k
Okt. 20,


Das mit ihm gemacht haben – w2k
Okt. 20,


Straflager für die Schweine, die..
Okt. 20,


We will check that soon – w2k
Okt. 20,


Medusa Team is still on him – w2k”

Saintly Field Re-Established…
Okt. 20, ,


Lhcc Quantum unhooked.
Okt. 20


Aura Backflow Release Combat.
Okt. 20,


Well-Done -I- w2k
Okt. 20,


Politicians are scared to d about y – w2k
Okt. 20,


Der Typ macht mir echt Angst – w2k
Okt. 20,

Mindradar – these are monstrous..- w2k
Okt. 20,


We watch the activities on the – w2k
Okt. 20,


No – for real – w2k
Okt. 20,


Bluffers – w2k
Okt. 20


Dangerous for us – w2k
Okt. 20,


Back -this becomes too dangerous – w2k
Okt. 20,


We are giving him his energy -w2k


From spiritual to astral to mater..- w2k
Okt. 20,


Trickle down sooner or later – w2k
Okt. 20,


Monstrous formations that will..- w2k
Okt. 20,



674770cookie-checkGangstalking Attention Awareness
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