The Illuminati have certain people assigned to focus on spiritual power…the Collins family has been very powerful witches. Women are spiritually very powerful in the Illuminati, and some women in the Illuminati are very important in planning and making the rituals successful. I write this because those Illuminati members who are part of the spiritual section of the Illuminati are going to be better informed than other sections. (Fritz Springmeier)

The Illuminati have certain people assigned to focus on spiritual power…the Collins family has been very powerful witches. Women are spiritually very powerful in the Illuminati, and some women in the Illuminati are very important in planning and making the rituals successful. I write this because those Illuminati members who are part of the spiritual section of the Illuminati are going to be better informed than other sections. (Fritz Springmeier)

26550cookie-checkThe Illuminati have certain people assigned to focus on spiritual power…the Collins family has been very powerful witches. Women are spiritually very powerful in the Illuminati, and some women in the Illuminati are very important in planning and making the rituals successful. I write this because those Illuminati members who are part of the spiritual section of the Illuminati are going to be better informed than other sections. (Fritz Springmeier)
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