Social Stream News, X, Syntthel (W2k), Tok and more… – 29.6.2024

Conspiracy Revelation: Social Stream News, X, Tok and more… – 29.6.2024

Toby- The United Nations 🇺🇳 is Spectre,
City of London Financial Firms control most of the Banks in Brics nations, their natural resources in mining companies and development firms.BRICS is as Wikipedia is City of London’s investment strategy to build up emerging markets in economies under their control via Chatham/BIS…”

Ingmar Veeck
21 Std.
PLEIADI IS MY HOME 7 7 7 – THE A A I would say ….

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Ingmar Veeck
Antwort an
Sheep… NWO includes All. Chemtrails WBNSN Smart Dust is sprayed on every brain.

Ingmar Veeck
They don´t have other biosensors in Russia, China, USA or EU…. so fools believe in your stupid wars…they are all unified against your Biological Organism in unisono…

Ingmar Veeck
Chemtrails have all the same components, mainly the way Darpa/DoD wants it to have.,.,.all Russians are hooked to Pentagon A.I..

——- T R U M A N S H O W ———

Ingmar Veeck
Unbelievable that I have to repeat that for 2 decades and the Zombies still ignore it. A Bill a 5 years old can recapitulate, but not the Zombots.

Shepherd:it’s ridiculous when they call USA a democracy when both left and right wing belong to a bird called corporations.

@user9437830262913:sick leaders, sick politicians, sick corporations and sick society. you nailed it perfectly.

@ThanksN00bN00b:The American empire is crumbling and our leaders don’t see it or don’t care.

@bodok: The global police turns out to be the global gangster.

@eduyouthinit All Empires Go Down. They Can’t Exist Forever. #america #american #empire ♬ original sound – Edu & Youth Enlightenment-Init

Ingmar Veeck
Die stiefelleckenden übergesegelten NAZIs (includiert Bolshewisten und Zios), to the land of the non-free, die sich als “SOZIAL”ISTEN ausgeben, fragen sich, warum ich es mir anmaße (MAASSEN) (pun intended) INDEPENDENT zu sein.Laughable. ANTWORT: MUT und MACHT, die ihr nicht habt.
“Du hast repostet
Shadow Banned – Those Posting the very best of Truth! – Book mark & return – As required.
Who are the #CIA & #CFR? Includes History
If you don’t know why & how they Covertly terrorize you :-
Notice Big Issues are Never discussed!”

@shamfayaSrimad Ramayan 166♬ origineel geluid – Sham888

freedomgott2024: I know this mantra from the tonality. Kundalini too.
Vor 10Std.
“Srimad Ramayan 166 – Sham888”

@shareff1111 #shareff1111youtube ♬ FemBarca – Alexander McGrandalf

Ingmar Veeck
29. Juni
I could easily help you all to get rid of all ads… but you are not worthy, because you shun the masters.
28. Juni
What do you think of non-skippable ads on YouTube? 🤔

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Obscene. Symptomatic of an overly greedy company.
5:53 nachm. · 28. Juni 2024
Mal angezeigt

Ingmar Veeck
29. Juni
95% simply do not qualify for enlightened bliss and they are envious of something they could never accomplish due to their lack of integrity.
95 % erfüllen einfach nicht die Voraussetzungen für erleuchtete Glückseligkeit und sind neidisch auf etwas, das sie aufgrund ihrer mangelnden Integrität nie erreichen könnten.

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Aditya Pratap
12:31 29.06.2024
Harsh but necessary blackpill… simply put there is no leader out there who can lead the country…we say elect a clown expect a circus…what do you do when all of them are clowns eventually I feel a deal will be struck with DS, n India will become a western vassal, hate to say so
>train accidents
>terrorist attacks
>infra collapsing
>no public health care system (good)
>no public education system (good)
>falling squadron strength of Air Force
>modernisation still has a long way to go in the forces
>quotas at peak
>corruption at peak
Mehr anzeigen

21 Std.
> bridges are collapsing
> new buildings ask for maintenance within a year or two (paisa khana hai)
> roads are built, quality check is an issue
> death due to illegal hoardings
> water logging
> no proper drainage system
> dig up budget of municipalities and what work they do.

Indeed…lovely, every May again…

Ingmar Veeck
29. Juni
They would rather kill, torture, censor, shadow ban, ignore and crucify any True Bhagwan and worship him in stone and iron, instead of in real living flesh form, so sick, ignorant, envious, debauched, corrupt and demon-infested are most of the people since Iesus and before. Impossible for them to tolerate True Divinity in Flesh, too many Demons.
Sie würden lieber jeden wahren Bhagwan töten, foltern, zensieren, verbannen, ignorieren und kreuzigen und ihn in Stein und Eisen anbeten, statt in echter, lebendiger Fleischesgestalt. So krank, ignorant, neidisch, verkommen, korrupt und von Dämonen befallen sind die meisten Menschen seit Iesus und davor. Für sie ist es unmöglich, die wahre Göttlichkeit in Menschengestalt zu ertragen, sie haben zu viele Dämonen.

EMF Rebel⚡️
“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
– Nietzsche
Except radiation. That makes you weaker, by:
🛜 Accelerating ageing
🛜 Lowering testosterone
🛜 Giving you Alzheimer’s and cancer
#5G #EHS #ParentingTips #HealthyLiving

EMF Rebel⚡️
24. Juni
I don’t obey laws out of respect for the government, but to stay out of prison.
Any government that is complicit in the poisoning of its citizens, or that assaults them with deathtower radiation, can be considered a hostile foreign power.
#5G #EHS #ParentingTips #HealthyLiving

R E P E A T – R E P E A T – I will get you all Perps…

@faktenkompass Was denkt ihr drüber? #usa #deutschland #nato #military ♬ 十宗罪(治愈系) – 气质隆Sir

@hantaale This is who you arguing with #bot #hantaale ♬ Paris – Else

@allbreeddogshorts Discover Central Asian Shepherd Dog “Alabai” a very cute dog breed #alabai #alabaidog #centralasianshepherd ♬ original sound – All Breed Dog Shorts

@astrallegendstv Full Episode On YouTube at Astral Legends | Link In Bio 🛸 . . . . . #ufo #spiritualtiktok #spiritualawakening #greys #aliens #alien #greyalien #annunaki #pleiadian #spiritualtiktok #spiritualjourney #spiritualwarfare #abduction #alienabduction #bashar #gaia #ancientaliens #4biddenknowledge #astrallegends #scifi #conspiracytheories #boblazar #area51 #joerogan ♬ original sound – Astral Legends

@emerald.archives Was Atlantis a flying city? #storytime #knowledge #history #ancienthistory #atlantis #lostcivilization ♬ original sound – Emerald Archives

591150cookie-checkSocial Stream News, X, Syntthel (W2k), Tok and more… – 29.6.2024
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