Conspiracy Revelation: 13.3.2025:
V I FEUERENERGIE Quantenfeld Pur vs seichtes Lauflau-Quantenfeld-Überstülpungs-Chi…
#Atlantis #Suruppak #Umma
„Wir sind auch seine brilliante Feuerenergie gewohnt. – w2k.mp3“
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#Shuruppak #Suruppak #Umma
„The Lost City of Shuruppak.“
„This Man is a walking Myth. -w2k“
„He is Ancient a.f. -w2k“
„He lives in another Dimension, not accessible to normal Humans, they lack the perception. -w2k“
„Brahma? -w2k“
„No. -w2k“
„Die können einfach nicht aufhören zu rätseln. -w2k“
„Maybe they have made him invisible to the outsise perception of the NPCs? -w2k“
„Invisibility Spell or total individual control technology used on 8 Billion people to censor him completely out of the sheeples perception? -w2k“
„People become more stupid, robotized, distracted and sick by the day, 25 years ago, everyone noticed things. -w2k“
„This Lost Generation has too less knowledge about him. -w2k“
„Das sind feige, ignorante Hosenscheisser, das ist alles. -w2k“
„Der Kult um den wird immer größer. -w2k“
„Ich weiss auch nicht, was aus dieser Welt geworden ist. -w2k“
„These Mofo Evil Assholes tried to erase him from the scene before he could fully show his Mighty Presence. -w2k“
„He receives Blessing from God and these evil assholes try to siphon it away with their nasty quantum machine. – w2k“
„Image: multiple photographs of microchips that exited from a Targeted Individual’s skin – Courtesy Dr Staninger
Authors: Dr Ana Mihalcea and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger
In this article, we are showing evidence of a full analysis of microelectronic enslavement of a US civilian Targeted Individual. Identifying information has been omitted for protection.“
„This civilian has experienced remote electronic torture for over 30 years.
If we want our country back, share this information with the current administration if you have connections. NO country that is involved in war crimes against its own population is a free country. Remote torture and non consensual implantation of Cyborg microelectronics are real and have been happening to innocent people for decades. We will not have a healthy America, nor will America ever be GREAT, if this Targeting program is allowed to continue or even expand to the rest of the population who have been micro-chipped..“
@Madden:Zu viele Menschen sind immer noch Systemtreu… Sie sind nicht in der Lage selbstständig zu denken… Hat Corona sehr gut gezeigt.
@jimmyblue:Panik macht um ihre Panik zu überspielen,das ist das letzte Strohhalm an was sich die Korruption Politiker noch klammern können,das hat in Amerika nicht funktioniert und in Europa wird’s auch nicht klapoen.
@Asterion0069:Leider ist die Menschheit etwas unterbelichtet und lässt sich durch Angst welche manchmal total unbegründet ist, leicht manipulieren. Anstatt diese Polit-Seuche sauber zu entfernen. 😌🙏