The New Germany and the Hollow Earth

„The New Germany and the Hollow Earth

„There is another Germany inside the hollow surface of our planet. This inner or New Germany grew from the first or outer surface Gemany, and both have full(but secret ) relations with each other.
According to the book „Genesis for the New Age“ by John B. Leith, the story begins in 1572 when 500 Germans from Sax-Coburg, including some Prussians and Bavarians were hired as soldier-mercenaries by the King of Portugal(Sebastian I) to build a fort and man a garrison up the Amazon River in a fight against the Spaniards. As they sailed the river they were fiercely attacked by the native Indians, and both the Germans and Portuguese and their families were forced to flee to the jungles where they came across a cave entrance which the Indians feared and fled from.
The new colonists made their home in and by the cave and eventually traveled further inward and downward into the caves’s passages ultimately leading to the Earth’s inner concave surface -which they reached in 1647. Along the way they settled into various caverns establishing six cities over a 3000 mile route and fought off mysterious cavern creatures who were as fierce as the Amazon Indians. The caverns or cities were connected by a crude wooden track system. By 1977 over 350,000 Germans occupied the inner Earth tunnel settlements which spanned from Brazil to the Australia-New Zealand midpoint.
In 1647, under Australasia, upon entering the inner concave surface, the New Germans met with the Atlantean/Atturians and the 30,000 year-old Bodlanders who were the ancient ancestors of the modern Germans. The Bods were extremely advanced both spiritually and technologically and decided to take their outer earth cousins under their wing and they became known as the Six Kingdoms of Saxony.
In the early 1700’s communication began between the inner and outer Germanys via a secret student exchange program which oriented each to the other’s doings, but it wasn’t until 1853 that concrete steps were taken towards deeper ties between the two Germanys. Engineers from both sides were engaged to shorten and improve the transportation tunnel systems with electric cars. The technological improvements helped to boost the underground German population to about ten million by 1900. During World War I, Americans became aware of a route from outer Germany to the Antarctic, but were not sure where it ultimately led to.
By 1930 some actual trade began with the two Germanys, and by 1936 Hitler had gathered enough evidence about the inner world to send an aviation team to explore it. The Bodlanders expected and received them, and their King later returned the visit. The King of Bodland warned Hitler and their Generals of their misguided war plans but the Third Reich went ahead anyways.
In 1938, German specialists, ordered by Hitler, penetrated the South Pole opening by air, and landed in the interior making contact with their inner Earth bretren who received them joyfully. Land was granted them for future settlement on the condition that they would relinquish their war-like ways and live under the peaceful tutelage of the inner Earthers. Hitler didn’t like this but accepted in 1943 after his war efforts started floundering. A thirty-year treaty was signed between Hitler’s Germany and the powerful Bodlanders who would oversee the influx and reorientation of the outer Germans coming into the New Inner Earth Germany.
By 1944, heavy construction was underway near Bodland to receive many war-torn Germans, most of whom used the Brazil train corridor to reach their new home. Scientists and other specialists in need used the quicker round wing plane through Antarctica to reach their new home. Hitler ecaped to Argentina by submarine and then onto the King of Bodland’s personal spaceship to the inner Earth capital. Hitler was accepted because he showed promise(albeit slow and painful) of rehabilitation, but some of his other cronies, as well as all evil or unrepentant Germans seeking asylum, would be of course be refused entry into the New Germany. A fake double replaced Hitler from October 1944 onwards. By the end of World War II, some 2.5 million Outer World Germans settled into the New Inner Earth Germany, and the influx continued thereafter.
The Americans caught on to the German’s activities and sent their own expeditions to the Inner Earth in the person of Admiral E. Byrd 1946-47, who led the way in a Falcon round wing aircraft. Byrd’s small 60-man army foolishly attacked the inner Earthers who promptly overwhelmed them and sent them back to their homelands. Russia, upon hearing of the American expedition, sent its own armada of 100 planes in 1947 but met a similar fate.
In 1948, a much better prepared single-craft expedition by the US followed which successfully mapped and photographed the Earth’s interior and had unique contacts with various races and crafts. Even pictures of dinosaurs and close-ups of the Earth’s „man-made“ inner sun were obtained, but of course, the results were kept classified.
Because of the superiority of the New Germany and the Inner Earth denizens in general, the post-World War II allied nations built bases on and around the polar areas as a means of study and as an early defense warning shoud these inner Earth nations decide to overtake the outer Earth.
In 1965, NASA did a complete detailed mapping of the interior of our planet, and in 1979 they confirmed that five continents, three large and two small, existed in the inner Earth. There are also seven oceans. Agartha, the largest continent is three times the size of North America and populated mostly by Atturians(Atlanteans) who came from Venus 33,000 years ago. Bodland, another continent, is populated(as of 1980) by 36 million Bodlanders.
By 1984 over half a billion people inhabited the Inner Earth surface, 60 million of which were Germans. 18 million lived in the New Germany and 1.5 million in the New Berlin. The New Berlin has all the conveniences of a modern city except they are non-polluting. A reformed Hitler remained president of the New Germany untill his death on November 12 of 1974, with his adopted, Dr. Hans Tirstherson(Adolph II), continuing in his footsteps.
The round wing plane, powered by the Earth’s electromagnetic field, was(and is) the key to military and technological superiority. It’s anti-magnetic motor propelled it at speeds of 30,000 miles an hour in any direction, and its weight lifting capacities were unlimited. It also had a laser offence and defense system. The round wing plane, with its saucer-like appendage is the prototype of the flying saucer. In 1975 its hull or metal construction was perfected so that it could travel unharmed into space. The USS Enterprise ship on Star Trek uses the round wing concept. By the year 2000 or beyond, the round wing plane is expected to to replace most conventional means of air and space travel.
In 1977, US General Edward D. Wright visits New Germany in a roung wing aircraft, and a US delegation exists in New Berlin since.
Since the 1960’s, the allied outer and inner Earth forces have been monitoring and patroling Earth’s skies and lands for disturbances from the erring blue planet Nagirth(2.5 times the size of the Earth) which is responsible for the massive climate changes our planet has been undergoing since.
The US has legal diplomatic relations with other planets in our solar system, particularly Venus, Mars, and Pluto,
The book stops in 1980, the year of its publication. Since then much has happened, such as the (apparent)fall of Communism and the reunification of the two Germanys(East and West). It would be nice to get the author’s latest input if possible -yet he has already explained much.
For more details read the full text below….
Personal Comments:
The hollow Earth is the true destination or home of man where true peace and prosperity abound. It is the Paradise or Eden of the Bible. The outer Earth is for rebel man who must fight the elements to survive -except during those brief periods known as Golden Ages when Inner and Outer Earth become one.
Througout history, outer Earth has been subject to catastrophes and invasions which have forced its inhabitants to seek refuge inside the Earth via caverns, tunnels, and the polar openings. Many(now numbering in the billions) have opted to stay in Earth’s protective mantle while others have moved further inward to occupy the planet’s concave surface.
Both good and bad inhabitants of all manner(human and non-human) occupy the Inner Earth. Most of the negative occupants will be found in the first few hundred miles beneath the outer surface while most of the positive inhabitants occupy the innermost areas, especially inwards of the planet’s gravity center which is 400 miles or more below the outer surface.
Entry or acceptance into the Inner World has its conditions, and not all qualify or are accepted. This is especially true of the innermost areas where strict laws are in place designed to protect the inhabitant and his or her environment. Here on the outer Earth anything goes and is the choice for those brave(but foolish) souls who have decided to basically take the law into their own hands. In the Inner Earth Paradise, pollution, violence, and negativity of any kind is not tolerated and anyone who shows such tendencies will be reprimanded, confined, or even expelled to the outer Earth. As evidenced in the above book, all expeditions of negative intent were quickly dealt with and prevented from infecting the Inner Earth environment which must remain basically pure and pristine. It’s like the inside of your body which will expel any impurities to the surface.
Many peoples the world over found refuge within the hollow earth during the last two World Wars and many more will do so during the calamities to come. Some will make it on their own or in groups but the vast majority will be airlifted by the saucers or round wing planes which have been perfected by various outer world nations in the last 60 years or so. Preparations have actually been going on since then to receive many millions(or billions) more in the troublous times ahead. Something tells me Gernany is not the only nation with its counterpart in the hollow Earth. It may well be that ALL nations are represented. Who gets to live in this eternal summerland, however, is another matter. Imagine having REAL DUAL CITIZENSHIP on planet Earth! Now I know what the term „Insider“ really means! May you and your loved ones be counted worthy to be among such.“
Source: conspiracy/newgermany

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4 Antworten zu The New Germany and the Hollow Earth

  1. Lee Manning sagt:

    I was once invited to New Berlin, via an embassy in Sydney. I should have gone

  2. Lee W Manning sagt:

    I was worried that I might get fed to reptilians , or become some kind of slave labour on Mars, never to return ….

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