Coronavirus Pandemic Update 82: Racial Disparities with COVID-19 & Vitamin D

“Coronavirus Pandemic Update 82: Racial Disparities with “COVID-19 & Vitamin D”
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COVID-19 Update 82 with Roger Seheult, MD of
There is an increasing amount of data that suggests that Black, Asian, and other minority ethnic groups are at an increased risk of COVID-19 deaths in the United States, England, and other European Countries. Dr. Seheult discusses how Vitamin D deficiency may play a role in this disparity. (This video was recorded June 10, 2020).”

Update: 16.6.2020:
“There is an increasing amount of data that suggests that Black, Asian, and other minority ethnic groups are at an increased risk of COVID-19 deaths in the United States, England, and other European Countries. Dr. Seheult discusses how Vitamin D deficiency may play a role in this disparity. (This video was recorded June 10, 2020).”

Conspiracy Revelation: 16.6.2020: India´s Death Toll rises and they have by far not so much sugar intake (200% up to 50% less than most other countries according to your stats..) So this might be an anomaly in your theory.
“International and UK data suggests that black Asian and minority ethnic groups are at increased risk for infection and death from Covid-19. We aimed to explore the risk of death in minority ethnic groups in England, using data reported by the NHS England. so how did they do that, let’s take a look at their methods nice thing about the NHS of course is that there’s easily able to get data and say
looked at deaths from the 1st of March up until the 21st of April of this year and they standardized the data looking
at the entire population of England to produce ethnic
specific standardized mortality ratios or SMRs for adjusted age and geographical region and so the data here shows that the largest total number of deaths in minority ethnic groups were: Indian and black Caribbean and that when they adjusted for region they found a lower risk of death for white Irish and for white British ethnic groups, but rather an increased risk of death for black African, Black Caribbean, Pakistani,
Bangladeshi and Indian minority ethnic groups.”

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