Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 2.9.2024

Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 2.9.2024

“The name “I. Veeck” is mentioned in a Business paper uploaded to Academia”
Anyone who undermines my body integrity in a harmful way, may it be past, present or future, is cursed for 10000 years under divine law…and subject to my rules…
I am no ones business! I am a sovereign independent Soul!!!
“Dear Ingmar,
The name “I. Veeck” is mentioned in a Business paper uploaded to Academia.”

@Maat Johnson:the fact that telomir resembles telomeres, the component on the DNA that prevents aging by slowing down the degeneration of the telomeres. Slow down the process, slows down aging.

@Big Hommie CPT:Dr. Christopher Chapman thank you for your contribution to humanity R.I.P. ❤️.

@Redd357:Everyone knows what happened.

@Redd357:He didn’t die from natural causes either.

@ecola:They think we won’t notice.
@Celina Hernandez:but we still won’t do anything💔.

@Cesar:They know no one will hold them accountable.

@freedomgott2024: You are wrong and use negative reinforcement…

@ecola:Ye I’m done with America when I’m 18 I’m movin to Japan.

@Cesar:Japan won’t allow you.

@PrincessToQueen777:Or don’t care if we do notice😳.

@freedomgott2024: They care…they are fearful and bci control maniacs..

@freedomgott2024: They are everywhere through chemtrail dispersal…nowhere to run nowhere to hide.

@kalinago queen batib:they need to learn to keep their findings secret,but they always have to share share share,have interviews,exposure then they die suddenly.

@freedomgott2024: Impossible..Pentagon wban installed in 8 billion people ..

@flash:Treatment not cure.

@sky007:no cheat code to aging. 😂😭😂😭😂.

@freedomgott2024:there is one…

@Ltk432:I cured myself of cancer this year, western medicine is fucking evil.

@freedomgott2024: 2.9.2024:
If there were none all these people would not be killed..

@makeincanada:He is the peasant of elites.

@user9204831068826:This guy is a propagandist for American military corporate interests.
@freedomgott2024:sure..they are imprinted..but you still can extract info from it..

@antoniozelaya36:Historically USA has interfered with all the nations in order to bring down the economy in this country and we don’t want you in our countries anymore.

@fernandoflores9458:This guy better talks about spying than political situations…

@nobodycares:how can you generalize the deep aspects of how we corrupted and wiped out these countries to begin with specifically the CIA.

@WillFrank:Democracy has been around for almost 2000 years no? This guy talking out of his ass.

@sunrise911:Böse Zungen würden munkeln, die Polizei der BRD ist ein amerikanisches Dienstleistungsunternehmen 🤔😅.
@lala:herrlich dass ich inzwischen solche Kommentare lesen darf. vor 4 Jahren undenkbar ❤️🙏🥰.

@user9830530711821:Sie sind Staatsdiener , Beamte , nicht immer viel im Kopf so wie die derzeitige Politik 😎.

@Tassilo Enrico:Sie werden es tun, da bin ich mir vollkommen sicher.

Motiv: Habgier und Neid…jämmerlichst……hab 0.0 mit diesen verfluchten und unterentwickelten Schattenkreaturen gemein.

630510cookie-checkSocial Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 2.9.2024
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