This Car Is Powered By Salt Water: 920HP, Top Speed 217.5 MPH, 373 Miles/Tank

„This Car Is Powered By Salt Water: 920HP, Top Speed 217.5 MPH, 373 Miles/Tank“

„Back in 2014, the Quant e-Sportlimousine, which is a salt water powered car, got an approval for use on European roads. This could be a sign that the Oil Cartels are losing the energy war. Since the early 1900s, the Oil Cartels, have been harassing and silencing alternative energy inventors who pose a threat to the Oil Cartels. One of the greatest alternative energy inventors that they silenced was Nikola Tesla.
Unlike traditional cars that run on gasoline, the Quant e-Sportlimousine runs on an electrolyte flow cell power system made by NanoFlowcell that has the ability to generate an astonishing 920 horsepower (680 kW). This salt water powered car can go from 0–62 mph (100 km/h) in 2.8 seconds and has a top speed of 217.5 mph (350 km/h). The Quant e-Sportlimousine is built by the German company Quant. Alternative energy technologies, such as the electrolyte flow cell system, will become more mainstream as the new paradigm emerges.“

Copnspiracy Revelation: 1.5.2019: 369369369..Tesla…Infinity….Kundalini…
It works just like a hydrogen fuel cell except that the liquid used for storing energy is saltwater. This isn’t far from the water powered car, an idea labelled as a conspiracy by many despite the massive amount of evidence behind it. You can read more about that here.
In this case (saltwater) the liquid passes through a membrane in between the two tanks, creating an electric charge. This electricity is then stored and distributed by super capacitors. The four electric motors in the car are fed electricity which makes it run. The car carries the water in two 200-litre tanks, which in one sitting will allow drivers to travel up to 373 miles (600km). Overall, the four-seater is 5.25 metres (0.4ft) long, 2.2 metres wide (7.2ft), the 1.35 metre (4.4ft).

„Nanoflowcell AG is the company behind the design, and they are currently preparing the technology for mass production.“
„‘We’ve got major plans, and not just within the automobile industry. The potential of the NanoFlowcell is much greater, especially in terms of domestic energy supplies as well as in maritime, rail and aviation technology” – NanoFlowcell AG Chairman of the Board Professor Jens-Peter Ellermann.“

162320cookie-checkThis Car Is Powered By Salt Water: 920HP, Top Speed 217.5 MPH, 373 Miles/Tank
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