Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 1.8.2024

Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 1.8.2024

“”More inhumanity (to man) has been done by man himself than any other of nature´s causes. (Samuel von Pufendorf, 1673) [6083]””

Anyone who has any doubt that the criminals in action are the main cause of cancer in the world has to look here:

Inside the CIA's cancer weaponry program 2013

“The National Cancer Institute defines cancer as a genetic disease.” Let us be precise… A genetic advanced biotech weapon from darpa and ucla and tons of other ieee nist nasa nazi alphabet big tech criminals involved…fauci, gates, dod, cia, rockefeller etc pp…cancer research facilities are pentagon watchtowers.

They should be scared….the last piece of conscience will remind them that they have to pay for their genocide and bci multi-dimensional chronic torture of 80 Million innocent people worldwide, at least..


Ingmar Veeck
When you unveiled the nwo matrix, IT Security becomes a joke… it loses all relevance…because the fish is rotten at the top of the whole system.

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Ingmar Veeck
Antwort an
THEY HAVE ZERO AUTHORITY. NOT IN MY REALM. THEY HAVE TO PAY KARMIC DEBTS EN MASSE. Highly Criminal Organization controlled by a death cult.
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Celeste Solum: Official Celestial Report
30. Juli
The UN through One Health has the authority to enter your property to INSPECT. They have the authority to TEST everything. They have the authority to VACCINATE all life.They the authority to ELECTRONICALLY IDENTIFY all life. How does this make you feel? SAY NO TO THE UN.

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Eleventhstar ✨
The proven biosensors, bio cyber interface injections, wireless body area network. Turning humans into machines to connect with AI super computer.
The same folks who brought you Windows (Gates), the internet (DARPA) and Google without any consent.

“AI has become commonplace in our daily lives. Now, AI can read organized and unstructured data, figure out what is wrong, and solve problems, sometimes without being told to do so.

Artificial intelligence is evolving, and humans are increasingly meshing with artificial intelligence. To make machines that are like people in terms of behavior and intelligence, AI systems try to copy human traits and abilities and go faster and further than humans.”

@shareff1111 #shareff1111youtube ♬ Horror, ghost stories, spirits, creepy chorus:L(1034200) – cowaii – Fear music encyclopedia″ data-video-id=”7397561949329902890

Ingmar Veeck
U.S. Mil you are imperial criminals when you spray mother earth with your evil nanomafia dust, you have ZERO RIGHT to impose your Will over the Will of the Creator and Creatrix!! LET THIS BE CLEAR FOR ALL ETERNITY!!

Ingmar Veeck
When you know that they audaciously infiltrated Mother Earths Holy Temple on Body Level and now they become fearful, because the Maker of the Entire Universe reclaims its prima mater.

@novuspress_ 🇵🇸NEWS zur Kategorie | AUSLAND: TÜRKEI 🇹🇷 Die Brutalität der Zionisten wird nicht erfolgreich sein Der türkische Präsident Erdoğan reagierte auf die Ermordung von Ismail Haniyeh und nannte sie einen abscheulichen Akt, der darauf abziele, die palästinensische Sache zu untergraben, den glorreichen Widerstand von Gaza zu schwächen und die moralische Stärke und den Mut der palästinensischen Brüder zu brechen. „Das Ziel der Ermordung meines Bruders Ismail Haniyeh ist dasselbe wie bei den abscheulichen Angriffen auf Scheich Ahmed Yassin und viele andere politische Persönlichkeiten in Gaza.“ Erdoğan äußerte die Hoffnung, dass durch stärkere Positionen der islamischen Welt und die Einheit der Menschheit der Schrecken, den Israel in unserer Region verbreitet, insbesondere die Unterdrückung und der Völkermord in Gaza, definitiv ein Ende finden werden, und dass unsere Region und die Welt Frieden finden werden. 🇵🇸SAVE GAZA🇩🇪 | Newsticker 👉🏼#novuspress #gazakurier #news ♬ Beethoven Moonlight Sonata-High Sound Quality – Amemiya


To access body area networks, you’ll need a security clearance level of “Top Secret” with an additional “Sensitive Compartmented Information” designation, or TS/SCI for short. It’s the kind of clearance that’s usually reserved for individuals with access to highly sensitive information that could cause grave damage to national security if disclosed. So, unless you’re planning to moonlight as a secret agent, you might want to stick to regular Wi-Fi networks for now!”

“Ava Leigh Stewart
20. Juni
This BAN is so dangerous with machine to machine AI communication, security clearance will be irrelevant.”

“benjamin conner
20. Juni
For sure. Suppose this question is more to get an idea as to who HAS HAD access. Seems to me the vision is AI human husbandry/livestock mgmt.”

“Spanky McDoob
19. Juni
Ask grok how synthetic data is used to train AI systems.”

“Has your Doctor informed you, that your Body must host a minimum of 256 Nano-Nodes?
IEEE 802.15.6
Medical / Industrial Standard 4.0

“Seth quotes
“The lives that we know are not less eternal because they are temporal. Our lives express eternity in temporal terms.” #JaneRoberts
sri_chakra hat repostet
11yr old Delhi girl suffers #cardiacarrest 💉💉, & Drs take credit for saving her
#CovidVaccines @PMOIndia
#VaccineDeath #vaccineinjuries #diedsuddenly @ICMRDELHI
#ExcessDeaths #DepopulationAgenda #Covishield #Covaxin
sri_chakra hat repostet
German MEP Christine Anderson: “This (Convid) vaccine campaign it will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history and moreover it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed on humanity…
Quadratisches Profilbild
sri_chakra hat repostet
53 years old man collapses & dies of #heartattack while playing badminton!
Om Shanti!
#ConvidVaccines @PMOIndia
#VaccineDeath #vaccineinjuries #diedsuddenly @ICMRDELHI
#ExcessDeaths #DepopulationAgenda #Covishield #Covaxin”

@sanatan.satya #sanatansatya #sanatandharma #religioustok #fypシ #viral #fyp #religiouslife #hinduism #history #religious #vedas #samved #regved #yajurveda #atharva #ved #om #multiverse #universe #sanatani #monetizedviews ♬ Om – Meditative Mind

@danielyaezavila Germans homeownership is among the lowest in Europe plus they don’t really invest their money… What do you think about this? #expatsingermany #investing #financialfreedom ♬ Epic News – DM Production

@destinyawakens0 #destiny #awakens ♬ 原创音乐 – destinyawakens0

“12.09 B
LIVE Beware of Emotional Q
141.1K Personen haben etwas zu diesem Ort veröffentli…
3 Kommentare
Soul of Freedomgott2024:
Also A.I. and Satellites drain your Aura…check the ELF Meter, it should be below 50
Microtesla, otherwise your gov vampirizes on your Aura..Unhook them as often as possible…their Skynet and Quantum Machines..decouple their Borg Hive.
Creationary Mystic. Ersteller
You are perfect as you are Be aware of people that do not appreciate your
individuality. Their negativity will drain your emotional energy.”

@jamhas54 Deutsche Botschafter, rausgeschmissen #foryou #deutschland #deutsch #afd ♬ Originalton – Maher

“The great difference between the two feelings is that love is always creative, and fear is always destructive.” ~ Emmet Fox
Book: Emmet Fox (1946). “Make your life worth while”, Harper San Francisco

Ingmar Veeck
31. Juli
That would be what is happening right now – nwo mono corporatocracy – collectivism with a totalitarian technocracy layer enmeshed in communistic capitalism.

@jason_abadi Paul Wallace on Serpent Symbolism #anunnaki ♬ original sound – Jason Abadi

@nipendas025Joy shree ram 🙏🙏🙏pat 132♬ original sound – nipendas 🌹🌹 প্রবাসী 🌹🌹

Lakshmana = Sheshnag – Lakshmana = Sheshnag – Lakshmana = Sheshnag

@domi.sof FLYING CARS ARE REAL 🔥 this one is made in Slovakia 😍🤩 #car #cars #supercar #fyp #viral ♬ original sound – dominika.sofroniciov

604780cookie-checkSocial Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 1.8.2024
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