Tesla Teleportation System long overdue…

“Former US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, time-travel pre-identified U.S. President, releases “100 Proposals – A New Agenda for A New America” in Truth, Reform, and Innovation – Proposes Global Teleportation System
Former US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, time-travel pre-identified U.S. President, releases “100 Proposals – A New Agenda for A New America” in Truth, Reform, and Innovation – Proposes Global Teleportation System
VANCOUVER, BC – In a March 11, 2016 statement from his campaign headquarters at Charlotte, North Carolina, independent U.S. Presidential candidate Andrew D. Basiago, a whistleblower and former U.S. chrononaut and Mars explorer in the U.S. governments top secret teleportation, time travel, and Secret Space program from the early 1970s to the mid-1980s, released his platform in the form of 100 Proposals easily accessible online at
Breaking with the addiction of mainstream Presidential campaigns to performing for the mainstream media, the New Agenda for a New America outreach is to the Alternative media like NewsInsideOut.com, stating:
Alternative Media
The President should shun the mainstream media as incompetent and embrace the alternative media.
Tesla teleportation: A global teleportation system
One of the most visionary and planet-transforming of the 100 Proposals is the following Proposal in Innovation:
Tesla teleportation:
The President should set as the nations chief technical goal achieving global teleportation.
On his visits teleporting from the year 1972 to a DARPA forward time base in the year 2045, Mr. Basiago has stated he found teleportation to be commonplace in the year 2045 on Earth.
Among the primary requirements of an advanced space-faring species that has graduated from war and money as two of its social preoccupations is a global teleportation system, this reporter’s research has found. Global teleportation eliminates the costs of transportation of people, products, and services and promotes the emergence of an advanced planetary peaceful, moneyless society.

Karen D. Kinnison, communications director of Mr. Basiago’s campaign says, “I am overwhelmed by the substance and clarity — and quantity! — of these proposals. They are well composed, educational, enlightening, bold and very well designed and executed. I have seen nothing of this stature from the other candidates.

a live television address ending the ET cover-up; Presidential policies for open ET contact; Transparency on NASA and the U.S. government’s Moon and Mars programs; Declassification of the Secret Space Program and Secret Treaties with ET races;

The New Agenda for a New America proposes that the President lead a global abolition movement to free the world’s 27 million slaves; Banking reform ending predatory practices; Banning spraying of chemtrails; Dismantling the Police state in the US by repealing Patriot Act and NDAA, and uphold Posse Comitatus and Second Amendment. FEMA camps closed permanently. Defense forces used only to defend country and prohibit crimes against humanity …
Protect integrity of human genome… End police brutality….

Oppose transhumanism; One-half of defense budget on peace economy; Religious tolerance; Medical ethics and right not to be vaccinated; Legalize drugs and begin war on addition medically; Bill of Rights protections to foreign nationals in US; Military justice in U.S. district courts…

Setting off this Innovation with Tesla teleportation: “The President should set as the nations chief technical goal achieving global teleportation”, Mr. Basiago goes on to propose a series of Innovations that will return the U.S. President to being a steward of the planet, rather than a facilitator of genocide and ecocide. Mr. Basiago proposes an upgraded electrical grid security against an EMP event; energy independence via solar and wind; cold fusion research; Crash effort to find new energy sources…”
Source: 2016/03/andrew-d-basiago-time-travel-pre-identified-u-s-president-releases-100-proposals-new-agenda-new-america-truth-reform-innovation-proposes-glob

55290cookie-checkTesla Teleportation System long overdue…
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