Conspiracy Revelation: 1.12.2024: Hunting down the Nano Sensor Vampires. – Energy Harvesting Nano-Infiltration of Humanity…
We live in lawless Times.
Subvertion of the Human Body is a Crime.
DNA-Theft is a Crime.
DNA-Entanglement of Human Bodies with Quantum Machines is a severe Crime.
Infiltrating the Human Mind, Body, Brain and Heart is a severe Crime.
This is not Human Augmentation, but Human Temple Desecration and Negative
DNA Trojanization with chromosome 47 (ecdysone inserts and agrobacterium as T-DNA substrate for artificial nervous systems, with the side effect of developing Morgellons) are serious crimes against physical integrity, and have been practiced without restraint worldwide since the official implementation of WBAN in 2005.
Misusing technical universities for totalitarianism and total infiltration and body surveillance are equally serious crimes that have been practiced without restraint with government legitimacy for over two decades, unpunished for the perpetrators, so far.
The infiltration of the human mind, body, brain and heart is a serious crime.
Remote Neural Monitoring is a severe Privacy Crime.
Remote Heart Tethering / Energy Vampirism through DNA-Quantum Tunneling with Special Quantum Access is a most severe Crime against Human Individuals, it is Energy Theft, Remote Torture, Privacy Violation and a physical attack.
MindTech-Interfacing is a severe Body Integrity and Privacy Crime.
BCI-Interfacing Tech is a severe Crime against Body Integrity and Freedom of Choice.
Biotech/Bioweapon/Nanotech-Subvertion of Human Bodies is a severe crime against Body, Mind, Soul and Freedom of Choice.
Forced Transformation is adharmic/asuric/demonic and EVIL!
Spraying the whole Atmosphere (Chemtrails) (Illicit and Criminal Terra-Reforming) with light metals, heavy metals, biotech, smart dust, myco toxins and radioactive materials like Uranium is a most punishable crime against Mother Earth and all its creatures.
Continuous irradiation and continuous surveillance with extremely low frequency, high frequency, scalar waves, microwaves via quantum satellites, cell towers or CUBESATS is a serious crime.
All this fosters Gang Stalking, Voyeurism, Gov Stalking, Mindrape and State-Sponsored Crimes.
Verschwörungsoffenbarung: 1.12.2024: Jagd auf die Nanosensor-Vampire. – Energiegewinnende Nano-Infiltration der Menschheit …
Wir leben in gesetzlosen Zeiten.
Die Subversion des menschlichen Körpers ist ein Verbrechen.
DNA-Diebstahl ist ein Verbrechen.
DNA-Verschränkung menschlicher Körper mit Quantenmaschinen ist ein schweres Verbrechen.
DNA-Trojanisierung mit Chromosom 47 (Ecdyson-Inserts und Agrobacterium als T-DNA-Substrat für künstliche Nervensysteme, mit dem Nebeneffekt Morgellons zu entwickeln) sind schwerste Verbrechen gegen die körperliche Unversehrtheit, wird seit der offiziellen WBAN 2005 Implementation weltweit hemmungslos praktiziert.
Technische Universitäten für Totalitarismus und Total-Infiltration und Körperüberwachung zu missbrauchen sind ebensolch schwere Verbrechen, die hemmungslos regierungslegitimiert seit über 2 Jahrzehnten praktiziert werden, ungestraft für die Täter, bisher.
Die Infiltration des menschlichen Geistes, Körpers, Gehirns und Herzens ist ein schweres Verbrechen.
Das ist keine menschliche Augmentation, sondern eine Entweihung menschlicher Tempel und negative NAZI-Eugenik.
Fernüberwachung neuronaler Systeme ist ein schweres Privatsphärenverbrechen.
Fern-Herz-Tethering / Energievampirismus durch DNA-Quantentunnelung mit speziellem Quantenzugang ist ein äußerst schweres Verbrechen gegen menschliche Individuen, es ist Energiediebstahl, Fernfolter, Privatsphärenverletzung und Körperverletzung.
MindTech-Interfacing ist ein schweres Körperintegritäts- und Datenschutz/Privatsphärenverbrechen.
BCI-Interfacing-Technologie ist ein schweres Verbrechen gegen die Körperintegrität und Entscheidungsfreiheit.
Biotech/Biowaffen/Nanotech-Subversion des menschlichen Körpers ist ein schweres Verbrechen gegen Körper, Geist, Seele und die Entscheidungsfreiheit.
Erzwungene Transformation ist adharmisch/asurisch/dämonisch und BÖSE!
Das Versprühen von Leichtmetallen, Schwermetallen, Biotechnologie, Smart Dust, Mykotoxinen und radioaktiven Stoffen wie Uran (Chemtrails)(verbotenes und kriminelles Terra-Reforming) in der gesamten Atmosphäre ist ein höchst strafbares Verbrechen gegen Mutter Erde und alle ihre Lebewesen.
Dauerbestrahlung und Dauerüberwachung mit extremer Niederfrequenz, Hochfrequenz, Skalarwellen, Mikrowellen über Quantensatelliten, Funktürme oder CUBESATS ist ein schweres Verbrechen.
All dies fördert Gang-Stalking, Voyeurismus, Gov-Stalking, Mindrape und staatlich geförderte Kriminalität.
„He opens a whole new Can of Worms. -w2k“
„Er öffnet eine ganz neue Büchse der Pandora. -w2k“
Entire Creation…
DNA Quantum Computers misused as remote torture AND remote mass Surveillance and mass Energy Vampire Siphoning Devices Trying to Sabotage our Entire Creation…
„He tells the ugly Truth that nobody wants to hear. -w2k“
„Sensors (Basel) 2022 Aug
Blockchain Based Delay and Energy Harvest Aware Healthcare Monitoring System in WBAN Environment
Helen Sharmila Anbarasan 1 , Jaisankar Natarajan 1
Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are a research area that supports patients with healthcare monitoring. In WBAN, the Internet of Things (IoT) is connected with WBAN for a smart/remote healthcare monitoring system in which various medical diseases are diagnosed. Quality of service (QoS), security and energy efficiency achievements are the major issues in the WBAN-IoT environment.“
„#HUAWEI hooking you up to the cloud
Intra Human Body Communication
E V I L ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Remember they are running parallel computing along with Quantum Biology.
Sending the Information No Matter the Distance
„Action at a Distance in Quantum Mechanics
First published Fri Jan 26, 2007
In the quantum realm, there are curious correlations between the properties of distant systems. An example of such correlations is provided by the famous Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen/Bohm experiment. The correlations in the EPR/B experiment strongly suggest that there are non-local influences between distant systems, i.e., systems between which no light signal can travel, and indeed orthodox quantum mechanics and its various interpretations postulate the existence of such non-locality. Yet, the question of whether the EPR/B correlations imply non-locality and the exact nature of this non-locality is a matter of ongoing controversy. Focusing on EPR/B-type experiments, in this entry we consider the nature of the various kinds of non-locality postulated by different interpretations of quantum mechanics. Based on this consideration, we briefly discuss the compatibility of these interpretations with the special theory of relativity.
„27. Nov.
You´re 100% correct about Huawei. There´s a reason they partnered with CERN.
CERN Selects T-Systems and Huawei for Helix Nebula Science Cloud“
„BioDigital Convergence
convergence of engineering,
nanotechnology, biotechnology,
information technology and cognitive
Note 1 to entry: convergence means the creative union of sciences, technologies, engineering and
peoples, focused on mutual benefit; this is a process requiring increasing integration across
traditionally separate disciplines, areas of relevance, and across multiple levels of abstraction and
[SOURCE: Modified from: M. C. Roco, W. S. Bainbridge, B. Tonn, and G. Whitesides, Eds., Convergence of Knowledge, Technology and Society: Beyond Convergence of
Nano-Bio-Info-Cognitive Technologies. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-02204-8.]
JTC 1 World Standards Day 2023 – F. Coallier
BioDigital Convergence –
a ~20 years old concept!
[1] Roco, Mihail & Bainbridge, William (2003). Converging Technologies for Improving Human
Also in DOI : 10.1007/978-94-017-0359-8
In the context of BioDigital
‘The phrase “convergent
technologies” refers to the synergistic
combination of four major
provinces of science and technology,
each of which is currently progressing
at a rapid rate: (a) nanoscience and
nanotechnology; (b) biotechnology
and biomedicine, including genetic
engineering; (c) information
technology, including advanced
computing and communications; and,
(d) cognitive science, including“
Human Augmentation = NAZI EUGENICS.
„JTC 1 World Standards Day 2023 – F. Coallier
ISO/IEC Definition of Digital Twin
digital twin
digital representation(3.1.7) of a target entity(3.1.2) with data
connections that enable convergence between the physical and digital
states at an appropriate rate of synchronization
Note 1 to entry: Digital twin has some or all of the capabilities of connection,
integration, analysis, simulation, visualization, optimization, collaboration, etc.
Note 2 to entry: Digital twin can provide an integrated view throughout the life
cycle of the target entity“ <<< Medical Military NAZI-Totalitarian Language… STILL NO RESISTANCE SHEEPLE?`!!!!!!
„JTC 1 World Standards Day 2023 – F. Coallier
Digital Twin – in brief
According to Gartner and Deloitte, a digital twin as a digital representation of a real-world entity or system. It
is an evolving digital profile of the historical and current behavior of a physical object or process.
The implementation of a digital twin is an encapsulated software object or model that mirrors a unique
physical object, process, organization, person or other abstraction. The digital twin is thus based on
massive, cumulative, real-time, real-world data measurements across an array of dimensions.
Data from multiple digital twins can be aggregated for a composite view across a number of real-world
entities, such as a ship, a bridge, a building, a factory, a supply-chain or a city.
Mirroring is done through synchronization using data streams. The data streams are generated by sensors,
but also transactions and other sources (virtual sensors).
Digital Twin (DT) is an enabler Smart Everything, being based on measurements that creates an evolving
profile of the entity or system in the digital world, it provides important insights on system performance,
leading to actions in the real world such as a change in system and process design, or optimizing business
In theory it sounds nice, but those who experienced the brutality and cruelty of these invasive smart torture devices and at least 80 Million unwitting Targeted Individuals worldwide for the last 20+ Years as NAZI-Experiments and guinea pigs for these NWO Totalitarian Systems know better…
_ hat repostet
Andrea Lynn
21. Nov.
The establishment has given us Team False Light Deceivers, who are helping usher in a technocratic surveillance state disguised as safety and freedom. Most believers are blindly following them down the path to destruction. Stay vigilant.
21. Nov.
It’s a Death Cult.
They want you weak and docile, so you’re easily manipulated and controlled….they want you to deal with a lifetime struggles…as an insurance policy for them to continue to feed off you.
And Yet, all it takes is us standing up & Game Over.
„_ hat repostet
19. Nov.
Antwort an
synthetic biology overview from 2005 – science direct and their entry point is the BAN for a digital nervous system with congressional approval by the fda to harness the digital twin because it is more accurate.
„There is a wealth of information, but nobody does anything against it. -w2k“
„2024 John Flynn US Senate Candidate For CT
The Dod has been biometrically chipping you from 1999.
Bio0-digital convergence. Your body has a Mac-ID.
Your Body through CISA gave you a MAC ID. US Senator Murphy gave you a COIV bio sensor Body Area Network. They mandated it is using your biofield with prediction algorithms.
Sensor networks make every>one< a targeted Individual through hackable open Systems.
A) You are tethered to the cloud.
B) Blackrock owns your Digital Twin.
Who is the White coated psychopath?“
Wallace deduced…
„The Dod has been chipping you since 1999, without your knowledge and consent and what they are doing with it is surveilling you and what they think is their right, but the way they are doing it is totally unethical…“
„Their bio-engineering concern to transhumanize the entire Genome.“
„Grace Anna Darko
18. Nov.
I did not consent to the WBAN, these people are psychopaths.“
„Bio-Medical Engineering of a New Species and you are at the forefront. -w2k“
The Psychic Poltergeist is just IEEE/DARPA/DOD/BND/NSA and the rest of Alphabet NWO Inc… all simulated with Technocratic Fascism…
„Ella Meaux
17. Nov.
UBIQUITOUS sensor networks tethered to IoE!“
„Stop Socialist Tyranny
This is Orwellian nightmare stuff. Government mandated bio-sensors and body area networks? No thanks. This is exactly what Hayek warned us about – the road to serfdom.
We need to take back control of our bodies and our data. This is a gross overreach of government power. I’m glad you’re exposing this, @Flynn2022
. We need more people like you in the Senate, fighting against this kind of tyranny.
What’s next? Forcing us to implant chips in our brains? We need to draw a line in the sand and say no to this kind of surveillance state.
9:49 nachm. · 17. Nov. 2024
Mal angezeigt“
_ hat repostet
Eleventhstar ✨
13. Nov.
Channel Characterization and Modeling for Optical Wireless Body-Area Networks
„ORACLE: Occlusion-Resilient and Self-Calibrating mmWave Radar Network for People Tracking
Publisher: IEEE“
„This is Energy Harvesting. What kind of Energy are they Harvesting? HUMAN.“
„Kinetic, Intra-Galvanic, Piezo-Electric Energy.“
„We had Bio-Sensors since the 1950s.“
„They are killing People, it is called the Killbox.“
„The Killbox exists since 2005.“
„Sabrina Wallace – Internet of Bio Nano Things – Body to Body Network #ProjectWarpSpeed“
„DoD..Biomedical Telemetry involved, we are login into peoples bodies with apps on our f#cking phones.“
Block, Shock, Shunt and Shield against the Left Hook Chest Chainer (LHCC) aka SQA-DNA-Quantum-Tunnel-Heart-Tethering for 15 Years (since Quantum Computing went commercial into the EVIL FEDs) daily Interdimensional Combat Meditation Aura Defense against NWO Biotech Quantum Machine DNA-Interfacing FED-Vampires…
Basic Laws of the Universe can´t be subverted… NWO Criminal Intruders.
You can only go so far…
„My Body belongs to Me.“
„Eleventhstar ✨
18. Nov.
The medical community has been running a covert operation in YOUR body !
„_ hat repostet
Ryan sikorski
18. Nov.
We transitioned from the strawman to the human digital twin.
On paper to a virtual copy with biometrics.
I don´t want to live in the meta verse.
the IOB – internet of BEHAVIORS modifies with neural overlays, literal magnetic cells weighing down your neural nets to force your neurons into different patterns that over regulate your natural lymphatic system. People’s behavior is being modified by the load balancing of the wbans in something called „cluster head routing“ for nano, visible light networks and most intensely – epigenetics between bodies. This is for the people in your local community who watch the bodies for national security – and this is why given it’s wide open data for national security /and/ nuclear biological surveillance – education is all we have. More and more people are rapidly losing access to their own spinal fluid per the internet of bio nano things and it’s a measureable effect per their OWN agenda c40 goals so there is zero incentive to stick our head in distraction land bc it is a measureable adherence to our internal cellular structure. May God bless all of you staying strong – the longer you hang on to your own parietal lobe somatasensory – the faster you can heal your body BUT if you are integrating THEIR systems, whether by pills, wearables or patches – those systems OVERRIDE your intra body communications with the IOMT – internet of mediccal things by FCC & FDA laws – it’s really important people understand these are already laws in place to insulate these neuromodulation JOBS – there is no big nefarious illuminati secretly waving wands. These are jobs mandated for national security for BIOsurveillance and the longer we keep looking the other way – well, 50 years of databases is a lot of data to play with. It’s embarassing when people lie about this now – with agentic ai and all these products with iBM – and our country is still pretending it’s 1995 and won’t even admit to what they have in place for protections either – very juvenile, but – per their own documentation on the miliatry side, precisely what they do in successful military operations. If you refuse to augment you are already slotted for resource removal and euthanasia per the gdp of your county to state and that is another hard line fact. This is epigenetics with black flag omics testing out of nellis in 2019 etc – none of this is new. Stay strong out there! Never surrender your authentic heartfire – that is YOUR body and it’s wonderfully made – push your own mental limits and extend that natural self defense system, own it – bc only /you/ can. amen!“
„Worldwide Misuse of Nano-Sensor Networks. (Wallace)“
„It ain´t going back to 1995. (Wallace)“
„Meta-Networks logging into your bodies.“
„I will never surrender to this..every Human deserves Free Will, Soul and Body Autonomy, a choice.“ (Me neither – rather Battling until their Systems Break to Shreds)
„Universities Involved – w1k
Dez. 01,
But there are also tons of – w2k
Dez. 01,
Yes it is the Alphabet Agencies.. – w2k
Dez. 01,
Quantenbrücken sind das. – w2k
Dez. 01.
Ihr Arschlöcher – w2kf
Dez. 01,
Quantentunnel dicht – w2k
Dez. 01,
Macht endlich diesen scheiss – w2k“
Right to mutate our bodies – w2k
Dez. 01,
No one gives these pricks the – w2k
Dez. 01,.
This is an open access protocol..-w2k
Dez. 01,
No – currently not w2k
Dez. 01,
Can anyone mute this bnd bitch..-w2k
Dez. 01,
„Up to 50 clients can connect to the same OAP server“
„This chapter describes the general structure of the Open Access Protocol, and also the
transportation between the OAP Server and a client.
The Open Access Protocol is a data transport protocol that uses XML documents as
data carriers. The XML document will be called “request block” in this description. A
response to a request block will be called “response block”.“