Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 27.8.2024

Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 27.8.2024


You need time and freedom to fight evil, most people are slaves, so they submit to evil systems.

“Dok Vogel: Does this connect to the worshipping of Lucifer in many an ancient esoteric school, like The Freemasons or the Rosicrucians? But also e.g. at the UN through the books, the heritance of Alice Bailey..?
RS mentions in his book ´The Secret Brotherhood´ the infiltration of these ancient schools by ´dark societies´ unfolding their own agenda, which is viewed upon by many laymen as ´Satanic´..
Julie Braden: Dok Vogel Interesting, the ancient schools fascinate me in terms of what they were able to do. Reminds me of the Cathars and what they got up to.
I once was able to see and comprehend the Luciferic Influence. I hope I am referring to the right term here (Luciferic). Where I saw how it was ´heaven sent´ in order for us/me to see the mirror of good over evil, or the placing of integrity into the serpent, the dragon.
Is it the human conundrum that we succumb to the dark side of the serpent so easily? Is this why we are in the mess we are in? We have power but don´t use it. We are frightened of it and fall into the reactions of not being able to be in our power.
So easily dark forces come in and take over and we are then subject to navigating our samskaras and separating out what is ours and what is penetrated by those dark forces. The struggle is real!
Rudolf Steiner: The fact that man has become a free citizen of the Earth,—this he owes to Lucifer.
Jehovah placed men in the Paradise of Love; then there appeared the Fire-spirit, the Serpent, in the form which man once possessed when he still breathed fire, and opened men´s eyes to what still remained from the Old Moon. This Luciferic influence was perceived as a temptation.
But those who were instructed in the occult schools did not look upon this enlightenment, as wrong; the great Initiates have not cast the Serpent down but, like Moses in the wilderness, they have raised it. (Numbers 21:8-9). *RUDOLF STEINER* 19 November 1907, Basle Lecture IV – GA 100. The Gospel of St. John (Basle) (1942) – Rudolf Steiner Archive”

“Methi 🇵🇸 🇵🇸
The political power running it is The Crown. It’s HQ is in London, and has resided there since 47 AD. The Vatican is one of the arms of the empire, but it didn’t exist until later
Die politische Macht, die das Reich leitet, ist die Krone. Ihr Hauptquartier befindet sich in London und hat dort seit 47 n. Chr. seinen Sitz. Der Vatikan ist einer der Arme des Reiches, existierte aber erst später.
War diese Übersetzung korrekt? Gib uns Feedback zur Verbesserung:
7:05 nachm. · 26. Aug. 2024”

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [27.08.2024]

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [27.08.2024]

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [27.08.2024]
@freedomgott2024 Where is the ukra iron dome…
@Ziddi_Malik:Ukrainian 🤡 should stop being fascist and call up for ceasefire Otherwise URRRRRAAA .
@Marco Antonio:Keek poking The bear and will be worse.
@Janak Katuwal:Critical infrastructure cost a lot to repair that’ll be the economic burden for NATO and USA. That might be the reason why Russia hit critical infrastructure.
@blossom:what could have be avoided with simple dialogue.
@blossom:what could have be avoided with simple dialogue.
@freedomgott2024:people don’t communicate these days – except me – as holy messenger … and except the app tiktok…all nwo u.s. apps and telegram are 100% silenced.
@Alit Wibawa:Full scale war.
@c_Giorgio:Need to send a few missiles to the EU parliament. They will get the message then.
@J A C K BLUE OCEAN:many Rabbits (NATO) can not fight few Tigers, (Russia,China, North korea & persia)
@user5167802812766:Humans can create wonderful things and they can also destroy it just as quickly.
@Cuautli:That’s what Zelensky wanted, destruction to the entire Ukraine just to please Uncle Sam’s Agenda.
@Elan:Putin is begging for someone to attempt to stop him, because from this point on it’s all nuclear 💃.”

Toby- The United Nations 🇺🇳 is Spectre,
The Crown Church was created by the Pope’s Templars, King John had given up control to this group to secure England for Rome, moreover the Hanover’s were Prince Electors of the Holy Roman Empire, Queen Vic was Sovereign head of Order of St John of Jerusalem.

@shoebillstork28 Shoebill Rest #shoebillstork #shoebill #shoebillstorktiktok #shoebillbird #shoebillnightmare #shoebillsound #shoebills #prehistoricbird #shoebillyawn #shoebilleating #shoebillintherain #shoebillbowing #duet #bird #birdsoftiktok #birds ♬ original sound – ShoebillStork28

@cairo.nova9Their true colors will eventually show♬ original sound – Cairo Nova

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [26.08.2024]

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [26.08.2024]
@NeonTrout: Russia pushes people out of windows for freespeech.
I dare you to go to red Square and protest putin. I dare you.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [26.08.2024]
@Rafał: My country, Poland, has become a totalitarian state. Everything is subordinated to Jewish, American, Ukrainian interests.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [26.08.2024]
@uncle pa: This is unadulterated propaganda: this woman is the lipstick and Putin is the pig.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [26.08.2024]
@Jarska: Russian propaganda paid by Kreml.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [26.08.2024]

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [26.08.2024]

623690cookie-checkSocial Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 27.8.2024
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