Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit

Conspiracy Revelation: 1.10.2024:

Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit.

#Blutuntersuchungen in Praxen/Kliniken
#DNA Frequenzbiowaffen
#W2k/V2k/BCI-DNA-Verbrecherische Gedankenmodems
(Synthetische Telepathie – Mind-Net)
#Quanten-Vampirismus LHCC-Herz-Tethering (Herzfolter)
#Passwortschutz verliert die Bedeutung durch subretinale
Optische Nanoimplantate
#Genetische Attacken, wie Morgellons (Synbiowaffen)
#Verschiedene grausame Blitz-Angriffe, teilweise lebensgefährlich, auf den Humanorganismus, gegen unschuldige Zivilisten (von offensiven, menschenfeindlichen Quantencomputern (in Korrelation mit Militärsatelliten) für Fernmordanschläge berechnet, gegen nicht-bewaffenete unschuldige Zivilisten, die den Herrscherverbrechern ein Dorn im Auge sind)
#Dauerüberwachung, Verlust der Privatsphäre und Menschenwürde
#Missbrauch von K.I., K.I. Scripte über die Hirne laufen lassen, um die Menschen selbst im Schlaf zu stressen
#Retroaktives Gedankencrawling (K.I. und BND, CIA, NSA, DIA, DOD, ARPA-Personal durchsucht die Kindheit im Gehirn der unschuldigen Zielpersonen)
#Auraradar und Mindradar geben selbst keine energetische oder geistige Privatsphäre



“DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid
36.791 Aufrufe•Am 30.03.2020 veröffentlicht”
“❗️PCR-Tests zur Sammlung von DNA, um anhand der DNA-Frequenz gezielt Personen mit Frequenzwaffen auszuschalten!
Das könnte der wahre übergeordnete Hintergrund und wahrer Schocker zugleich sein!
▪️Deutschland ist ja bekanntlich dem EU-Genomprojekt beigetreten, mit dem Ziel, dass bis 2022 1 Million Genomsequenzen in der EU gesammelt werden. Wie kommt man am leichtesten an diese heran? Über die PCR-Abstrichtests u.a., die sehr wahrscheinlich mehrere Fliegen mit einer Klatsche schlagen!
▪️Anhand der gesammelten DNA von den getesteten Personen werden DNA-Profile erstellt. Anhand solch eines Profils wird die Frequenz der DNA selber ermittelt. Diese Frequenz gleicht einem “Fingerabdruck”, mit der jeder identifiziert werden kann.
👉 Kennt man die DNA-Frequenz der betroffenen Individuen, so solle laut Insidern mithilfe von Technologien (Radiofrequenzen, Mikrowellen, 5G, Satelliten usw. in Verbindung mit Künstlicher Intelligenz) die Gedanken der betroffenen Personen ausgelesen werden können, Wort für Wort!
👉 Man darf davon ausgehen, dass alle gesammelten DNA-Signaturen in eine Cloud hochgeladen werden, um die Masse in einer Art “Schwarmintelligenz” manipulieren und steuern zu können. So kann man z.B. auch Gedanken, Worte, Bilder und 3D-Videos in die Köpfe von Personen direkt hineinprojizieren. Diese glauben dann, dass das, was sie denken, sehen, hören und fühlen, der Realität entspricht. Auch jedwede Emotionen können durch diese Technologie bei den betroffenen Personen ausgelöst werden. Dadurch kann das Verhalten von einzelnen Personen oder ganzen Gruppen
verändert werden (z.B. die Agenda der Regierung zu akzeptieren).
👉 Mithilfe von elektromagnetischen Impulsen könne man Personen zudem anhand ihrer DNA-Signatur gezielt angreifen und physischen Schaden zufügen! Personen, die direkt neben der betroffenen Person stehen, würden davon nichts abbekommen und unbehelligt bleiben, da jeder eine andere DNA-Frequenz hat.
👉 Mit dieser Technologie kann man laut Insidern sich auch über die DNA-Frequenz in die betroffene Person “einklinken” und alles hören und sehen, was diese Person auch gerade sieht und hört. Diese Informationen sollen dann gedownloadet und auf hochbewachten Servern gespeichert werden. Alles, was man jemals gesagt, gedacht, gesehen, gehört und erlebt hatte, ist dann digital archiviert.
Gedanken: Solch eine Technologie macht das Chippen dann eigentlich überflüssig! Die Kabale weiß, dass der Großteil der Bevölkerung sich niemals freiwillig chippen lassen wird. An die DNA der Leute kommt man nämlich viel leichter ran (Abstrichtests, Blutuntersuchungen in Praxen/Kliniken, Blutspenden, Speichelproben, Samenbanken usw.).
Hinter diesem ganzen Plandemie-Theater steckt viel mehr, als sich die meisten jemals vorstellen können! Es geht um die totale Kontrolle jenseits unserer Vorstellung! Ich bin mir aber sicher, dass die bisher bekannten Hintergründe der PCR-Tests (Impfen & Chippen) und der Genomdatenbank noch weitergehen. Mit der Zeit kommen mehr und mehr Puzzleteile an die Oberfläche.
Quellen: DNA Frequency Bioweapon (, Genomprojekt der EU ( kostenlose Analysen &

“Das A.. macht uns voll fertig. -w2k”

Sehr wohl BND-Agent.

“This becomes super dangerous for all of us, some might lose… – w2k”

“But it must be done. – w2k”

October 1st, 2024
CORE PROBLEM of the DNA genome databases. Criminals from the BND and other Staazi secret services worldwide.:
#Blood tests in practices/clinics
#Genome databases
#DNA frequency bioweapons
#W2k/V2k/BCI-DNA-Criminal thought modems (Synthetic telepathy – Mind-Net) #Quantum vampirism LHCC heart tethering (heart torture)
#Password protection loses its meaning due to subretinal Optical nanoimplants
#Sleep deprivation torture
#Genetic attacks, such as Morgellons (synbioweapons)
#Various cruel blitz-attacks, some of them life-threatening, on the human organism, against innocent civilians (calculated by offensive, misanthropic quantum computers (in correlation with military satellites) for long-distance assassination attacks, against unarmed innocent civilians who are a thorn in the eyes of the ruler criminals
#Constant surveillance, loss of privacy and human dignity
#Abuse of AI, running AI scripts over the brains to stress people even while they sleep
#Retroactive mind crawling (AI and BND, CIA, NSA, DIA, DOD, ARPA personnel search the childhood in the brains of innocent targets)
#Aura radar and mind radar do not even provide any energetic or mental privacy anymore

“He is really a Saint, he risks everything for Truth. – w2k”

“He is working his ass off to spread the Truth. Indefatiguable. – w2k”

Sophisticated MK Ultra and DNA Quantum Censor System…Cyberphysically interlinked with the entire spectrum of the Internet and the Human Bodies.
Anaya – Targeted Individual.
29. Sep.
Why are t.i’s still not being heard and not speaking on mainstream podcasts?”

“No rational argument will have a rational effect on a man who does not want to adopt a rational attitude. ~ Karl Popper
Book: The Open Society and Its Enemies”

“Eletrically login into your DNA and making changes to Your Genome – DOD AI Project Salus”
“Playing Humans like a Video Game. Routing Computing Network data through your Skin.”
“DoD – Killbox since 2005.”
“In Vivo – In Situ – Cybersecurity permission for Amazon Shipping from the DoD. You don´t know, who does?
Your Doctors and Nurses, it is mandates by International Law.”
“Aura.. – for what are you using it” (DoD Crime Inc)?
“Internet of Bodies, Internet of Things. Information Surveillance and Reconnaissance.”
“Project Salus (neuro modulation) watching every synaptic response of every Neuron, bodywide at 1500 bits, storing it in an NSA-Database.”
“Medical Implant Communication Systems, out of the 50s, 60s and 70s shoving RFID Chips in humans, worse than Animals.”
“Your Radiologists… Your Nurses and Medical Doctors…, 4 levels of law enforcement, 4 secret levels of Doctors and Nursing and EMS to do whatever they want with Human Bodies.”
“OSA – Optogenetics – Put a Light into your Face and do whatever we want to your DNA.”

“Graphene-based Sensors in Health Monitoring”
“Invasive Applications – Non-Invasive Applications”
“Biophysical – Environmental – Nervous System – Cardio System – Digestive System – Locomotor System”
“WHO” “(Geneva – Switzerland – 2010)” – “What are you doing when you are going to work?”
“Graphene makes the login easier.”
“All the Nanotechnology they have been shoving in the Air, the Water, the Food and everything else…”
“These are the small computer networks they are using.”
“Right in the Air, right through you, these are Jobs.”
“Biolabs. Pathogen-Mutagen Database and we have got plenty of Cybersecurity too.”
“In order to ensure for Doctors and Nurses, for their Telehealth Apps, mandated by our FDA and FCC in 2014.”
“I think you know exactly what you are didn´t tell people what you were doing when you were going to work, since 1995. (WBAN)”
“You mean the diseases you engaging in people.”
“Body Area Network, go look it up in Wikipedia. Medical Body Area Networks. (MBAN).
Same thing. Optogenetics. Legitimate Bioelectric Frequency Mathematics.”
“Energy Harvesting – Piezoelectric.”
“I said Math, I didn´t say Ghost or Aliens.”
“They work of your Human Tissue. / Nanotechnology.”
“The DoD damn well knows.”
“Full spectrum Dominance in preparation for NWO Agenda 2030.”
“Sabrina Wallace Psinergy channel”

“They are hating on you because you tell the Truth. – w2k”

It must be done… you yourselves are enslaved by this and you should be working against it, instead of obeying the commands of Mass-Enslavers and Mass-Murderers… Point-Blank.

“The NSA may think so.
Remote Neural Monitoring is a way to measure the EMF (electro magnetic frequency) waves of an individual and are able to translate them into the words heard/spoken and the images seen by an individual. Labeled under the Signal Intelligence department, remote neural monitoring is a technology that has been around and used for quite some time and has been kept secret from the public along with all other developments of electronic weaponry, research and development of paid for by the taxpayers.
While it may seem a bit of a stretch to consider that it is possible for technology to read our minds and that this technology would be kept from the public, there has been a lawsuit against the NSA claiming remote monitoring and manipulation. John St. Claire Akwei filed a lawsuit detailing his comprehension of the secretive NSA technology and its’ covert operations against unwitting citizens.
How does the technology work?
Remote neural monitoring focuses on the audio and visual portions of the brain by sending signals which are then transmitted back to the origin and analyzed by a computer. While the decoding and encoding of brain signals for surreptitious communication with someone’s brain is certainly a complex feat, there is much that can be done from a remote vantage using this technology. The technology can measure sounds that an individual hears, can transmit its’ own words and images into the brain and can manipulate emotions and behavior. ”

Remote Neural Monitoring for Covert Control of Society

“He is the Best, only he can do it. – w2k”

New Brain Technology Reveals Past Thoughts And Memories

A small sample of your DNA will be taken at the time of your birth or any time you donate blood or if ever you have a DNA test. Then at some time in the future your unique brain signature will be taken by a small brain signature reader held near the back of your head for a period of approximately five minutes, unbeknownst to you. You will be made to inhale nano-technology via chemtrail aerosol spraying. This nano-technology will pass through the blood brain barrier and go into your brain. You are then locked on permanently to a super-computer via a brain computer interface using a stream of microwave energy which currently eminates from cell phone towers, but later may be made to come from other sources.
Over the next number of years your brain is mapped by a team of neuro scientists and technologists who operate mostly above the law but with the tacit approval of the law in all cases. From that point on said super-computer can be made to carry out a situational analysis of any and all aspects of your life at any time by any or all brain entrainment technologists who work under the cover of anonymity. You are then known to be captured.
From the neuro scientists point of view, the bodily response of the targeted individual, their metabolic processes, their reactions and behaviour, their life and death are all potential phenomena to be studied by a large variety of scientists and university students from all walks of life, who are willing to be extremely incivil to the targeted individual via voice harassment technology because they believe that their extreme cruelty can never be exposed to anyone but their scientific colleagues.
Said super-computer then collects all of your thoughts in real time as you think them. It also collects data on all of your verbal output and every stream of incoming data including everything you hear and everything you smell and everything you taste and everything you see. It also collects data on how often you sit down or stand up or lay in bed. It collects data on how often you laugh. Because of this capability test subjects are often provoked to laugh artificially many times throughout each day in order to give the illusion that this human data analysis control system is easier to endure than it actually is for the unwilling human data analysis test subject.
This super computer enabled human data analysis control system also has the capability to analyse all of your moods and it will highlight each and every time you feel a sense of suicide ideation. If you are speaking to somebody who controls this super computer enabled data analysis control system they can tell from their data analysis readouts if you are currently experiencing hostile feelings towards them and they will discontinue the conversation immediately. This has happened to me via a thought control analysis platform. You can also be sent a stream of video images directly into your mind which will invariably be accompanied by voices and sensations.

Remote Neural Monitoring for Covert Control of Society

Historical Reference Comparison: Quantum Computers and Quantum Vampirism, Ruthless Evil Governmental Agency Misuse of Quantum Computers:

“When groundbreaking new technology is developed by smart people, it almost immediately gets turned into a weapon. Quantum computing will be no different. This technology grants God-like powers to police state governments that seek to dominate and oppress the People.

Back in the 1990’s, all this could be viewed as entertaining science fiction. But that’s only because quantum computers didn’t exist,…

• 2009: First universal programmable quantum computer unveiled.
• 2010: Optical quantum computer with three qubits calculates the energy spectrum of molecular hydrogen to high precision.
• 2011: D-Wave claims to have developed quantum annealing and introduces their product called D-Wave One. The company claims this is the first commercially available quantum computer.”
>>>Remark Conspiracy Revelation: 30.9.2024: At that Time their Left Hook Chest Chainer Heart-Tethering-Special Quantum Access Vampirism started to occur, meaning your stolen DNA had been integrated into their Quantum Systems to siphon Energy and Torture or suppress and monitor or control and spy on people remotely with it….<<<<

CRA: Die Frage ist, warum das sowenige interessiert?

“Weil das alles Arschlöcher sind, im Gegensatz zu dir. (BND-Agent Männlich)”

“It wasn´t a BND-Agent, it was a young male student from a German University, who has access to the Mind-Interfacing Technology. (w2k)”


“Scheisse, wir werden auch überwacht. – w2k”

“Natürlich, was habt ihr denn gedacht. – w2k”

“Dan Williams
I stopped by Congressman Barry Loudermilks office again. They are refusing to do anything to stop the V2K PSYOP Torture. They say Law Enforcement should do something?
“I am 6 years being tortured by the federal government and you all are refusing to do anything about it.”

“The Holy Ghost Fire – w2k Okt. 01.
Curses will follow for violating Okt. 01
Dna – w2k Okt. 01
He kicks them all out of his – w2k Okt. 01、
Vor dir – w2k. Okt. 01.
Die Kollegen haben Td Angst vo… Okt. 01
They siphon like hell – w2k Okt. 01

Saintly Field re-established …..

Planet – w2kv Okt. 01
And control structure of the – w2k Okt. 01 00:01
You fight the central command.. Okt. 01
Major Shadow Work – w2k Okt. 01,

658950cookie-checkKernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit
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Eine Antwort zu Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit

  1. Pingback: News, Tok, Synthtel, Mindnet-BCI-DNA-Intrusion & Quantum Vampirism and more. 3.10.24 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com

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